Updated NBA Rosters

Updated NBA Rosters

Postby hansmellman » Sat May 08, 2021 8:40 am

After picking the game up yesterday just made some changes to bring the database up to date with current trades etc.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/cms1i8uxpupcc ... on.db?dl=0

That's the link for it, it will replace the default playercreation database though, so this will be the new default database when selecting to start with real players.

You wanna put it into Windows(C:)/Wolverine Studios/DDSPB21/app/data and it should ask to overwrite the original file, just select yes.

If you're on Steam then you'll need to find where the original file is in the Steam directory.

Just fired up a save with 76ers and havent encountered any issues so far but let me know if you use it and theres any issues. I'm by no means an expert but enjoy tinkering with this stuff.

EDIT: Link has been updated with new database to reflect buy-out players having correct contract info - Thanks to Rizzo for the heads up.


Last edited by hansmellman on Sun May 09, 2021 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby Chris » Sat May 08, 2021 9:34 am

hansmellman wrote:After picking the game up yesterday just made some changes to bring the database up to date with current trades etc.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/dacki46hc0yiu ... on.db?dl=0

That's the link for it, it will replace the default playercreation database though, so this will be the new default database when selecting to start with real players.

You wanna put it into Windows(C:)/Wolverine Studios/DDSPB21/app/data and it should ask to overwrite the original file, just select yes.

If you're on Steam then you'll need to find where the original file is in the Steam directory.

Just fired up a save with 76ers and havent encountered any issues so far but let me know if you use it and theres any issues. I'm by no means an expert but enjoy tinkering with this stuff.



Thanks for putting a community file out there
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby hansmellman » Sat May 08, 2021 11:20 am

No problem Chris, Happy to do it and hopefully people can get some enjoyment from it!
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby cdcool » Sat May 08, 2021 4:30 pm

hansmellman wrote:After picking the game up yesterday just made some changes to bring the database up to date with current trades etc.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/dacki46hc0yiu ... on.db?dl=0

That's the link for it, it will replace the default playercreation database though, so this will be the new default database when selecting to start with real players.

You wanna put it into Windows(C:)/Wolverine Studios/DDSPB21/app/data and it should ask to overwrite the original file, just select yes.

If you're on Steam then you'll need to find where the original file is in the Steam directory.

Just fired up a save with 76ers and havent encountered any issues so far but let me know if you use it and theres any issues. I'm by no means an expert but enjoy tinkering with this stuff.



Outstanding! I bought the game yesterday as well and to see Harden and Rose where they don't belong was disappointing.
Thank you!
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby kicknbuckets » Sat May 08, 2021 8:07 pm

Thanks for this, man. Makes such a difference to the game.

Would you be able to share how you did this? I'm sure 99% of people are going to be over the moon with the downloadable file, but there have been a fair few questions in the forums on how to go about creating/updating the rosters but there doesn't ever appear to have been a proper answer from the developers.
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby hansmellman » Sun May 09, 2021 3:49 am

Sure, I can give a basic overview. If you just want to move the players to different teams for trades then it's fairly simple.

You'll need a piece of free software like DB Browser for SQLite or SQLiteStudio (Gary recommended this one) to open the database file, once you've opened it you will see that it contains 4 tables listed under the 'Database Structure'. These are Nonplayers, NonplayersOS, Players and PlayersOS it's my assumption that these are for coaches (nonplayers) and players when selected to begin at the start of the season (that's the one i've edited as I only ever choose that really) and the two with OS added on the end must be when the user selects to begin the season at the OffSeason (This has NOT been edited by me for this database).

Let's say you're using DB Browser as that's what I use because i'm a simpleton with little to no experience, you then want to open the 'players' table in the 'browse data' tab and you'll see all of the individual players with all of their unique information. It can look complicated and it is, if you dont know what everything does(I have limited knowledge of all fields after picking Gary's brains on it last year.) but basically to perform the trades you will need to change the 'TeamID' for the desired players, each team is allocated a number between 1-30 which you will see on the table, so to move someone from Boston (1) to New York (4) you just change their TeamID from 1-4, i also change the next cell along which just has a 3 letter team abbreviation like BOS or NYK but apparently that's not essential. Once you've made a change you'll need to click the 'Write Changes' button on the top task bar in DB Browser and it will save the details, I tend to do this frequently.

It can get a little bit more complicated if you're moving people from teams to free agency and vice versa as you'll need to update contract info/get rid of contract info or if you want to mess around with any contract info in general it's a bit more complicated but i've had a go just to see what's what.

I'd suggest taking a copy of your original database before doing any amendments yourself and storing it somewhere else, just in case for any reason the edited one doesnt work or causes problems, it will save you having to reintall the game to get a clean copy again.

If you're familiar with this sort of thing already then I'm sorry for the over explanation! I did most of this just by messing around with last years version a lot during the pandemic.

Hopefully that helps and if you've got any questions let me know
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby kicknbuckets » Sun May 09, 2021 6:16 am

Cheers for the explanation. I'd already had a crack at it with DB Browser but my logic was way off; I was messing about with the wrong databases like historic.db and then the .db file generated within an individual game's save folder, to no avail, obviously. I hadn't really considered that the game was "creating" the players and thus should be modifying the playercreation.db file. I'd incorrectly thought that was the data governing the creation of players in-game. I've dabbled a bit editing databases on some other games but this is handled quite differently.

I'm also in the simpleton camp but DB Browser seems to be fairly intuitive (when you have the right database open, of course). Now happily editing (and must remind myself to actually play a bit of the game, too). As a Raptors fan, I'm now very much looking forward to getting rid of Aron Baynes at the end of the year by not exercising the team option I've added into the second year of his contract. It's there in real life, in fairness... I'm not that harsh. Must now resist the urge to sabotage Kawhi.

Thanks again!
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby hansmellman » Sun May 09, 2021 7:19 am

No problem mate. Yeah I've found that just messing about is the key to getting stuff understood a little better, I cant claim that it being the playercreation.db was my intuitive knowledge, Gary actually told me that.

Ha ha that's the same as me, I'm in the database almost as much as I'm in the game. That's part of the appeal of the WS games for me though.

That's cool that you'd figured out the options, it took me a while to figure out which was player and which was team but I just looked up the players in real life who had different options and then checked their data.

One last FYI that Gary told me last year, I'm assuming it hasnt changed for this years version but each team can only have a maximum of 15 players otherwise it causes issues apparently!

Enjoy and good luck with The Raptors!
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby kicknbuckets » Mon May 10, 2021 3:00 am

It's cool that Gary seems to be willing to engage directly with fans/users of the game. I guess that's one of the perks of buying a game that's smaller in scale than those churned out by the big, faceless developers (EA etc.), where you're always going to get an automated response that doesn't even come close to answering your question.

I had the same approach for options... I follow the NBA pretty closely so luckily it has been pretty simple to find real world examples of things I'm looking for. But you can always just sort the columns, too, which I've found quite helpful. I'd incorrectly thought the numbers for options might be the number of years of the extension at first... Kawhi's 2+2, for example. When I found a '2' in the 2nd year of his options, I'd thought this might have been for two more years at that point, but then through trial and error realised that '2' was the code for player option, '1' for team option. Like you say, a bit of messing about and you can usually get to the bottom of something.

Don't suppose you've found where the draft picks are stored in the database(s)? Were you able to move them when you completed the Harden trade, for example, or did you just make sure the players landed in the right spot and nothing more (not a criticism; I haven't been able to figure out how to do it either, not without using the in-game editor and trade the picks with the commissioner; won't be doing that before every new game, that's for sure!)? I'm not sure if I've done something wrong but it seems that the picks haven't been assigned to the right teams even in the default database - for example, OKC should have a tonne of extra draft picks in the next few years but have nothing beyond their own. GSW should get the Timberwolves' first rounder at the end of the first season. Let me know if you know where to look, but I'm a bit lost on this one.
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Re: Updated NBA Rosters

Postby hansmellman » Mon May 10, 2021 9:51 am

Yeah any communication I've had with him has always been very friendly and helpful!

I havent found where Draft Picks are stored, I've just had a look around the other databases and it's not obvious, I'm not sure if those are just something that we are not able to edit ourselves. The changes I made would be the players to the correct team/fa etc and then contract amendments where needed (also if there are any glaringly obvious ones missed i'm happy to go back and take a look if people just comment/message me - Like Rizzo who pointed out some of the buy out contract info wasnt updated). I'm sure you could submit a support ticket and ask if its possible maybe? That way at least you'd know for sure.
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