Reconsider adding deeper data for game Analysis

Reconsider adding deeper data for game Analysis

Postby rasp30024 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:08 pm

I have started to play in some online leagues. What I have observed once the preseason is over things start to slow down as the game restricts or limits data that makes working with strategy a bit more fun. As a new player to these leagues I have a weaker roster. This alone should not be a reason I lose game but also my play calling. It would be very helpful if the game provided offensive formation/plays and defensive formation/plays in the game log. I tried to watch the game a manually parse the data, but I just do not have enough time in the week to dedicate to this. For those that enjoy trying to win by out smarting our opponents, through understanding their tendencies or changing our game plans up this would make the game soooo much more interesting.

I mentioned this in one of the online league forums and someone said there was resistance to do this as gives some people an unfair advantage. I would respectful counter this with two arguments. First you are providing the data in the “watch the game” and this gives those that have more discretionary time with an undo advantage. Second is that in the real-world teams have staff that review game film, document this, and provide the data back to the coaching staff to help with planning. I would submit that this is not an advantage it is part of the fun and enjoyment of the game to use the data to make the game more strategic. In one of my leagues there are people leaving because it just does not hold their attention during the season and this was their reason. I am hoping this will be reconsidered. Thank you for listening.
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