
Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:55 pm

3/2: Early lead but they're hanging in. Up 6 after 10. PG Josh Mill is lighting it up. 16 point lead at the break. Our outside game is HOT! Up 15 with 10 to play.

70-62. They made a late charge but it never got closer than the final score. 17, 6 for Brad, 12, 3, 5 for Mill, 13, 10 for Cora. +13 RBs but 17 TOs.

We held them to 31.3% from the field. +12 in the paint.

We end the regular season at 26-3, 18-2, and we win the Horizon by 5 games. Ranked #8!

+12.6 PPG, +3.4 RBs, -5.7 TOs, 1st in the nation with 11.8.

It's an interesting season, nationally. No team has fewer than 3 losses.

Marc Brad leads us with 13.8 PPG, but Gaut Wall is right behind him with 13.6. Star gets 12.1, Mack 11.1 and he'll be 100% for the post season.

Star leads in RBs with 7.5 while Mack gets 6.0 and Cora 5.9, Wall 5.8.

Brad leads in Assists with 5.5 while Mill gets 4.7.

3/6: We play 9th seed Green Bay, 16-15, 9-11, in the quarter finals. We won by only a single point at their place and then by 11 at home so this team is no pushover. They have a very good PG, some good forwards, and a deep bench. We need to play D and turn them over.

Lacy continues to have an easy pregnancy but she's definitely showing, 6 months in, and she says she feels tired often.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby PointGuard » Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:44 pm

Wayne23 wrote:Pitch

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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:11 pm

3/7: The post season is such a special time. Yes, there's a lot of pressure but there's also a lot of excitement. Before the start of the game today we can play as many as 9 or as few as 2 games. For the first time ever I'm coaching a ranked team- highly ranked, and for the first time ever I feel like we could make a little noise in the Big Dance. But you never know how it's going to turn out.

Slow start for both teams. They go on a run. We're down 10 after 10. Big comeback. Down 1 at the break. This one's a battle. It shouldn't be and I'm not happy. Up 6 with 10 left after a mini-run.

78-77 after they hit a buzzer beating three. But it was close all the way. I maxed out the D and put a full court press on during the last 2 minutes. We got 2 TOs and that made the difference, along with hitting our last 4 from the line.
Interestingly enough we beat them by this exact score at their place and we scored 77 in our 10 point home win against them.

20, 3 for Brad, 17, 2, 2, 3 steals for Gaut Wall. Gaut is the only frosh who plays much and he didn't let the pressure get to him. Against a tough opponent. 20, 3, 6 with 3 steals for Mill. 6th man Rich Cora had 12.

Their bench had 34, 10, 6 to our 24, 10, 8, so the edge was to them.

We both shot about the same % but we took 10 more shots and that won it for us-barely, given that they hit 12 threes to our 6.

We were -8 on the boards but +16 in the paint. 12 TOs to their 20.

Post Game Press Conference (Excerpts):

Reporter: Coach, you can't be happy about how things went tonight.

Coach Clark: I'm extremely happy! We get to play tomorrow! While it's true that I'm not delighted with the way we played, in the post season it's "survive and advance." We barely did that, but we did it. You know, all season long it's about playing well, getting better, learning things... In the post season we still want to do all of those things but what it's really about is winning. You win or you go home. We're not going home and the other guys are.

Reporter: Talk about your freshman, Gautier Wall.

Coach: Gaut has had a terrific rookie season. He's been consistently good on both ends of the court and he rebounds for us. On top of all that he's a terrific kid and a good
student. He had a huge transition to make coming here from Western France, and he's made it really well. I can't say enough about Gaut.

Reporter: It's 19-11, 12-8, 4th seed No. KY, in the semis. What's the plan?

Coach: Well, the coaches and I will begin forming the plan as soon as this press conference ends but I can tell you a couple of things. We won by about a dozen at our place, then 2 weeks ago they kicked our butts at their place. They beat us with threes and turned us over too many times. We need to take care of the ball, turn them over, and play good outside D, really, good D all over the court. We can't let them hit 12 threes.

Reporter: Thanks Coach.

The rock is heading directly toward us. Hard to say what it is, rogue planet? Just a big rock? It seems like a completely dead rock. No sign of any volcanic activity on the side we can see, and no sign of anything else. But it is HUGE, as we've said, and we're redirecting to be sure to be out of its gravity well when it passes. Our navigators are confident that we can make that happen but they're taking every precaution.

The card game, pitch, has caught on. It is threatening to become the newest craze on board the ship. The first tournament starts in a week.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:36 pm

3/8: We take an early lead and expand it. Up 15 after 10. Brad is hot and they're shooting 20%. Up 12 at the half. Up 17 with 10 to go.

86-63. Easier than expected but we played really good ball. 24, 5 for Chris Mack, 14, 10, 6 for Gaut Wall, 18, 2, 5 for Brad. Our #3 guard, Jay Heno, had 12, 3, his best game ever.

We shot 53.7% and were 25-32 from the line. We gave up 8 threes, but it didn't matter much.

+14 RBs, 11 TOs to their 18. +14 in the paint.

Post Game Press Conference (Excerpts):

Reporter: Easy win, Coach.

Coach Clark: The post season can be strange. We barely survive, playing poorly one night, then we put it all together against a better team the next night. I don't get it but I'll take it!

Rep.: Your big guy, Chris Mack, came to play.

Coach: He usually does. We really dodged a bullet when his late season injury turned out to be minor. We really need him. Our starting five and our first two off the bench all played really solid ball tonight.

Rep: Gotta ask about Gaut Wall again.

Coach: I'm so excited that we'll get to watch him grow for the next few years. He does it all.

Rep.: #3 seed IUPUI in the final. They beat you by 2 at their place in early January.

Coach: Yes. I remember that game but I'm not ready to talk about our strategy yet. The game was 2 months ago and the staff are going to re-watch the whole game with lots of pauses and replays. We'll be up all night getting ready for this one.

Rep.: Thanks Coach.

#3 seed IUPUI, 20-12, 12-8, for the title. After a LONG night of watching video and discussing strategy, here's what we've come up with. They led most of the night back in January but needed a 17 footer with less than a second to go to win it. The stats were close in every category, really close. One of the biggest factors was that Chris Mack was in foul trouble all night; that hurt a lot. Their bench outplayed ours, too.

They are #1 in scoring in the conference but their D isn't that good. We will definitely need to play strong D in this one, particularly against their C. ; I truly believe it's all about the D, and staying out of foul trouble. We expect a battle.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:21 pm

3/9: We tip off at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit.

They take an early lead. We come back to take a 1 point lead after 10. Mini-run! Up 6 at the half. Another mini-run. Up 15 with 10 left. Mack has been in foul trouble all night again but he's playing really well. Totally offensive game. No D at all.

105-86 and the title! Gaut Wall leads the way with 19, 6, and 6. 17, 9 for Mack, 13, 5, 3 for Star. #3 guard Jay Heno had an even better game tonight, 18 points, 4 assists.
Marc Brad was in foul trouble all night and he didn't give us much.

Shooting pct. was about even but we took 10 more shots. We hit a season high 10 threes to their 3. We had an awful 18 TOs but they had 24.

Post Game Press Conference (Excerpts):

Reporter: Coach, before the game you said D was going to decide it. Didn't turn out that way.

Coach Clark: No it didn't. This one was an old fashioned shoot out and we had the bigger guns.

Rep.: What happened to the D- yours and theirs.

Coach: The refs were calling it tight. Both teams spent just about the whole game in foul trouble so we couldn't play tight D. We lost our 6th man to fouls and they lost their starting SG.

Rep.: Gaut Wall wound up with 4 fouls but he was immense. He was named tournament MOP.

Coach: Again, what an amazing freshman. He comes to play every night. For a freshman to play as well as he did while in foul trouble is pretty incredible. He played 34 minutes, and was in foul trouble from midway through the first half. I didn't feel I could sit him, except briefly, because he was doing so much for us. When he picked up
#4 I called a Time Out for the express purpose of telling him to do whatever he had to do not to foul out. He played the last 8 1/2 minutes with 4 fouls and never got #5, and managed to stop his man somehow.

Rep.: The Big Dance is next. How high will you be seeded and can you make some noise?

Coach: I think we can hope for a #2 and expect a #3 depending on how the other top teams do. I'm sure you know I've never won an NCAA tourney game. We'd sure like to win some this year.

Rep.: And that brings us to a question you don't want to hear- is success going to take you away from Wright ST?

Coach: Not a single thought beyond the tournament, and there won't be one until we've played our last game. But I will say that I like it here in Dayton.

Rep.: Thanks Coach.

3/12: We're ranked #5, NET #8. Hoping for a #2 seed.

#3 Midwest. We play #14 South Dakota, 22-11. Disappointing. We're a big favorite but this is a pretty good team. They play a lot of man and don't press much, and they are not easy to score on. On O, they shoot the three pretty well but score more inside than outside, but they take care of the ball. We'll need to play good D and find the open man on O.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:16 pm

3/16: They're quick. Close so far. A run puts us up 13 after 10. They come back. Up only 2 going to the lockers. Up only 1 with 10 to play. Our D is awful.

94-89. Way too close! 20 lead changes, 11 ties.

Chris Mack led us with 21, 6, 3 steals, 3 blocks. 16, 10 for Roy Star, 17, 5, 7 for Gaut Wall, 14, 3, 4 for Marc Brad.

+9 RBs was a big help. Only 10 TOs but they had only 12. Again, our D was awful. They shot 57.6%, 9-18 on threes. We won it at the line, 27-10. +13 on 2nd chances.

Post Game Press Conference (Excerpts):

Reporter: Chris, you had a very tough opponent, but you came up big.

Chris Mack: Coach said if i held my own against Akpovi, we'd probably win. I fell like I did hold my own.

Rep: Gaut, You played really well again. How do you manage to get yourself up for almost every game?

Gaut Wall: Thank you. I don't know about that. Coach always tells me to go out and play my game, and not try to do it all. That's what I try to do.

Rep.: Coach, congratulations on your first ever win in the Big Dance.

Coach Clark: Thanks. It wasn't easy, but I'm hoping it will turn out like the Horizon tourney, a tough first game and then we caught fire. I'd sure like to catch a little fire right about now.

Rep.: Thanks everyone.

#6 seed, #12 ranked, #13 NET Baylor, 25-11 next. This is a TOUGH game for the 2nd round. They've played 10 ranked teams, going 4-6. We're 0-1 vs. Ranked teams and the only one was our season opener. They have as good a backcourt as we've faced all season but we think we have an edge inside. We've got to pressure their guards and turn them over, and we need to play solid D.

The first pitch tournament is underway. Since I can control the time regarding my basketball life I decided to participate. Lacy and I are partners. We had a great first day!
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:38 pm

3/18: They jump out to a quick lead and extend it. Down 10 after 10. Up 1 at the half but it's a war! Down 3 with 10 to go. Playing catch up but it's close!

73-75. They hit a three with 4.4 left, then fouled us with 1.9 left. We made only the front, got the RB, but missed a heavily contested 8 footer. I thought our guy got fouled but you rarely get that call at that point in the game.

We focused our D to stop the outside game. We did, but their big guys compensated; our bigs edged theirs in points, 43-42; we needed a bigger edge than that. Outside they beat us 33-30.

Star led us with 13 and 13. Wall had 9, 7, 3, with 5 steals and 2 blocks but his man hit those 5 threes and had 17. We had 6 guys who scored between 8 and 13, and the next guy had 6. Not quite enough.

Our bench outplayed theirs. Threes beat us; they had 12, we had 3. Their SF had 5 threes and their SG had 3.

We're losing only our first two bigs off the bench but we haven't had much luck with recruiting so far.

This was a tough one.

Lacy and I finished 11th in the pitch tournament, going out late on day 3.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:04 pm

3/26: We get a big, #139. Still really need to land 2 guards.

4/3: #1 ranked Memphis is the national champ.

4/4: Awards: Gaut Wall is Def. POY, ROY and 1st team in the Horizon, along with Marc Brad, and Roy Star. Chris Mack makes the 2nd team. They're all back! I am Conf. COY.

The offers should start coming any day now. It would take a really good one for me to consider leaving.

4/9: No tempting offers so I'm back at Wright ST next season. Not unhappy about that.

4/16: We get the 2 guards! #132 and 179.

4/23: I ask for $.

We get $10,500.

30-4, 18-2, ranked #5, we win the Horizon regular season and tournament. Only 3 teams in the nation won 30 or more games so that's pretty special.

After 6 seasons I'm 145-54, .729. Starting 5 is back and some good looking recruits. I'm thinking of bumping us up to a stronger conference.

A little more than a month until the new baby arrives, and about the same amount of time until we pass the big rock. We're accelerating our movement out of the path of the rock because its gravity well is even bigger than we had thought.

We're still in interstellar space and will be for several more months.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:57 pm

5/1: #151 recruiting class. They're better than that, but 2 of our 4 recruits are Jucos.

Moving to the Missouri Valley Conf.

We buy the basic scouting reports for the Midwest, Southeast, and East regions.

6/3: We are very close to our closest approach to the big rock. We're feeling a little turbulence, which means we did not completely escape the rock's gravity well. That's because we can now see that there's a huge part of the rock that was hidden. It's about 1 1/2 times as big as we thought it was.

6/4: We're past the rock. The turbulence got a little scary and there were several slight injuries, and a bit of non-serious damage to the ship. But we're okay now, moving away from the rock. We're picking up space debris, which can be dangerous. It's not surprising that some smaller rocks are trailing the big rock. Our navigators are working hard to avoid them. There are a few we won't be able to avoid, but our munitions people are confident that they can zap all of them, either destroying them or moving them to safer paths, out of our way.

6/5: We red shirt a guard.

Room for a transfer. We haven't had much luck in that department.

6/8: I'm a dad! June Olive, 7 lbs. 7 oz. Mother and daughter are doing great!

6/12: We offer to a PG from URI.

6/16: We get the PG.

6/25: We decide to go to the Chicago Prep Revue.

6/26: 3 scholarships. We need bigs.

The baby is taking up a lot of our time, essentially all of the time when we're not at work. Lacy is on leave for a couple of months but I'm working full time. The child care on the ship is absolutely fantastic, so we're not worried about that when Lacy goes back to work.

Recruiting is a busy time. I'm on the phone for large periods of the day, I'm scouting recruits, travelling to see them, we'll be hosting them... Scouting assistant Bill Courtney is at least as busy as I am, and Scout John Aiken and bench coach Bran Dunson are looking at video and giving their input.

Lacy and I finished 3rd in the pitch tournament that ended the day before she had June. She will miss at least one more poker tournament; she missed this month's. I finished 6th. I'm ranked #4 among all of the poker players on the ship.
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Re: Hereafter

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:57 am

7/11: We're still encountering various size debris from the big rock. Some of these objects are quite large. For three of them we needed to alter our course slightly. The navigators are working very hard.

The baby is still too little to do anything but she sure is a magnet!

8/21: We offer to 2 PFs and a C.

9/4: The semester starts and we have 5 guys who we're worried about, academically. They all have individual tutors, and, as do all of our players, supervised study halls 6 days a week, 2 hours each session. We tell them this is not enough time to do all the studying they need to do.

We returned to the pitch tournament, with June in Lacy's arms, in August. We finished 9th.

I returned to poker in July, finished 23rd, and in August I finished 2nd. Went all in with a flush. Lost to a higher flush. Tough loss!
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