i checked out the demo, and simming.. my QBs are throwing really high INT numbers... Love threw 7 ints in 1 game and 6 in the other... ended with a league high 29 ints. ok so i let Love walk, drafted a high OVR 88 QB , and same problem.. 9 TDs 10 INTS thru 6 games.. 4 in 1 game.. while the 4 ints arent un-realistc , the amount being thrown per game by all QBs in the game seem to be really high... then the occasional 0TD 0INT games... the in-balance is odd. The draft 88 OVR QB has a 91 Accuracy 87 Intel... Goff however has 12 TD and 0 INT... Allen 10 TD 1 INT.
I have changed some of the gameplans and strategy around , nothing seemed to matter..