22 request (get offer and counter trades)

22 request (get offer and counter trades)

Postby Cleasby » Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:53 am

Really like the get offer button in the trade area. It is certainly a big step forward for those of us who play single player.

However it is very frustrating to click through all 29 teams for a player to then do this multiple times for additional packages or players.

Please can you consider a way where you can add pieces and players into a deal and get offers for all teams that does not require as many click? Maybe it sends an email to you like the a.i does if it offers you a deal outside of the trade office.

I know ootp has a method which has far greater trade detail options but there is a simple get offers button that sends you every offer teams will make for that package based on your demands etc. So adding something like this would go a long way to removing the frustration of extra clicks when trying to wheel and deal in the trade markets in single player.

Also if there was a way for the a.i to counter deals that would be great. Especially when the a.i puts big names in the trade block. I have yet to see any material name traded between a.i to a.i and it is next impossible for the human player to put any package together to not get the standard 'best player in the team' despite the a.i putting said player in the trade block.
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Re: 22 request (get offer and counter trades)

Postby Honny118 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:12 pm

I second this. Also should be great if multiple players and/or picks can be shipped in one go.
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Re: 22 request (get offer and counter trades)

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:30 pm

I have noted your suggestions

One thing to mention on trades though - the trade rules do make it more difficult than say in a game like OOTP to make trades. Because of salary matching etc there are many times where a deal just doesn't work for that reason alone in addition to trying to match talent. One thing that I have purposely at this point chosen not to mimic is teams giving away star players for far less than their value because I do not want the AI to operate like that as it will make it too easy to win trades. I do not know if I will venture into this in PB22 as these kinds of trades are becoming more common though (ie Harden)
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Re: 22 request (get offer and counter trades)

Postby Cleasby » Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:47 pm

Gary Gorski wrote:I have noted your suggestions

One thing to mention on trades though - the trade rules do make it more difficult than say in a game like OOTP to make trades. Because of salary matching etc there are many times where a deal just doesn't work for that reason alone in addition to trying to match talent. One thing that I have purposely at this point chosen not to mimic is teams giving away star players for far less than their value because I do not want the AI to operate like that as it will make it too easy to win trades. I do not know if I will venture into this in PB22 as these kinds of trades are becoming more common though (ie Harden)

Yep noted on the salary point. Simply a button where I can get trade offers for one group of players and picks would suffice than clicking 30 times down each team.

Yeah I am not suggesting star players should be dealt by the AI easily despite it being more common (usually of the player is unhappy or not winning which could be a nice trigger). I think the issue I have is if a team puts a star on a block it is borderline impossible to even see what they want for that player and therefore makes it hard to understand if he is available or the a.i simply does not like his huge contract.
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