The Phenom

The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:07 pm

My name is Dunphy Nomakowski. Being who I am, since my early teens I have insisted that people call me Phee. When the right situation arises I let them know that this is short for Phee Nom! Yep, that's how I roll.

And I AM a phenom! I'm a skinny kid who managed, at 5'4" tall to be the starting Point Guard on my high school hoops team during my freshman year.

I did a damned good job, too. By my senior year I had grown to 5'9", and I made All State here in Massachusetts. My Springfield High team won the state championship that year.

Then I was off to Boston University, and I was a phenom there, too. I started at PG all 4 years and we won our conference the last three, and during my senior year we made it to the NCAA 2nd round as a #13 seed, and lost on a half court prayer in that game.

I had always been a coach on the floor at BU, and at the end of my senior season Coach O'Riley offered me a job as an assistant. After the first year the Coach at Kennesaw ST, in Georgia, retired. As it happened the A. D. There had been Coach O'Riley's roommate in college, and they had remained very good friends. Coach strongly recommended me for the Head Coach job at Kennesaw ST, and after a long process, son of a gun, here I am!

I got the feeling that a couple of guys turned the job down before it was offered to me, but why should I care about that? I'm here!
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Re: The Phenom

Postby PointGuard » Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:35 pm

Hmmm..I think all PG's are Phenoms! :cool:
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Mar 31, 2021 3:46 pm

May 1: Press Conference: "Coach Nomakowski-"

"Hold it right there. I'm new here so you don't know this, but I go by Coach Nom, Phee, or Phee Nom. Those are the names I answer to. Go ahead."

"Coach, you've been on the job for three days. What have you done so far?"

"Great question. First, I've gotten together with my three assistants. I am very grateful that they all agreed to stay on. We talked about the roles each of them would play, my philosophy about input from assistants, what we'll run on O and D, a little about recruiting, and I picked their brains about the kids who will be on the team next season. I feel lucky to have these three; I think we're going to work together very well."

"So okay, what are you going to run on O and D?"

"On O the Owls were running mostly Princeton and triangle against the man, and we're gonna keep doing that, and of course run zone offenses against the various zones. We're going to try to have both an inside and an outside presence, and we're gonna work hard on moving without the ball, setting picks, and that kind of stuff. We'll use some sets and we'll go free wheeling at times. On D we'll go man more than half the time, and we'll play some 2-3, and some 1-2-2. We'll only press when we need to, and when we do it will be a man to man press."

"Why only when you need to?"

"Pressing uses up a lot of energy and it gets fouls called. I went my best guys there as much as possible and I don't want them either tired or in foul trouble. If we're behind late in a close game we'll press. Otherwise we won't except once in a great while."

"And what's your philosophy about input from your assistants?"

"I have three who were here last year. They know the school, they know the kids. I plan to listen. We'll create our practices- what we do, how much time we spend on different things, all a that, together. My bench coach, Tanner Sitt, will have the most input there, but I'm a listener. During games, Sitt will be right next to me and I'll be listening."

"Coach, you've got a pretty strong personality."

"Is that a questions? ... Never mind. Let's just say I believe in myself. I believe I am a phenom, and that people will see that-"

"Hang on, Coach. What does that even mean? The Owls have won 27 games in the last 5 years, total, and they won three last year. So does winning 5 games mean you're a phenom?"

(Laughs) "Not the way I see it. The ASC is a 9 team conference. I won't be even partially satisfied unless we both finish in the top half, which means 4th or better, AND have a winning record, which the Owls have not done in 8 years. Better days are coming, and they're coming right away."

"How in the world are you going to do that!"

"I'm going to do that by getting to know my players, and getting to know their strengths and how to use them. I'm going to do that by making sure my kids are the hardest working kids in the conference, maybe in the country! I'm going to do that by working harder than any coach alive. I'm going to do that by making my kids believe in themselves, believe in me, believe in the other coaches, and believe they can do great things."

The press conference went on for quite a while longer but those were the highlights.

We bought the Basic Southeast and the Basic Atlantic East scouting reports.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:33 am

6/25: We're not going to any camps. Saving our money for recruiting.

6/26: Recruiting starts today. We'll stay in state and close to in state. 3 scholarships. We'll go 2 bigs and a guard or 2 guards and a big.

A few details. I live in temporary housing provided by the school. I will be moving on 7/1. Found a little apartment in Decatur, about 12 miles away. I wanted to be far enough away that I wouldn't be living surrounded by students. The apartment is on the second floor of a private home. It's small, but I'm alone so there's plenty of space.

Still single at age 23. I'm afraid I always will be. Why? First, I don't go anywhere where I might meet someone. Second, basketball takes up all of my time. I wouldn't have much of anything to offer a wife because I don't expect that to change. I'd like to have a family but it probably wouldn't be fair to the family.

7/25: Several recruits are talking to us, the three in state guys we're going after and a couple in nearby states. I'm hopeful. But then I'm always hopeful. I know I'm a good "salesman" and I'm selling these kids on the future, and on how they can be a part of something right at the beginning, as we turn this program around. They seem to be hearing what I'm saying. And my recruiting coach, Ben Flet, is doing a great job, too.

8/21: We offer to the 3 Georgia kids, a PG, an SG, and a C.

9/4: Practices don't start until 10/2 but I watch the guys in the gym. They have "Captain's practices" and just shoot around, have pickup games, and things like that. All of that is legal and I'm allowed to watch through the windows as long as I stay out of the gym. Looks like I've got two good players, PG Reg Hayd, a junior, and PF Renaldo Mert, also a junior. C Rick Sage, a soph, looks like he will be an asset. After that it's slim pickins. But this is about what we can expect from a team with a Team Prestige rating of 5. It will come down to how coachable the rest of the guys are. If they listen and if they work hard enough, we'll be fine.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:03 am

9/18: We drop one of the guys we offered to. It's not going to happen. Now we're going with an SG, a PF, and a C.

I told our A. D. I wanted the weakest non-conf. schedule possible. I want wins, and that's the best shot at getting them.

Ever since the semester started the guys have had mandatory study halls 6 days a week (not on Saturdays), and they all have both an academic advisor, and tutors in whichever subjects they need them for. The study halls give me an opportunity to get to know the guys. I attend every one, and spend about 5 minutes talking with each player. I don't want to take them away from their studies for more time than that but it's been a great way to make connections and to begin to form the relationships. They all drop into the office as well, and that helps, too.

9/25: We got 2 of the 3, and the other one has us at #2. We got a real gem, an SG rated at 10t, and a PF, rated 168. I'm really pleased and working like heck at getting the C.

10/2: Got the 3rd recruit, a C, #262, but he's better than that. I'm staying in touch with 2 other recruits who are still interested. Ya never know...

At long, long last today was the first day of practice. We've got our work cut out for us, but the guys definitely all seemed to be listening today.

We looked good on O. They've definitely been studying the playbook and they seem comfortable with all of our sets.

I'm a defensive coach first and foremost. The guys looked solid in m2m and in the 1-2-2, but they were less than good in the 2-3. That's a pretty easy D to teach though so I think we'll be okay by the time the season starts.

11/14: We start tomorrow, at home against Alcorn ST. We've really been hyping the team all over campus and all through this part of Georgia. I'm hoping for a big crowd.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 4:59 am

11/15: 94-90 over Alcorn ST here. What a game. We were just short of a full house at the KSU Convocation Center, 4,442 fans; capacity is 4,792.

After about 5 minutes of back and forth we took a lead we never relinquished, but every time we threatened to put them away they came back. The lead got as high as 16 in the first half and when the half ended it was 12.

They were really beating up on us inside and I made some adjustments at the half, going to more 2-3, but that's not a strong D for us, and they continued to be the stringer team inside. They outrebounded us by 14 for the game, and their starting PF and C combined for 47 points and 14 RBs to our 23 and 13. Fortunately, we hit 11 threes, and that was the difference.

In the last few minutes of the game they narrowed the gap and even got it to one with 93 seconds left, but we hit a couple of threes and then hit our free throws at the end.

PG Reg Hayd led us with 20 and 6 assists. SG Shawn Sand had 15.

Coaching a Div. I team in a real game was an unforgettable experience, and the win felt terrific!

Next up is Alabama ST, also here at home.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 2:43 pm

11/18: 76-68! We're 2-0!

Post game press conf: Q: "Coach, the game was even at the half. What did you say and do in the locker room?"

Coach: "Well, I saw that their guards were killing us; one of them had 12 and the other one had 10. They'd hit 8 threes, and their SF was hitting outside shots, too. I told the guys we'd go with the 1-2-2 most of the time in the 2nd, throwing in a man now and then and pressing every 10 or 12 times just to throw them off and mix it up. It worked! On O our bench was real hot so I decided I'd play Joel Dens at guard, and Gary Owen inside a lot more, and they both stayed hot in the 2nd. "

Q: "You gave up 90 the other night and only 68 tonight. What changed?"

Coach: "Our kids are learning the defense we're gonna play, and we were able to go with not much 2-3, which we're still not playing all that well. I think 68 is a good number for us. Not sure how often we'll be able to do that, but keeping the other team in the 60s is something we're aiming at."

Q: "Coach, you won with balanced scoring and with solid bench play tonight. Talk about that, and do you lack a go to guy on offense?"

Coach: "Yeah. Balance and bench play were definitely the keys tonight. As to a go to guy, let's see how that plays out over the course of the season. We're trying to develop our inside game on O and if we can do that it could really make a difference."

Q: "Coach, you got 28 rebounds the other night and 42 tonight. What changed?"

Coach: We worked on that. Didn't like getting out rebounded by 14 and I let the guys know that it was unacceptable. I just said we're working on our inside game and that means scoring, D, and rebounding. It may take some time to get consistency with all of that but we're working hard and my kids have shown me, in practice and in games that they're willing to work hard. That will make good things happen."

Q: "Coach, this team won 3 games all of last season. You're 2-0. Thoughts?"

Coach: "I'm a PHENOM!!! (laughter) Seriously, it starts with belief. If you don't believe you can do it I don't think any amount of planning and work can overcome that. The planning and the work are vital but the belief is even more so. From the day I first met everyone of these kids and everybody who works with these kids my message has been, 'We can do great things!' I lead with that message at every opportunity, follow it up be emphasizing that it takes hard work and mental focus, and we go from there. Our minimum goal is to finish in the top half of our conference this year, which KSU hasn't done in many years. Our top goal is to win the conference and then the conference tournament, and go to the NCAAs. KSU has never done that. Not guaranteeing that it'll happen in year one, but we're not saying it can't or won't happen."

Q: "Coach what happens during a time out, and what happens before the game and at the half."

Coach: "During a time out you guys see that I briefly huddle with my staff. We talk about what i will tell the players, then I do the talking. Before the game we review the game plan and go over our goals for the game. We always have some particular goals for each game. At the half, just like with a TO I start by talking to the coaches as the guys hit the bathroom and all that. Then I do the talking with the players."

Q: "Coach, tell us about the goals for the game."

Coach: "They're based on what the staff thinks we need to do to beat this particular team, as well as things we've been working on. Doing a better job with the 2-3 has been a goal for both games and will be again for our next game. The guys coming back, and everybody who is getting minutes is a returning soph or junior, didn't play 2-3 either last year or the year before so they're still learning how to play it at the Div. I college level. They'll get there."

Q: "Coach, your next game's on the road, for the first time. What are you thinking?"

Coach: "I'm thinking the road is tough. Everything's different, the crowds against you, the surroundings are unfamiliar. We're working on addressing all of those challenges. We're on the road for a game, back home for 3, then it's 4 straight, and 7 of 8 on the road. I don't expect to win all of those games but if we're going to be a decent team we'll need to win some of them. My cure for everything is to believe in ourselves and to work harder, so that's what we'll do. Thanks everybody."
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:06 pm

11/22: 72-71 at Coppin ST! 17 lead changes, 7 ties, never more than a 6 point difference in the score. PF Ren Mert hit both ends of a one and one with 7.2 left and that gave us the win. Mert led us with 21 and 8 RBs. 6 other guys had between 6 and 11 points. C Erik Sage had 11, 8, 3, and Gary Owen had 10 and 10. +8 RBs.

The bench has really given us a boost so far. Gary Owen inside, and Joel Dens outside are really doing good work for us.
We have now matched our win total for all of last season.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:11 am

11/25: 95-70. We were unbelievable tonight! We led by as many as 36. PG Reg Hayd led us with 21, 6, 5 and only 1 TO. SG Shawn Sand had 16, 4, 7. C Rick Sage had 13 and 9. +20 RBs. 12 TOs. A near perfect game in front of our first sell out crowd.

We're 4-0!

Gary Owen, Soph PF/C: I'm playing my ass off and only getting like 15, 16 minutes per game. Gotta talk to coach.

11/26: Gary Owen: Coach says he agrees with me and I can expect to see more minutes. I told him all I want is a chance and he said he's giving it to me. Now let's see what I can do with it. Fair enough.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:11 pm

11/29: 93-80. Crazy game! We were down 16 early. After calling two time outs my guys finally settled down and we cut the lead to 3 at the half. We just took off in the 2nd, building the lead to 18 before they made a little, meaningless run at the end. Ren Mert led us with 17, 6, 3, and 4 steals.

Gary Owen, who is really playing well coming off the bench, had 19 and 4. Only 10 TOs.

5-0. I know I'm good, and yes, I AM a phenom, but we're even exceeding my expectations.

Gary Owen: I took that chance that Coach gave me. I'm hoping he'll decide I need to start, but that might take a few more good games. Working on it.
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