Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby rawr123456787654 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:52 am

With the season coming to an end and summer on it's way, I'd imagine development is something that y'all will start to look at sooner rather than later. Because of that - and because playoffs have some ideas floating around in my head that I don't want to forget - I figured I'd start up a topic now that other people can contribute to.

1: Playoff stats.
- Right now every player's playoff stats are recorded individually on there page, so why not go a step further and tally this into an overall data base? In records under almanac right now you can view single game records, single season, and career, it would be awesome to have post season added to that (as well as to individual team history pages). Some of the NBA's most enigmatic players have made their legacies in the post-season despite never being particularly flashy regular season, and it's always cool to follow along guys passing up some of history's greats.

- It would also be cool to see this expanded for coaches. Currently, when I look at the head coach (Kevin Loughery in the game I've got open atm) it has his record, and then playoffs made plus total championships. That's cool, but ultimately something that's easier to understand just looking through his team history anyways. Instead it would be cool to see the coaches overall playoff record there, which is something that's actually impossible to figure out otherwise without having backed up your previous save files, and would help flesh out the hiring process.

- Also in a similar vein, for a team's history it will either be blank, say 1st round, 2nd round, conference finals, finals, or championship. It would be cool to have the post-season record here, like "Kings: 1st round [0-4]".

- I think one other small thing here would be perhaps making the Career Bests & Achievements into three columns, adding playoff highs for points, assists, rebounds, blocks, and steals as well.

2: The Almanac.
- What a dope tool. I think it's one of the coolest aspects of the game, both for watching your league grow and develop as well as for learning basketball lore in general. These are a bunch of small ideas that I think would improve things here, and by no means a reflection that it's bad/not useful.

- viewtopic.php?f=262&t=28431 this. It'd be neat to be able to click on guys and seamlessly see their pages.

- Also, for player history (for retired guys); as of now, it gives you his seasons played, but no other personal info on him. This is a big part of why my idea about saving copies of each season (elaborated below) is kinda useful, you can check the last season they played and go back to that year to look at their page, but for the history page it would be cool to just see at the very least things like university, year entered, playoff stats, etc.

- This might be hard to pull off, but it would be sooo cool to have a page for games. Highest scoring combined games, biggest deficit loss, largest single scoring quarter, etc. I know this might not be interesting enough for a category in the almanac by itself, so I suggest instead to turn records in team history into three columns and to have it there for each individual team.

- For coaching, as of now when a coach retires they disappear from the wins/losses/etc column. Not sure if that's an intentional move or just a hiccup, but it would obviously be sweet if they could not disappear. Would suggest maybe active coaches in all CAPS like how scoring is measured if you're worried about differentiating things. Also, as talked about above, I think it would be sweet to be able to see coaches all time playoff records here too. Would be cool to see player's all time playoff records while we're at it!!!

- I strongly recommend giving us the option to inaugurate our own players into the Hall of Fame/retire their jerseys with teams via commissioner. You can do it via manual input, but it would be so much nicer if we could just do it in game. Also, coaching/exec hall of fame?

- These two ideas don't fit into the almanac per se but they're my only stat/game system related suggestions so I'll just put them in here. Assists and bench game time. Assists are the only stat I think that is typically underrated in the game. I think it's hard to define what is an assist for this game based on how movement and the like is handling by the simulation and I can only guess it's like, okay this pass and now he has to score within x amount of movements/frames, so if possible I'd say just bump that up ever so slightly if possible. Right now in my league, four guys are averaging over eight assists per game and only one in double digits; eight did so this season, with five of them in double digits. Would be happy to share my save files over the course of a few seasons if ya wanna look at anything, though I'm sure y'all have ran plenty yourselves. Meanwhile, bench rotation is always strange, with a ton of dudes averaging between 35-38 minutes a game despite having pretty solid benches in place. I'm guessing because of how stamina works or something even when they start to get tired they're still good enough to outplay the guys on the bench, or something? I've dabbled with changing coaches bench preferences on AI teams and not much has changed. I dunno, small complaint, but something I thought about for sure and figured was worth mentioning.

3: Realism
- So this game is an awesome system that's super in depth and has a ton of replayability. But what're some ways to enrich that? Just some ideas off the top of my head.
- Revamping the news system/fixing it. It would be cool to filter through this giant list of things to look at specific teams, specific date ranges, or specific types of news (ie a trade, impressive games, ugly games, injuries, random other things). Small things like the twitter bar on the side of 2K or the news system in Out of The Park go a long ways for these kinds of sort of barren games and can help fill the lack of graphics. Huge huge huge would strongly recommend this over almost anything. Right now, I don't even use the news section - bring it to life! I'll totally help and volunteer for writing out random stories based on certain stat values or scripts for trades based on whether it was pretty even, one team got screwed, it was unexpected or a long-time player, etc and other things along the lines of that nature, just let me know. This idea of breaking news for milestones viewtopic.php?f=262&t=28122 is cool too.

- Firing coaches midway through the season/sales of a team starting mid-season. This sort of goes along with the above (the sales part anyways - Jeanne Buss is considering selling the Lakers would pop up in say January/February, if you're the GM of the Lakers you're suddenly thinking like oh crap hopefully I keep my job) and would just liven things up. I think the firing a coach part is especially realistic, as I've had to do that just myself in a few seasons where I've seen some -ugly- coaches absolutely destroy what could've been playoff teams because sometimes the AI hires really crappy coaches because I imagine they simply can't find a good one in that short window and settle with someone mediocre.

- Understanding the assistant coach. I assume their stats and preferences impact the game in some manner (though truthfully, I've no clue what they do, and it's usually something that I pay little attention to when it comes to staff hiring) so it'd just be sweet to understand that more. Some suggestions include naming them specific roles (in the beginning of the season you can assign one guy to work on specifically offensive sets because he's great at playmaking, one guy is more defensive because he handled the team advance scouting reports and would understand the other team's play signalling better, etc. Other ideas regarding this would be phone calls/emails from these guys about your players or others news; Jabari Parker seems to be jealous of the limelight Giannis has been receiving, how do you want to handle it? 1. Try to talk to him and calm him down 2. I'll handle it. 3. Ignore it. James Dolan has been seen around the locker room, apparently asking players if you're worth keeping around next year. 1. He has?! I'll talk to him as soon as possible. (Try to mend things). 2. Thanks for letting me know (ignore it). 3. Ah man, I should talk to the players and make sure everything's good (Focus on the locker room over concerns for your job). Etc. Maybe I'm just really lucky, but right now chemistry is one of the things I'm typically least worried about because not that much impacts it. Events like this are small and more fluff than anything, but seriously go a long way with game immersion and bringing the league to life.

- More executives/team guys. This has been a great season for understanding the value of your team beyond players and coaches. The Spurs doctors apparently messed up. Boston's doctors almost -certainly- messed up last season when they let Isaiah keep playing, while meanwhile the Suns doctors are heralded as the guys who "keep your career going" (Grant Hill can testify) with their level of excellence. I think a team physician, a team head scout, a head of business operations (elaborated below), and an assistant coach for specifically player development would be awesome here. Also brings in more room for hiring former NBA guys which is always so cool to me when you see random NBA players still involved in the league, both in real life and the game (I get hype if one of my former players enters that coaching pool).

- This is probably difficult and might be hard to factor into things, but a relationship value for you to players, staff, and owners would be cool. Like, if I meet expectations with my owner we have a good standing relationship, he'll be more likely to cut me some slack if things go bad. If I follow through with promises made to a player he's more likely to sign good deals with me - if I traded him in the past, he might carry a grudge and not want to re-sign with the team. Small but falls into this category, could be giant in the long run.

4: New Game Options & Flavor + Other Optional Gameplay Mechanic Ideas
- Another idea, something that I incorporate a lot -because- you guys used to do this, is bringing back default real coaches for teams. Maybe some people could care less, but it's really neat to me to have guys like Red Holzman or Al Attles in game. This ties into the data-before-1976 (which I think you guys used to do? Maybe I'm wrong) aspect, but it's sweet for immersion sake to watch your coaches rise and fall versus the greats of the past. I know it's probably really hard to do that for every year - I've got a tailor made file for 1976 and would totally help out trying to accurately do it for each year - but if that's a stretch, I think at the very least aim for some big book marks. 1976, 1988, 2000, 2010, 2018 maybe? Food for thought.

- This is something I do and it's pretty cool, especially once you've gotten pretty far along. As of now, I'll save my file the day before "Draft Lottery" as "2017 - 2018" or whatever season it is, that way I can go look back at all the games and such. I know that it's hard for the game to automatically keep records altogether in one save because of size and such, so could you maybe program a way for the game to do that to a folder for your save file, if you so choose? Ie, you enable "Save-by-Year" and the game makes a copy of each season and places it into a folder that you can load, delete, edit, or do whatever you want with as you so choose. Or at the very least you should make it so the draft lottery happens the day after Game 7's - cause right now my method only works in 6 game series! (I'll usually just save before Game 7 in this case, just losing the record of Game 7 forever).

- The business ideas discussed here viewtopic.php?f=262&t=28137&p=200976&hilit=business#p200976 which you mentioned were in the game in the past. Could be something decided when starting a new game? I for one would love to have these added in, I think it brings flavor and depth, but I could see why some people would choose to opt out. Would help define your relationship with the team owner and expand upon their roles a little more (are they here to win? to profit?) which would be sweet as well.

- Last, but not least, I think this game needs a manual. I'd be happy to help out with things as much as I can, and I'm sure a lot of other guys in the community would too - so let's do it this summer! Would be great for bringing in more new players.

Oh, and while it goes without saying, just a heads up - I loved 2018, it was by far the most engaging iteration yet and I still find myself playing at least once or twice a week - can't wait for next year :). Hope others contribute as well, it's gonna be a dope playoffs! Warriors over Toronto in 6 don't @ me.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby BB Brand » Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:30 pm

I agree on the manual. OOTP has a pretty good one. It doesn't cover everything, but a lot of questions are answered, making the game easier to play. Typing my questions in a forum then waiting days for answers is not a good selling point.
2P%, 2PA and 2PM would be great. I don't know why that's not standard in real life boxscores. FG% is used which encompasses 2 and 3 point FG%. There is 1 screen that I've found in this game that has these stats, but it has to be dug for. Putting these on every screen that shows stats would be nice.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Lalblc » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:00 pm

I have said this before but give us the ability to edit the Floor Range of players when we edit them. That would be very good for realism cause some are outdated and players change up their style from season to season li for example Nikola Vuchevic on the Magic shoots three pointers now.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Lalblc » Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:50 pm

The 2D screen when the players are moving should be more like NBA 2K Sim cast live them players should always be moving instead of stop move stop move
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Lalblc » Sat Apr 21, 2018 6:06 pm

I would love to see more defensive strategy options for example how tightly you guard someone like Tight,Moderate,Gap,Deny Ball.
Also different options like

Double team on perimiter
Double team in the post
Double team on catch
Double team on drive
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby SirMichaelJordan » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:08 pm

-Ability To set Offensive Sets in Coach's Profile in Editor.

This is needed especially for historical play. Coaches ran a specific system back in the days. Phil Jackson should be running out of the Triangle with the Bulls and Lakers.

In the coach's profile, there should be a slider for how often the team run out of sets like it the game has now but the only thing that missing is the ability to set how much a coach runs a specific set in the editor.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:53 pm

By all means fill up this thread with your suggestions - will definitely check it out as development commences
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Lalblc » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:59 pm

Give players a rating that determines how good they are at staying out of foul trouble.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby BB Brand » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:23 pm

Lalblc wrote:Give players a rating that determines how good they are at staying out of foul trouble.

I just learned that the "discipline" trait serves this function.
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Re: Suggestions for Next Year [Others - contribute!]

Postby Lalblc » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:30 pm

BB Brand wrote:
Lalblc wrote:Give players a rating that determines how good they are at staying out of foul trouble.

I just learned that the "discipline" trait serves this function.

I don't see that anywhere.
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