My Prestige Never Goes Up

My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby jscott991 » Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:03 pm

I've noticed something weird in my career.

I was at UVA for seven seasons. I won three national championships and never missed the playoffs (this is another issue; running an offense built around the deep pass seems very unbalanced).

My prestige never went up from 80. The prestige meter seemed to fluctuate up and down each year, but my prestige never changed. Other programs lost or gained like 2-3 points a year, but mine never moved.

I switched to Ohio State. Again, in seven seasons, I've never missed the playoffs and won four national championships. My prestige has never changed from 83.

Is this a bug?

Do I have to do something to make it go up?

Here are pics to show what I mean:
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby brooks_piggott » Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:21 pm

At some point it gets harder to get prestige to go up because the game expects you to win all of those games. We can look into why it's topping out at 80... should still float up to 90+ in those cases.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby jscott991 » Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:54 pm

I don't think it's working as intended for schools controlled by the player. My prestige just never goes up. I'm 15+ seasons in now and with UVA (started at 80) and Ohio State (started at 83) there has been no movement at all.

Other schools in the 80s are moving some.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby AKH » Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:06 pm

there is an option in the settings to set the prestige updating, you can just change that setting if you want to move faster.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby jscott991 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:17 pm

I will try "high", but I really think on "Normal" it's not moving at all.

The progress bar jumps around (usually at a number between 40 and 60) each season, but I never have any prestige added.

I really think you should consider investigating this. I don't think it's working.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby vanburenboys1 » Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:21 am

Ive played 30 seasons with multiple teams and my prestige has never moved.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby AKH » Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:25 am

we've had a million discussions with users about prestige changes over the years. Here is the short version - to increase you need to dominate - win against bigger teams than yourself and totally blow out smaller teams. finishing 9-3 or 10-2 isnt enought especially if you only played a few teams with higher prestige than you.

Why? otherwise the whole league would gravitate towards the top prestigeranges. For those who dont like that, we added the option, but the problem remains about ever increasing prestige so if you turn up prestige gains, you are also turning up prestige losses (so they offset and you avoid the whole league beeing 80 prestige after 10 years), so be prepared to lose prestige for going 8-4 and such.

On default: Once you get into the late 70s and 80s prestige, it goes really slow, so you may need 3 or 4 really good seasons to gain a point or two.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby jscott991 » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:59 pm

Did you look at my pictures above?

I'm 20 seasons in and I have missed the playoffs once. Neither school I've been at has seen even a single point of prestige gain. There is no rhyme or reason to it. It simply isn't working.

This isn't about it being slow to add points. It isn't adding points at all. There is no progress despite winning 10+ games every year and always making the playoffs. The prestige progress does move around, but it simply jumps up and down between 40 and 60 for the most part. No points are ever added.

It isn't slow to add prestige. It is impossible.

It isn't taking 3-4 seasons. It's taking more than 15.

It's simply broken.

The thing is that there are prestige gains and losses for other teams. It's just my team that is completely frozen.
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby AKH » Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:05 am

sounds weird indeed. Looked at your screenshots, and yes it seems like you should have moved by now. Try cranking up the setting and see if anything happens (perhaps it got saved/corrupted at defaults to 'no prestige changes or something). We will revisit the logic for the 22 version of the game.

btw the prestige change bar is not the main driver of pretige changes, it only drives "micro changes" in season (like when you get player of the week etc), so that will go up and down and only add/subtract a prestige point when it hits 100 or 0. The 'real/main' prestige changes happen at the end of a season and are posted in the league newspaper. Can you maybe find the prestige change history chart (its in the league news i think) and post it (just your own division), so we can see how the other teams are faring?
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Re: My Prestige Never Goes Up

Postby jscott991 » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:14 pm

This is the graph for the ACC through my last year as UVA (it matches the screenshot above showing my performance as UVA's coach, through 2027).

It never moves from 80. In fact, you can't really see it because it is stuck on 80 (where it started). You can see other teams are moving around.

This is the graph from Ohio State to match the screenshot above. I start as OSU's coach in 2028. You can see before I came, they lost some prestige. But despite making the playoff every year and winning multiple national championships, it never moves from 83. Once I got to the school, it froze.

This is just a shot of my coach's profile to recap how each of these teams did.
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