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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:29 pm
by abziani
Hi everyone. I have bought the game and I have been enjoying it a lot.
The only small thing I should that could be changed is the number of RPG the new seasons is having. I simulated many random seasons with generated rosters and only 4 or 5 players got more than 10 RPG. Is there a way to increase this number?
I tried to change the pace of the game but it looks like anything happens. I tested in multiple files.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:33 am
by Gary Gorski
Are the total team rebounds looking low as well? Are FG% too high for each team? If there is an issue with individual rebounding statistics I need to know where those additional rebounds should be coming from - are there too many makes? is the mix right but there are not enough shots being taken? are there the proper number of rebounds but they are too spread out?


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 12:32 pm
by abziani
Today (January 25th) there are 13 players averaging more than 10 RPG in NBA
I simulated another season on DDSPB 24 and in the end of the season there were only 6. In other save games I simulated more seasons and the nember was always about 6 to 8 players.

About the teams the top team (Celtics) get 47 RPG and the last one (Wizards) take 40 per game
On DDSPB 24 the top team had 47 RPG and the last one 40. So the number is the same.

I believe the problem is not the number of rebounds but the game is not generating very good rebounders so the number is "divided" by other "normal" players.
I can see that on the players attributes. The top rebounders who get more than 10 RPG have something about 90 on defense rebound attributes and around 60 on offensive rebounds. None of the players has higher numbers.

I hope it can help you Gary