Postby Boomer » Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:56 pm

[bI am posting with the hope that people on here that have witnessed me at my worst after being irritated with something not addressed in the CF2020 game, can witness me before I "blow my lid" when I see things that in my opinion should not occur! I sincerely apologize for losing my cool and showing my a#$! First rule online---"DON'T HIT SEND". :o posting.php?mode=post&f=314#

I know virtually nothing about computers and so know nothing about how hard any of the things that I have brought up would be to do (I only know that I have seen it done on other games)! As far as the penalty issue, I would like to communicate what I think would really add to the existing game. I'm assuming with this that the player is actually "playing out" his/her game play by play (single player)!

1: When a penalty occurs why not have a yellow penalty flag be thrown (shown graphically on the bottom left corner or any other place that is convenient)! Just show it appear as a yellow "flag" going straight up in the air and falling back to the ground. This makes you aware that there is a penalty to be considered on this play.

2: Let the play develop just as any other play would be decided! There is natural "drama" because the penalty can potentially have a TD called back OR have a sack turned into a first down or many other outcomes and decisions that have to be made.

3:Accept/Decline penalty. This is the phase that if the penalty is against the other team, you have to decide (after being given the two options) whether to accept or decline the penalty. If the penalty is against you, the AI would then decide whether to accept/decline the penalty.posting.php?mode=post&f=314#

It is my humble opinion that this would add existentially to the game! :o ][/b]

If nothing else happens, I hope that everyone that I offended will accept my sincere apology!

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Postby brooks_piggott » Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:09 pm

The engine won't support that at the moment and I'm not sure I'll be able to do it in CF21. In PF21 we allow people to accept/decline a penalty, but they have to do it when the penalty happens before the play is recorded since we don't have a way to "unwind" all of the stat tracking and play results that occur if someone was to accept a penalty that nullifies a play. It means they see the result of the play and a penalty prompt, but then they possibly see the action on the field play out. It's not optimal and if I come up with a way to code around it I will, but it may be a much further in the future type of deal.
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Postby Boomer » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:44 pm

Thanks for the effort you're giving this! If you can make this happen along with a few other minor things (I think!) you're well on your way to the "pedestal"! I've got a lot of ideas about HOW to make these games more realistic. I've had an idea for years to put a little more drama in the games I've played!

During "crunch time" (last 2 minutes of 1st half and last four minutes of the game) all plays that end exactly on the "yard to make" for a 1st down calls for a "measurement"! Using random #'s 1-10----7 out of 10 the first down IS made! However 3 out of 10 it is "inches short". Do you go for it on 4th and inches?

The same concept could be used at the goal line for ALL TD's OR on the other end for safeties. Think about it---30 seconds to go in the game, you're trailing by 3, and you run an off tackle play on 3rd down that is stopped right at the goal line! It was found to be inches short of the goal line and the go ahead touchdown. It is now 4th & inches and you have to make the decision: Do you kick the FG and go to OT or do you go for the win right now and go for the Touchdown?

These kinds of decisions have to be made regularly on Saturday and Sunday afternoons in the fall.

Again--Thank you for looking into the penalty situation! Put a little thought into the above idea as well!

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Postby Boomer » Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:53 pm

Brooks_Piggott wrote:The engine won't support that at the moment and I'm not sure I'll be able to do it in CF21. In PF21 we allow people to accept/decline a penalty, but they have to do it when the penalty happens before the play is recorded since we don't have a way to "unwind" all of the stat tracking and play results that occur if someone was to accept a penalty that nullifies a play. It means they see the result of the play and a penalty prompt, but then they possibly see the action on the field play out. It's not optimal and if I come up with a way to code around it I will, but it may be a much further in the future type of deal.

Thanks again for looking into this, Brooks! Just a thought from a computer idiot----how hard would it be for stats to be the very last thing accrued before moving on to the next play? If that could be done, it leaves everything "on the table" to happen on ANY play and the stats to remain accurate!

Thanks, Boomer
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Postby brooks_piggott » Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:10 pm

The game doesn't calculate predetermined play results, it moves players around on the field based on speed, agility, strength, height, weight, etc. So if a tackle is made a foot short, it's a foot short.
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Postby Boomer » Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:02 am

Brooks_Piggott wrote:The game doesn't calculate predetermined play results, it moves players around on the field based on speed, agility, strength, height, weight, etc. So if a tackle is made a foot short, it's a foot short.

Brooks, I disagree with the above statement. The game's current current measure is by yards! You can gain 9yds or 10 yds.---but you cannot gain 9 yds & 2ft. That is not in the current game.

You can see the impact by your last sentence above. Just imagine winning OR losing a game based on that foot.

I'll just accept that it is "major" to make this happen!

Thanks again,
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Postby brooks_piggott » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:17 pm

If you gain 9 yards and 2 feet, you only gained 9 yards in the stat display. Internally the game tracks it as 29 feet gained. But I'll check and see if the "inches" is displaying as it should.
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Postby Boomer » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:41 pm

Brooks_Piggott wrote:The engine won't support that at the moment and I'm not sure I'll be able to do it in CF21. In PF21 we allow people to accept/decline a penalty, but they have to do it when the penalty happens before the play is recorded since we don't have a way to "unwind" all of the stat tracking and play results that occur if someone was to accept a penalty that nullifies a play. It means they see the result of the play and a penalty prompt, but then they possibly see the action on the field play out. It's not optimal and if I come up with a way to code around it I will, but it may be a much further in the future type of deal.

After thinking more about this, I may have made the issue of penalties worse! The option of accepting/declining penalties is based on the results of the play! Check examples below, PLEASE!

Example #1 1) Situation: You possess the ball 3rd down and 7 yards to go.
2) Play: You call a "sweep" that gains 5 yds (there's a flag "penalty" on the play)!
3) Penalty: "Offsides" on the defense (5yds).
4) Accept the Penalty: You possess the ball 3rd down and 2yds to go OR
5) Decline the Penalty: You possess the ball 4th down and 2yds to go.
You would obviously ACCEPT

Example#2 1) Situation: Opponent possesses the ball 3rd down and 17 yds to go.
2) Play: They run a "TE drag" (there's a flag "penalty" on the play) that gains 5 yds.
3) Penalty: "Offensive Holding" on the offense (10yds).
4) Accept: Opponent possesses the ball 3rd down and 27 to go OR
5) Decline: Opponent still possesses ball BUT the situation changes to 4th down and 12 yds to go.
You would probably DECLINE this penalty to force your opponent to punt.

These are the options that I'm talking about that happen multiple times in every game that is played! Whether you accept or decline a penalty HAS to be based on the result of the play! There are some (personal foul) penalties that are done IN ADDITION to the results of the play.

If you can't Make this happen, you can't make penalties work correctly!

Thanks, Brooks! I do see that you are REALLY trying.
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Postby brooks_piggott » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:27 pm

Yes, this is the system that is in PF21.
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Postby Boomer » Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:08 pm

Thanks, Brooks! Looks like you're on your way!
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