

Postby Wayne23 » Sat May 15, 2021 8:16 pm

DDSCB 2021: I'm the Coach Hereafter

4/25: There's a lot to tell. I'll start with the basketball news and tell the rest as I go along.

Oh, one thing you should know is that I'm dead.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby PointGuard » Sat May 15, 2021 8:41 pm

Some of my teams have been dead on you're presenting a coach in that condition! :p
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sat May 15, 2021 8:51 pm

4/26: Game and Coach Settings:

Custom File, 1-10 Scale, no illegal recruiting, allowed to leave early. Recruiting Easy (Year 1 only, then Normal). Allow Conf. Movement. Injuries at 100%, Job Pressure Normal.

Coach: Jed Clark, 25 y.o., no dream job, Ambition Very High, Academics High, Discipline High, Integrity Very High, Temper Yellow with frowny face.

Philosophies: Player Preference 5, Rotation 5e, Pace 7k, Off. Crash Boards 8, Defensive Intensity 7, Def Crash Boards 100%, Full Court D 3, Zone D 3.

Skill Settings, Current/Potential: Off- 1/90, Def- 1/95, Scout- 56/95 (Scouting goes up VERY slowly, Player Development- 1/95, Recruiting Ability- 1/95.

Hired yesterday at UMass-Lowell, Prestige-4, Facilities-D, Academics-B-.

So here's a little of the back story. I'll reveal that as we go along.

It seems I died, after a long and decent or better life. Can't really remember a lot about it right now.

It turns out that when I died I was somehow transported to a room (Don't ask me how, I don't know.) In the room was what looked like a middle aged, sort of non-descript man at a computer. Here's how it went:

"Jed Clark, age 94."

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Call me, Pete."



"Um... as in Saint Peter?"

"As in Pete."

"So, I'm confused..."

"Everybody is. Here's how it works: I'm going to send you to a room, third door on the left. There's a computer in there. Take all the time you need. Figure out what kind of a life you want to live. Anything and everything is possible from living totally by the laws and rules you just left, to living some sort of a fantasy life of your own creation. Tell me what age you want to be, what you want to do with this new life, the physical, mental, and emotional make up you want to have. Whatever.
It's all on the form on the computer. Think it over carefully. When you come back to me, whatever you put on the form is what you get."

"I don't understand."

"Yes, I know. You have lived 50 lives. You can't remember any of them. This is #51. In this one the rules change. In the first 50 you got what you got. You lived the way you lived, mostly based on where you were born and what kind of situation you were born in. The first one, you were barely human; it was a long time ago. As time went on you lived life after life. Some were short some were long, some were in between. Sometimes things went well, sometimes, kind of good and bad, sometimes not so good, once or twice, horrible. For #51 you create it, set it up, then try to live it. Don't forget to set the Potential levels where you want them, and the characteristics, too."

"This is weird."

"Yeah, yeah. There's a video, with FAQs. Look at it before you fill out the form. It will explain everything, well the video and the FAQs will. If you have questions not listed in the FAQ section you can ask on the computer. Anyway, when you have all the information you need fill in the form and bring it back to me. I'll set you up."

Really, really weird. I think I'll tell a little more about basketball before I go on with this.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sat May 15, 2021 10:02 pm

5/1: I start the new job officially today though I've really been working for a few days already.

Recruit class #319, so that's not so good!

We're going to go with Flex and Motion on O, mostly man with a little 2-3, and a little 3-2. We will press only occasionally.

Judging by video we have two decent shooters, two decent big men, and two guys who should be able to get the job done at PG. We'll see about all of that later, of course.

We really have a poor budget. We'll buy the Basic Atlantic East scouting report, and we may go to the Big Apple camp.

I think I got lucky with assistants. They all seem to know what they're doing and seem to be easy to get along with.

6/25: We'll go to the Big Apple camp; just paid for it.

So I went to the room. Yes, there was a computer. I watched the video and took notes, but it was hard to believe what I was seeing. I watched it three times and I read all of the FAQs.

So I have free reign to design a new me, which can be as much like the current me as I want it to be and as much different as I want it to be. I then get to choose what age I want to start off at, and I live my life from there. I can "fast forward" through some stuff or just live it day by day. It can be an average lifespan or, I think, virtually forever with the option to terminate and start a new design at any point.

I took a LOT of time to think about what I wanted.

I was able to retrieve memories from the life that just ended. I learned how to do that from one of the FAQs and I'm really glad I did.

To shorten the narrative a little I discovered that there were three things I really, really wanted to focus on. Two were things I could have worked harder to achieve in this past life but really didn't, and one was not possible in that life.

I thought about what I wanted to change about myself. After a long period of thought I decided to stay basically the same but to ramp up my intelligence by 15%, and my determination by 20%. I went a few inches taller and in great shape physically. Not a body builder but lean and strong.

Okay, so the three areas of interest?

All of my life, the last one I mean, I had wished I could play the piano. I mean really play it well so that I could, obviously, read music, but also just sit and pick out a song from the notes in my head or from hearing it once if it was a simple song, 2-3 times if it was more complex. For stuff like Mozart and Bach, I'd have to go with sheet music but I'd want to learn enough to be able to play even the rally complex music.

Second, no surprise. I wanted to be a college basketball coach. I wanted to start as a decent player, good enough to be a 6th man or maybe even a starter on a mid-level college team by my senior year, but NOT good enough to go pro.

I also wanted to have first a mentor to teach me to shoot and to do the rest, starting when I was 8 or 9 years old, and then another mentor to teach me everything I would need to know about coaching.

Finally, I had always been interested in the universe and how it worked, what it looked like... So I wanted the entire new life to take place on a space ship that would explore space, starting next to home in the solar system and then moving farther and farther away. I'd bend the rules regarding the speed of light, but there would be plenty of time when we were just moving through space on our way to a new discovery. And there would be some surprise discoveries along the way.

So how would I manage the piano and the hoops stuff on a spaceship? Through a holographic chamber. I mean absolutely top quality so that not completely simulated reality to the nth degree.

Now that I had my plan I needed to bring it back to Pete.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sat May 15, 2021 11:23 pm

6/26: Recruiting: 4 scholarships. Probably go with 2 guards and 2 bigs; possibly 3 guards.

I found a condo to rent not far from campus. Been there since May 1, just never got around to mentioning it. (And yes, although the coach's life is completely lived in the holo, I want him to have a complete life.)

7/11: Having almost no luck with recruits.

A.D. Frank Barr has been very accommodating. Seems like a nice guy. He stops in every day to ask how things are going and to ask what I need. What I need is more money and better facilities, but he knows that. This is a small school and there's not a lot he can do. Hopefully we'll get a little help in the Spring but it may take a couple of years.

My secretary is extremely professional and has a great personality. Same is true for the Department secretary.

7/31: We have one recruit showing a little interest; that's it. Keep plugging away, I guess.

8/14: Still only one guy showing any interest.

8/21: We offer to only 2 players, a PF from here in MA and a PG from PA who is showing a little interest.

8/28: A PG from MD is showing a bit of interest so we offer to him.

I started this new life at age 8, for a couple of reasons.

First was the piano. My aunt lived next door to us at the time and there was a piano in her living room. She played a little. I changed this to have her play more in this life, and to be really excited about my interest in playing. We were too poor for lessons but she bought a book on how to play and worked with me 2-3 times a week, as I began to learn how to play.

Second was basketball. I had an uncle who was a terrific athlete, and basketball was one of his main sports. In real life he didn't care much about kids. I changed that and had him teach me basketball fundamentals. How to keep my elbow tight to my body, and how to **** my wrist and roll the ball off my palm and fingers when shooting. He taught me how to play defense with my feet, how to dribble properly, how to throw various fakes that would open me up to dish a good pass, drive to the basket, or take an outside shot.

As to space, I had the ship heading for Mars, to take a look at the planet and its two moons, Deimos and Phobos. It would be awhile before we got there but it was very cool travelling through space. The ship was more like a Star Trek ship than a 21st century ship.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sun May 16, 2021 10:22 am

9/18: We get one recruit! He's a PG, #121. We lose a big, over to another one.

I wanted an easy non-conference schedule and Frank got that for us. We want wins. That can impress recruits, show them you're building something.

9/25: We lost the in state kid. Offered to another PG.

10/2: We lose 2 recruits. Offer to 2 others.

1st day of practice. I think we'll do okay in our conference. We're not deep though. Injuries would really hurt, especially our inside game.

11/13: Season starts tomorrow. Here's our lineup:

PG: Senior Brett Joon is not much of a scorer but he can dish and take care of the ball. His D needs work.

SG: Soph Rash Thop: He'll score and dish for us, and he's a good defender. One of our best players.

#3 guard: Senior Lav Swoe: Dishes well, can hit the three, but not a defender.

#4 guard: Frosh Tony John: I should red shirt him. He's not ready. But I want the extra body, just in case.

SF: Senior Tom Jack is an SG but we're going small. He's decent at everything except scoring. Unless I get a surprise he won't help us much there.

PF: Senior Hank Fino is an SF, but he's our best bet here. Good rebounder, decent defender, but not a great scorer.

C: Junior Pete Andy. He can score inside and he can rebound.

1st big off the bench: Junior Cal Mill. Decent rebounder, decent defender, not a scorer.

2nd big off the bench: Junior Alex Murt: Not very good. Will play if someone gets hurt.

3rd big off the bench: Soph Juwan Lee: He can rebound.

4th big off the bench: Soph Josh Cobb: Not ready.

We're going to have trouble scoring points unless these guys surprise me. But we'll see how things develop over the course of the season.

I lived the life of an 8 year old for an entire year, visiting the holo as frequently as I could to practice and take instruction in both the piano and in hoops.

Aunt Emma was a good teacher but a little lax. Fortunately I was very motivated. She was especially good about technique and made sure my hands were in the exact position they needed to be in. By the end of the year I was reading flawlessly and not missing many keys. I did hit a clunker now and then.

Uncle Kip was a grouch but he sure knew his stuff, especially about shooting and D. By the end of the year I was probably as good a shooter as I was ever going to be, and I was consistent. I could hit free throws at a rate of about 8-9 out of 10. From the floor I was especially good at bank shots. I expected to play mostly SG and SF, but I could sub in at PG if needed. Kip didn't know that i would grow to 6'4" and I didn't want anyone to know that because I didn't want to play inside; didn't see that as a strength. Fortunately, I wouldn't hit a major growth spurt until I was 16.

Still travelling through space. I'll talk about life on the ship soon.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sun May 16, 2021 10:57 am

11/14: I haven't gotten to the part about how I learned to coach yet. That may be a long way off. For the moment just assume that I DID learn. Let's see how well!

86-81 in overtime vs. Fordham here! Down one at the half. The 1st half was back and forth but we were behind most of the time. The 2nd half went back and forth with 15 lead changes and 7 ties. We trailed by as many as 10 and 5 was our biggest lead. Quite the baptism by fire!

C Pete Andy led us with 20 and 6, and 3 blocks, with good D. SG Rash Thop also had 20, but his man out played him. 14, 8 for SF Tom Jack, with decent D. PG Brett

Joon had only 6, but he had 3 RBs and 7 assists.

Bench play was about even. -1 on the boards. WE had 14 TOs to their 21.

+14 points in the paint. +10 fast break points. +9 2nd chance points.

About 1,100 people were in the stands (1,089 to be exact.) Hoping a win will bring folks out for our next game. The program here hasn't had much to cheer about for a long time.

Campbell is here next. We don't know much about them. They look to the outside shot first but have a PF who can score. They press fairly often and play mostly man to man. They took very good care of the ball and rebounded well in their debut, which they won by 26. Let's see what happens!
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sun May 16, 2021 11:30 am

11/17: 100-75. Back and forth early. Then we go on a run and take the lead. Up 15 at the half. We owned the 2nd half with decent D and explosive O.

Rash Thop led us with 20, 4, 10 assists, and good D. 15, 5 for Pete Andy. 14, 4 for Hank Fino.

Good guard play, 25 assists on 34 buckets. 13 TOs. +6 RBs.

+12 on the break, +10 in the paint.

1,282 attended. Our capacity is 2,100 and I'd love to sell out most of our games.

Post Game Press Conference (Excerpts):

Q: Coach, you're 2-0 with a team that hasn't had a winning season in 7 years. Should River Hawks fans be optimistic?

Coach Clark: Well, our next three are on the road, and 4 of the next 5. Let's see what happens. But I can tell our fans that we're going to play some exciting ball., so yes, let's be optimistic!

Q: You've had no trouble scoring points, but you're giving up a lot of points.

Coach: It's all about scoring more than the other guys do. I love how we're scoring both inside and outside. Rash Thop's been hitting the outside shot and Pete Andy's been doing it inside. Cal Mill is getting some points from the bench. I've been pleased with our bench play. Hank Fino is playing really well out of position at PF, and the same for Tom Jack at SF. We're not big, but we're getting the rebounds. Joon isn't a scorer but I love the way he's dishing to the other guys.

Q: You're not having much luck with recruits.

Coach: I'm hoping that if we keep winning that will change. We really like the guy we landed, and we hope to add a few more, but it may take awhile. Patience is always a good thing in recruiting unless you're at a blue chip school. Our Recruiting Coach, Biko Parr, and I are working at recruiting every day. We'll get there.

We're at 1-0 Dixie State next. Their C is a real glass eater. This will be a good indicator for how good Pete Andy actually is. Their SF is also a big time scorer, so Tom Jack will have his hands full. This one looks like it could be close and the road is never easy.

Our recruit signed. Hoping to get 3 more eventually.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sun May 16, 2021 11:58 am

11/21: 94-90. We score the first 8. They come back and take the lead with 8 to play in the 1st. Back and forth. Up 1 at the break. I continue to be amazed at how many points we're scoring!

Rash Thop had a terrific game, 27, 3, 3 and solid D at SG. 12, 3 for Pete Andy but he was outplayed. We had to double his man late. Terrific bench play, 16, 3 for
Juwan Lee, and 10, 9 for 6th man Cal Mill, who hasn't had a bad game yet. We may need to look at giving him more minutes. 7, 4 for Alex Murt, so we're going deep into the bench.

The stats were close across the board.

Back up guard Lav Swoe hurt his knee. It's not serious but he'll miss a game, or at best see limited minutes..

Next up is 2-1 Houston Batfest, there. This another team with a C who can really rebound. They are really good outside. Thop will need to step up, as will Jack.

Living on a space ship, at least this kind of a spaceship, is pretty different. There's no free ride. My background in my last life was in statistics, so I'm working in that area. I'm mostly doing inventory, and predicting areas of surplus and possible shortage. The former is way below my skill level, but the latter is challenging and interesting, and it's important. We simply can't run out of anything we need. There's no way to go to a store and buy it!

I probably work about 30-35 hours a week, and yes we divide the time into days, weeks, months, years, using a 24 hour day.

The work schedule leaves me plenty of free time for the piano and hoops, and we still haven't gotten to Mars.

I have a very small living space. A bunk, a desk and chair, a shared bathroom (4 of us share it.). I live alone in my small room.

I do a lot of reading and I exercise every day in addition to my hoops workouts.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Sun May 16, 2021 11:58 am

11/21: 94-90. We score the first 8. They come back and take the lead with 8 to play in the 1st. Back and forth. Up 1 at the break. I continue to be amazed at how many points we're scoring!

Rash Thop had a terrific game, 27, 3, 3 and solid D at SG. 12, 3 for Pete Andy but he was outplayed. We had to double his man late. Terrific bench play, 16, 3 for
Juwan Lee, and 10, 9 for 6th man Cal Mill, who hasn't had a bad game yet. We may need to look at giving him more minutes. 7, 4 for Alex Murt, so we're going deep into the bench.

The stats were close across the board.

Back up guard Lav Swoe hurt his knee. It's not serious but he'll miss a game, or at best see limited minutes..

Next up is 2-1 Houston Batfest, there. This another team with a C who can really rebound. They are really good outside. Thop will need to step up, as will Jack.

Living on a space ship, at least this kind of a spaceship, is pretty different. There's no free ride. My background in my last life was in statistics, so I'm working in that area. I'm mostly doing inventory, and predicting areas of surplus and possible shortage. The former is way below my skill level, but the latter is challenging and interesting, and it's important. We simply can't run out of anything we need. There's no way to go to a store and buy it!

I probably work about 30-35 hours a week, and yes we divide the time into days, weeks, months, years, using a 24 hour day.

The work schedule leaves me plenty of free time for the piano and hoops, and we still haven't gotten to Mars.

I have a very small living space. A bunk, a desk and chair, a shared bathroom (4 of us share it.). I live alone in my small room.

I do a lot of reading and I exercise every day in addition to my hoops workouts.
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