Solid Game

Solid Game

Postby WarEagle13 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:48 pm

I just want to throw a congratulatory kudos out to Gary and everyone involved in bringing this version to light. A big thank you to the beta testers as well as mod generators.

This hands down has to be the most solid first access, and possibly the most solid version of this game that I have played and I have been around for many versions.

The new UI and added features are outstanding. Seldom do you get a product such as this that brings so many hours of entertainment throughout the year. I easily spend an hour per day average throughout the year playing...some days many hours, some days not at all. But at an hour per day average for the year it equates to a very modest 0.10c (ten cents) per hour for the price. Can't beat that :)

If there is anyone out there on the fence that may be thinking about getting it, I would highly recommend it. I truly don't think there would be any regrets.
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