Hi, first I want to congratulate the team for making this game. I'm hooked to it since summer and I can easily say that this is the best basketball manager game I have played (and I helped with database for one European commercial title when I was younger)! If you have time, please give some answers/comments on following...
1. The thing i like so much is that the game is definitely the hardest to manipulate to gain advantage. The only thing I can think as cheating is when I'm able to offload very bad players (quality vs salary) at the end of the season when other teams gain some cap space. For example like getting cheaply good veterans with high salaries and long term contracts for a year, but at the end of the season when their attributes drop, I just offload them to other teams for free. Yes, in real life they all want 80 overall player for 3m, but nobody wants 36 years old 56 overall for 20m. I think that this can be easily solved by banning to give players for free when they are so bad that even a 2nd pick for him is to much. If other team can actually use that played, then it's ok.
2. As a statistician myself and ex amateur player who still has some income from basketball, I like macro picture. I can't tell that I coach games, I simulate them, but like to micromanage depth and some other things. The only thing I disable is player interaction, because I want to focus on stats and simulation, not to babysit players. I learned that I can do better depth schedule than AI who is rigidly stick to position and has a tendency to force worse players. For example if I have 3 players with similar overall attributes for 2 positions, I would micromanage depth, so I can divide those 96 minutes relatively equally. So, let's say 30 minutes for all + some garbage time minutes for players at the end of the bench. AI would give 38 mins (even more in PO) for 2 players, then 10 mins to equally good 3rd player and then will go down to the best player for that position to give him 10-12 min, even if he is 40 overall player (but the only one on that position on bench). Btw, is there some position penalty and if there is, can you explain how? I don't look for positions, just for attributes and tend not to move player to far away from position (for example a SF with good shooting and rebounding I play on both SG and PF positions when I need him there). Is there some penalty for playing PG on C position for example (of course attributes are not suited well, but I mean just because one is labeled as PG, other as C)? I mean is position just cosmetic label? Also, what about height? Does it mean something or it's just cosmetic also?
3. One of the things i like to manage is shaping players from strategy page. I look at floor range, attributes and then try to match it with ball actions. I thought that attributes have uniform distribution, obviously with 80, 90+ ratings being very good. Then i noticed that my superstar center (Wemby) starts to get like 6 asst on average (even 15 one time like elite point guards) with what I thought very average passing ability (64). Then I went to player search screen and noticed that while there are more than 100 players who have inside scoring rating of 90+, there are only 3 with passing of 90+. Actually my center is top 40 passer in the league. The reason why I'm asking is because I noticed that my team has fewest 3pt attempts in average. That's because I was reshaping my players to take less drive and pass actions and outside shoots and to concentrate on strength (I thought that 70 of passing or 3pt is average or little above average, just like inside scoring). I have good results anyway, fewest 3pt attempts, while almost all good players are in green on most areas on shot chat.
4. Is there some guide about attributes and how they work? Like deep explanation of every attribute. Especially I'm having doubts about scoring attribute in conjunction with 3 shooting abilities (inside, midrange, outside). Is it ok to assume that higher scoring players will take more shots, so if one player has like 95 in scoring ability, while other has like 60 with other attributes the same, they will have same percentages on average, just that 1st player will have many more shots? That's how I understand it right now. Scoring like distribution of shots inside one team? If I'm right, that means that in theory 2 same teams with same players with only exception that all players from team 1 have scoring ability of 100 and 2nd team all with 30 in scoring ability, will be equal on average? I'm also interested in explanation of passing and endurance ability.
Once again, thanks for this great game.