"Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:38 pm

Brooks, I've brought this up seems like a couple of times, and I can't seem to communicate exactly what I'm asking for, but I'll try again -

In my sandbox league, I'm mainly running things to get stat results, to see where I want to modify things, whether player ratings, different gameplans, maybe overall advanced league setting modifications, etc, so it's great to be able to modify things on the fly. For instance, last season I ran, I really detected about halfway through the season that QB completion percentages were way low. I do a global +10 to QB Acc, and without having to start the season over, i had the back half after the change to compare to the first half, and saw my global edit achieved my goal of better completion percentages league-wide.

This is not about that specifically - this is about one of the other scenarios where I want to mod things to see new results to compare to the old ones - specifically, modifying gameplans.
In order to properly do this, I am continually finding myself banging up against the same wall, same limit - I cant modify all aspects of my coaches. I'm basically stuck with the coaches the game seemingly randomly assigned to my teaams. I'm not sure exactly at what point the coaches are generated or assigned, but since we can modify every single attribute about players, why not coaches?
Specifically, we cannot modify a coach's "Style" - so if I want to truly see the effect of, say, changing from a Balanced style of coaching and calling plays to a Conservative one, I can't edit my OC's style to do this.
Please make a coach's Style editable - if we can change a coach's Offensive/Defensive Philosophy, why the heck are we froze out on their Style?

Have I finally made myself clear on this issue, or just further muddied the waters? As I look back at what I just spit out here via my keyboard, I am chuckling to myself that it is almost certainly the latter...sigh...brevity is a skill I need to seriously start pursuing...
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby brooks_piggott » Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:56 am

I think I added style to the coach edit options for the next patch.
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Re: "Can Be Fired" Not Selectable

Postby regenerator » Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:12 am

I really love my wandering, multi-paragraph posts answered by your single sentence responses. But hey, that's more time for you to write the code for the game, so fine by me!

Pls put this feature into next patch - I have been frustrated time and again by not being able to set a team's playbook/play calling style/gameplan bc I can't edit all of the coach's features, nor can I fire the coaches and hire new ones who have the playcalling style and type that I specifically would like for a certain team, without creating a playbook from scratch for each team'

I'm really kind of amazed I'm the only one who seems bothered by this...
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