

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 23, 2022 2:12 pm

Santa Cruz, California
January 1st, 2021
Sal's Bar

"Bang! Another three from Sacramento's Axel Wastings. He hasn't missed from three tonight after being brought in for the injured Jason Williams. Wastings is 32 and a native of California, hailing from Sacramento itself. The career European journeyman has made his way back home for the Kings and hasn't missed a beat. ARCO Arena is rocking after his 6th three tonight. The man is 6 for 6." The tv blares the old video like it is the most prized possession in the rundown bar. Behind the bar, a round man with a large, white beard shines up some more of the dirty shot glasses. The man rewinds the video back and lets it play again, seeing the face of his only customer on this New Year's day down another glass. The bartender is Sal and at 64, the man still tends to this dump by himself, keeping a little bit of Santa Cruz alive with him. This is history, this is important and ultimately this is all I have. Another glass is empty and another, then another just in time for the highlight to replay the 6th made three of the night. That was important, important to keep, important to feel and be there because its gone and never coming back. At that moment in time, I was on the top of the world and I was the most important player in basketball. In that moment, I was what I dreamed of as I walked around dimly lit, French gyms and hit corner threes as a coach berated me in German for not leaving the floor when he needed. I was the Most Valuable Player, Suzanne believed in me and with her, so did our two children. I could still see them light up when I came home from the game, to them I was the most important man in the universe. "Another for me, Sal." I grumbled; fully invested in making sure the new year was spent in this bar for the night. Sal poured me another one, scared to probably witness the death of a 54 year old man, but content to run the tab up of the only man who would step foot in this place. The highlight continues as AX is chanted throughout ARCO arena and the Kings are top of the world, but most importantly, I was the man they all worshipped.

OOC: Set up for this game
Set Job Pressure to High to simulate the continuous change in jobs for our main character and his nature as that of someone who is unreliable and not fit to hold a job for a long period of time.
Usually I set the potential to 100 for all, but really didn't like doing it for what I want this story to be and how I want things to playout, so I created something more challenging.
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Re: Burnout

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:19 pm

Welcome! Always great to have someone start a new Dynasty Report and you're off to a great start.

One suggestion, if I may: The narrative is difficult to read. Choose a larger, easier to read font, and smaller paragraphs help visibility. But please continue!
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:33 pm

Sacramento, California
January 15th, 2021

"Effective immediately, the Sacramento State Hornets men's Basketball team has announced the firing of every coach and athletic member associated with the team. This comes on the heels of the investigation into the death of star Shooting Guard, Teddy Ward; revealed hazing from the coaching staff. Sitting at 2-16, Sacramento State will look for an entirely new coaching staff as interim head coach, Paul Roberts has been selected to close out the season. A shock announcement upon the heels of a tragedy and we here at KCRA News wish the community healing."

Santa Clara, California
January 17th, 2021
Apartment of Axel Wastings

Straight to voicemail for the fifth time; there would be no conversation with my ex-wife and my two kids. The apartment is empty and quiet for a moment and all that occupies the company of me is the chipped, white walls that were the reason I could afford such an apartment. Empty miller lite cans filled up the kitchen area and the living area held a pairing of a small tv sat on the ground and a air mattress. Life hasn't been kind to older, washed up 90s basketball players unless you were on TV and it certainly wasn't kind to one who screwed up his shot. No, there I go again thinking on the past instead of the future, but who could blame me, in 1999 I was someone and in 2021 I am but another occupant that Louie has to threaten for rent at the end of the month. What a life that we live. A noise awoke me from these thoughts, the sound of a incoming phone call. It's Suzanne, it has to be. I pick up the phone in such a hurry, not seeing the caller id and desperately say hello to the other end. It was my redemption for the years and years. "Axel, its Ike and I need you." The name hit me like a truck; after all these years and the silence between us, he calls. Of course he wanted something from me, that's all Ike Mavia ever does, he uses people like he used me in 1999. "No." The simple two word answer felt like therapy for the years and years of emotional pain I caused myself. It was my turn to be the one to cause disappointment, it was my turn to allow a small victory to myself.
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:40 pm

Wayne23 wrote:Welcome! Always great to have someone start a new Dynasty Report and you're off to a great start.

One suggestion, if I may: The narrative is difficult to read. Choose a larger, easier to read font, and smaller paragraphs help visibility. But please continue!

Appreciate it and definitely noted. Gotta learn how to use lots of the posting options correctly :)
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:09 pm

Santa Clara, California
January 20th, 2021
1:00 PM
Maggie's Diner

The place was packed today and it probably had something to do with the lunch special being $2.99. The booth was sat by a window and not overly near other tables, perfect for trying to keep to yourself. The waitress arrived with the two cups of coffee and a sandwich. Pretty lady with long, black hair and wearing the pink and white uniform required by the diner. She left with a bit of a sigh upon hearing something fall to the ground and break. Tough break out here to earn a living, but some people have to earn a living doing what it takes and not what they love and I was a prime example of it. I went from playing basketball on the highest level to-"Axel, I've been calling you for days now. Have you not gotten the calls?" The voice breaks me out of thought and I look up from the sandwich that occupies my plate. Its Marvin.

I should explain, Marvin was a former player in the Euros with me and someone who I would once upon a time I would call my best friend, but those days were long gone. Marvin "Jet" Johnson from Compton, California. We called him the jet overseas because when he started running, it was like no one could ever catch him; what a player and what a time. I'll never forget when we-"Axel, its big man; this opportunity could make us again. You could be made again." There it was, the present always finds a way to ruin the past for me and today was no different. Why do we try to do more than looking back on the golden days? "Marvin; out of respect to you and what we have been through, I am not interested." I left my money on the table and walked past Marvin.

Sacramento, California
January 25th, 2021
6:00 PM
Office of Ike Mavia

"Listen to me Axel, this will be huge and I mean huge. $80,000 for 3 years is a deal and I mean a big deal. You can get local television coverage again." Ike is moving his hands like a cartoon character as he rattles off the benefits. How I got dragged into this office is anyone's guess, but maybe a piece of me wants this again. "The entire program wants to bury this tragedy and we can't until we get new members in the staff." The desperation in his voice amused me; a small part of me wanted to say no again just to see him scramble so more, but another part wanted the money. I mean 80 grand is 80 grand and certainly would help, but there is something more. "Listen Ike, you give me one thing and I'll sign on. I might even forgive what transpired between us." I extended my hand to hand him a piece of a paper. "Call the number on there and ask the questions listed on the paper. Report back to me and I will agree to your terms."
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 23, 2022 6:59 pm

Chino Hills, California
11:00 AM
January 29th, 2021
Home of The Bowmans

She answered the door with a scowl and it wasn't hard to guess why. I had pressured a long term lover of hers who she broke off to commit her to this. Truth is I was desperate and needed to see her short, black hair again. Her green eyes look upon me once more and to maybe catch a glimpse of the kids. "I know this is hard, but I was desperate and I mean really really desperate for this opportunity. I just wish to talk." She just stared with those eyes, glistening as if they were rare jewels and I were its admirer. She almost closed the door, you could see it in her expression, but something stopped her and for a smile moment it was if she wanted me to come in. "Axel, I have been bombarded by your calls and voicemails for months now. I need you to move on and move back to where you came. This family is happy, the kids are happy, Dustin started college in September and Stephanie has been a standout in High School." To hear their names again made me want to burst through that door, but lost that privileges to truly be a father a long time ago.

"I did this as a longtime favor to Ike, but there is nothing for us to talk about. You had your chance, Axel and you blew it for what you know best." Yeah, yeah I did blow it, didn't I? I had a loving wife and two beautiful kids, but it was always about that rush of the crowd chanting my name and love of the team hoisting me. It was always about Ax and never about Axel, I thought to myself as I stared ay the now closed front door. Who was I kidding, of course I wanted to be a coach, I wanted that rush again. I was a fiend for the attention and love that I even sacrificed my family for it and now I wanted to repair that? No, I was always like this and I will never change, even if it means answering to Ike, I'll always find a way to claw for that moment again.

Sacramento, California
7:00 AM
June 1st, 2021
Hornet's Nest

Ike walked me into the arena and the team was gathered around the center of the court. They all wore a shirt that said, "Rest in Power, Teddy Ward" and everyone seemed nervous. There was something in the air from the moment I walked in and everyone knew it. A tension that you could slice with a knife and I had just walked into the middle of it. "Everyone, as you know; Sacramento State has been hard at work in acquiring new staff for the men's basketball program, so today I am proud to introduce a our new head coach, Axel Wastings." The team gave a small round of applause as everyone looked me up and down. They were evaluating me and I could feel their eyes dart back and forth between me and each other. One of them walked up and extended a hand to me. He had a full black beard fade combo that made me think of some old teammates I played for and like most of the team he was African-American. "Lucas Sankes, Point Guard." Ike leaned in as Lucas walked back to the center of the court and explained he was the captain of the team. Good to know my Point Guard is a leader for the team, but what I was interested in is if the kid could actually play.

I was dressed in a duster that covered up the stained sweats and tank top I fished out of my laundry bin. Not the best way to make an impression, but when you spend all of your nights taking Jack Daniels and watching 90s basketball, then you can judge me. I cleared my throat as I stepped up to speak and all of the players stared at me as if I was the only person in this room. "Yeah, so I'm Axel Wastings, but from this moment forward you will call me Axel Wastings. I was born and raised in Sacramento, California and have played basketball since I was 9. I understand the major controversy with the old staff, but I can promise nothing of that sort will ever occur under my tenure. If any of you need to reach me, please do call or text me at a number I will post soon. First things first, lets run a scrimmage. 5 Vs. 5, I want the Seniors and Juniors versus the Freshmen and Sophomores." They all gave another nervous round of applause as Ike beamed at me. He knew he had solved his issue with my hiring even if I was bad or good at this coaching gig, I took the media attention off the program and the death of Teddy Ward.
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Re: Burnout

Postby PointGuard » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:28 pm

Hey, I'm liking it. Keep it going.
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:31 pm

PointGuard wrote:Hey, I'm liking it. Keep it going.

Appreciate the support from two veterans of these boards. Definitely hoping to keep it going.
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:09 am

Sacramento, California
1:00 PM
June 1st, 2021
Sacramento State Men's Basketball Coaching Office
I arrived to the office about 7 hours late give or take and you could definitely see it in the faces of the staff. The most standout were my three assistant coaches who simply stared at me as I bumbled around to my desk, smelling of whiskey and old combinations of deli meat. I at least remembered to wear the Sacramento State polo today, so I should be given a pass off of that alone. Each of the assistant coaches slowly formed a line to greet me one by one. First up was my 1st assistant; a youngish man with a white polo and brown low cut hair, looked to be in about his early 40s and told me he was in charge of scouting. The next was my 2nd assistant who looked way too young and overdressed to be anything other than a head coach in the making, looked in his early 30s and wore one of the most crisp suits you could imagine, he would lead recruiting calls and hosting the visits to campus. Lastly, the 3rd assistant was in charge of practice; he looked a lot older than the dye in his hair let off and wore a nice turtleneck. Always loved a good turtleneck that was for sure, but wait I forgot something......their names. What did they say again?

Sacramento, California
6:00 AM
June 26th, 2021
Sacramento State Men's Basketball Coaching Office

Recruiting has officially started and with that started my main plan for Sacramento State. I looked to attack the lower end recruits in California, it keeps us from spending too much money during this time and also focuses us on our own backyard. My goal was to build a reputation with the locals enough that kids saw Sacramento State as a place to come. The office came alive with hung up phone calls, angry messages from parents and a lot of promises that I had no plan of keeping. What a pain it is to coach college ball.
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Re: Burnout

Postby thecoolestjedi » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:38 pm

Sacramento, California
5:00 PM
June 26th, 2021
Sacramento State Campus

We had just finished our three campus visits of the day with three Junior College guys. First was Osei Taylor; a center from Fresno who mostly talked about the lack of discipline his current coach had and it being a major turn off factor for him. One of those tough as nails kids in Fresno, huh? He looked around the gym and some of the facilities and seemed a bit curious about the Ward stuff, but we were able to divert his attention mostly to his play. Averaging almost a double double with 14.6 PPG and 9.0 RPG. David Sylla was next out of Newhall and he seemed mostly focused on staying in state, lots of big, big schools looking to chase this kid as well, but I tried to play it cool. Another center here, but with the lack of a frontcourt presence for us, we really need something. Sylla showed some interest in the team facilities and even put up a few shots for fun with the team. J.D. Richardson was next; a point guard out of Vacaville whose passing made me take a double take. Kid carried himself with poise and was mostly interested in asking about where I saw myself with this team in a few years. One to look out for who also enjoyed his visit, always good to have those. Our next challenge would be calling some of these guys and convincing them that Sacramento State is a place they want to be.
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