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Audio Suggestions & keyboard shortcuts

PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:48 pm
by drummerJ99
These apply to both games, college and pro. But as someone who likes to stream video content while playing my suggestion would be allow us to mute certain aspects of the audio instead of all audio at once. For example I'd like to be able to hear buzzer, whistle and the make/miss sound effects but the rest I don't really need to hear. It's not a huge deal I just loaded each sound file I didn't want into Audacity and silenced the audio and then exported again. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to have some audio sound affects without having all of them. Then again...maybe I am. LOL

Another suggestion would be to allow us to set the keyboard shortcut for pause/play. Right now it's "control" for play and "backspace" for pause. It'd be nice if we could set those to both be accessible without moving your left hand on the keyboard. Something like "space bar" for play and "control" for pause. Or even allowing us to set our own.

Anyway, just some suggestions. More wishlist items for future releases, neither of these are big deals right now.