Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby cmw2clemson » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:39 am

Hello All,

I've been playing the DDS CB 24 beta for a few hours now.

I love a lot of the interface and UI but have some concerns/questions.

It seems there is no way to access your school dashboard/roster/stats/depth/strategy/schedule when you are in numerous other screens of the game, such as: Your Office, Inbox, Recruit Players, Standings, Tourney Watch, Almanac, etc. I find my self having to click into the Practice Plan to get that header bar of Dashboard through History to come up. Otherwise I have to click Teams, then my Conference, then my school to get to the Dashboard.

Additionally, the Tourney Watch screen is really cool to see your Quadrant 1-4 results. But it seems like your Net ranking should display somewhere on this screen (perhaps in the empty space in the header after "NCAA TOURNAMENT WATCH").

Last thing, On the Play/Sim screen, it shows your next 3 upcoming games/dates, but when you run the sim it no longer shows your 3 upcoming games/dates making it more difficult to anticipate your game result you are about to sim through (again seems like their is empty space available to show this like the 23 version in the header after "NCAA/CONFERENCE DAILY SCHEDULE").

Not trying to complain, just had some thoughts/feedback.
I love this game and really appreciated the help I received after inputting my wrong email address when ordering the game.

Thank you,
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Re: Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby NCAAhoops » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:20 am

#1 You can get your Dashboard by click your team logo on the left side of the screen by "Select User" with your coach picture.
#3 Has been reported, I believe its been being looked at.
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Re: Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:46 am

As NCAAHoops said you can always click on your team logo next to your coach's face to go back to your team's dashboard and then can navigate to the other team specific screens from there.

The reason you can't access the team specific screens from a screen like the standings (although you could click on any team name on that page and be taken to the dashboard for that team) is that its setup to navigate like visiting a website. If you go to ESPN and look at the college basketball standings you see the standings with clickable team names that if you click then you are taken to a screen for that team where you can access that team's roster, schedule, stats etc but you can't access that information from just anywhere - you have to be looking at a team specific page to do it.

If there were links for roster, stats etc shown on every page who's roster would you be going to if you clicked that link? Your roster? The last team you viewed? When you load up a team through clicking on a link for that team or choosing a team from the team selection popup then you're viewing a specific team so the links for roster/stats etc take you logically to that information for that team.
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Re: Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby cmw2clemson » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:46 am

NCAAhoops wrote:#1 You can get your Dashboard by click your team logo on the left side of the screen by "Select User" with your coach picture.
#3 Has been reported, I believe its been being looked at.

Amazing, can't believe I didn't figure that out lol
I think I clicked every other possible space trying to figure it out.
Thank you,
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Re: Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby cmw2clemson » Sat Mar 02, 2024 1:10 am

Gary Gorski wrote:As NCAAHoops said you can always click on your team logo next to your coach's face to go back to your team's dashboard and then can navigate to the other team specific screens from there.

The reason you can't access the team specific screens from a screen like the standings (although you could click on any team name on that page and be taken to the dashboard for that team) is that its setup to navigate like visiting a website. If you go to ESPN and look at the college basketball standings you see the standings with clickable team names that if you click then you are taken to a screen for that team where you can access that team's roster, schedule, stats etc but you can't access that information from just anywhere - you have to be looking at a team specific page to do it.

If there were links for roster, stats etc shown on every page who's roster would you be going to if you clicked that link? Your roster? The last team you viewed? When you load up a team through clicking on a link for that team or choosing a team from the team selection popup then you're viewing a specific team so the links for roster/stats etc take you logically to that information for that team.

The new update with the Staff/Roster/Depth/Strategy buttons right below the team logo by the coach picture is awesome, thank you!
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Re: Difficult UI Navigation to the Dashboard

Postby ChiefBob7 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:25 am

Agreed! Those buttons are amazing!
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