Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:42 pm

April 14, 2030, 5:25PM Fordham Men's Basketball Coach's Office

Coach S. couldn't believe the email he just received from Martin Duncan. CC'd were all members of the board and significant members of the coaching staff, including Amy Oliver. He read it one more time:

"Dear Board and Coaches of the Fordham Men's Basketball Team,

I am here to argue that it is evident that Coach S. is not capable of leading the Fordham Rams Basketball Team to their full potential. We have been patient in giving him many years with the program, yet we have not seen any immensely positive results, barring last year's anomaly. As you are well aware, it was I who pushed for Coach S. to come here in the first place, but now I believe his time as a Fordham Ram is done. I have even gone the extra effort to appoint Amy Oliver, a post-graduate assistant, who is now being looked at by several major schools as an assistant coaching candidate mind you, and still the team struggled to succeed despite her extra help. In her reports to me, Ms. Oliver has mentioned that the atmosphere was chaotic, lacked organization and consistency, and was facing constant aggression from Coach S. I think her report coupled by my close analysis shows that Coach S. cannot be trusted to run this program any further. Another immediate conference loss to an inferior team has proven this. My proposal would be selecting an external coach to take over what Coach S. has started. Attached is a list of candidates. Thank you all for your time.

Martin Duncan"

The series of emotions Coach S. felt were hard to describe. There was anger, sorrow, and disappointment. He had his suspicions, but this was extreme. Not only that, but Amy had really begun to win him over and seemed to be putting in a significant amount of work for the team, particularly as it came to developing tactics. In fact, he was not sure if they would have finish 9-9 in the Conference if it wasn't for her efforts. Jonathan entered his office carrying a box full of office supplies before dropping it on the floor.

"I'm out Coach, I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I waited awhile to accept a renewal and nothing seemed to pan out." Coach S. looked up in surprise before getting out of his seat.

"Jonathan, what are you talking about? I had a renewal deal on the table, it just needed final approval."

"Yea well it didn't pan out. Best of luck with everything coach."

"Wait, please, there is still time. You've been vital to this program and I'm not sure we can do as well without you!"

"I'm sorry Coach, but its too late. Between this and the drama with the Board, I just can't do it anymore. Best of luck with everything."

He picked up the box and left as Coach S. went back to his desk and placed his head in his hands. How did this all go so wrong so fast he thought. He had it in his mind that Martin had been his champion on the board and his friend. It seemed like now he didn't have a friend in the world. He heard a faint knock on his door and looked up with his eyes only half open.

"Hey coach I was hoping we could talk for a bit," it was Amy, standing there leaning with her side on the door frame.

"I don't have anything to say to you."

"Listen if this is about the email that's what I am here to expl-"

"The email?! This is much more than an email. This is about you raking me through the mud so that Martin Duncan could elevate you to a position of power at another school. You were nothing more than a pawn doing his dirty work. I used to think Martin was mind friend too, but he is incredibly self-interested. He'll use you and brandish you like a trophy or toss you aside if you don't shine the way he wants you to!" Coach S. heaved, now standing over his desk. Amy stared at him with a hint of sorrow in her eyes before beginning to speak. Her voice sounded strained.

"Do you really think so low of me? I came here to tell you that was a serious misclassification of my reports. I've felt nothing but excitement in being able to work with you and on this team coach. I did point out things that could be improved but only because Mr. Duncan said that I had to because of my job! Now that I saw what he was actually doing with that information, I feel icky and used, not to mention he omitted all of the positive aspects of my reports. I came to you because I wanted you to know I support you, your goals, and this program. Not Martin's agenda."

"Then why did you gather information? You're telling me he's making all that up? Why didn't you send an email to fix it?" Coach S. snapped.


"Do you really think they'd believe me over Martin? He told me just to listen and I wouldn't get fired, that he would 'get me a good job somewhere' and that I just had to go along with his plan. I'm just a post-grad assistant coach, there was a pretty big power disparity. I'm here now though to tell you the truth and to hopefully have your support in the event something does happen. Martin wants you out. He was using me to get information, it seems, to further that goal. As to the negative information in the email, I did say you have the tendency to get frustrated after close games and that the team wasn't as consistent as it could be, but I would never phrase it or intended for it to be conveyed the way Martin did and like I said, there were many more positives aspects highlighted that went unidentified in his email."

Coach S. stood over his desk before slumping down in his chair again. "Well, my fate is out of my hands at this point, the board is considering a vote right now in their meeting to remove me and if it goes through I am done."

"That's where you're wrong coach, your fate is in your hands. All we need to do is start winning games. The board is already supportive of you, I've seen how they view you at all the alumni events. You're the jewel of this program after last year. I don't think Martin has as much power as he thinks, but you're right in that he is trying to get more, although I have an idea... He doesn't know that I'm working with you and still might view me as his pawn. If we can get some dirt on him we can really turn things around fast and maybe get him removed."

"Man, I just miss the days when I was coaching a basketball team..."

"Coach, we just need to let the wins talk and everything will fall into place. Trust me."

"Alright, I do. What other choice do I have? Anyway I'm just about to review this season, feel free to join me if you wish"

She sits across from the Coach and smiles as they chat about the program and its development. Martin was slimy, it was going to take one helluva season to uproot him outright, but Coach S. figured he had time and if Amy was telling the truth, there was no way he could stand against the two of them.

Final Record: 13-17 (9-9)
72.3 PPG, 72.1 OPPG, 17.4 APG, 32.3 RPG, NET 183

An asterisk denotes a starter.

Coach S. and Amy then turned over to the reports about to the incoming recruits. Baki Tavukcu was coming in on a transfer from Michigan. Coach S. wasn't known for bringing in too many transfers, but he was excited for what this kid had to offer. He had been one of top International Prospects during his recruiting year and could hopefully carry the torch and lead this team back to some post-season success. Melvin Baker was an amazing talent and fortunate capture. Committing immediately after a home-visit pitching location, he was a Top 5 at the Big Apple Show Case and a highly touted prospect. Antoine Brown should provide a solid depth and rotational option for him and the SF position.

Fordham Men's Basketball Recruit Class 2030

Right as they were about to wrap up Coach S. received another email, titled "Board's Decision of Coach S.'s Future." Which stated the following:

"The Board held a meeting to discuss the future of Coach S. with the Fordham Rams. Despite some dissent, the Board is overwhelmingly happy with the way in which Coach S. had led the Rams thus far and the majority have voted against removal. Coach S. is permitted to continue in his position pursuant to the terms of his contract.

Chairman Michael McNeely"

Other Notable Facts From the Season:
NCAA Final: Texas (94) over Arizona (77). Texas claims their second NCAA Tournament Title in School History. Arizona missed out on what would have been their first title.
ATL-10 Championship Game: VCU (76) over St. Josephs (62)
Team MVP[s]: Chase Frechette
Best Win: 74-63 v.s. Davidson Wildcats
Worst Loss: 66-68 @ George Mason
Notable Graduates: T.J. Kirklin
This was Coach S.'s 8th season and 5th with Fordham. His overall record sits at 128-147.
Rupert Robinson out of Texas won the Norton Award, Most Outstanding Player, Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, and Freshman of the Year. This was the first time I've seen this happen. His Stats: 29.7 PPG, 2.6 APG, 5.9 RPG, 4.8 SPG, 0.9 BPG.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sat Apr 09, 2022 9:58 pm

January 16, 2031, 12:14PM Fordham Men's Basketball Coach's Office

Coach S. was sitting in his office reviewing the strategies for this upcoming week when Amy Oliver knocked on the doorframe. "Got a moment coach?"

"Sure Amy, what is it?"

"Well I've really been keeping an eye out given our... mutual target and I found some important information," she says as she throws a manila folder on Coach S.'s desk. He opens it and begins skimming its contents.

"These are injury reports from Tavucku and Radl, who were hurt in the Fall, what about them?"

"Check the duration on them, quite long..."

Indeed, Coach S. had to admit they were both out for longer than he would've liked and a bit longer than was typical. "What point are you trying to make here?"

"The point I'm making is that I saw Martin Duncan in the Physical Trainer's office twice this Fall, both times when they were receiving injury treatments, I think Martin intentionally made sure that the recoveries were slower..."

"That sounds speculative at best, besides the PT would need to go along with it and why would they? Also Martin wants to see the program win, why would he prolong those odds by ensuring our team remains injured?"

"He wants you out at this point. I think the he's been on a tear ever since he lost the vote to remove you. It made him look bad and he wants control back now that you aren't 'buddy-buddy' anymore. Besides, this would be a small, inconspicuous way to ensure you drop a few games, except his plan hasn't been working..."

"Because we're just too good of a team this year."

Amy grinned, "Like I said before Coach, it all comes back to winning."

Coach S. pondered on the discussion and examined the reports, "See if you can get a recording of him saying something or even a picture, any records, anything to help back this up and we can shoo the b*stard out." The Coach was internally infuriated if this was true. He discovered Martin was a self-serving a**hole who wanted things his way, but to stoop to this level? It was a new low, even for him. These kids were living out their passion on the court and here he was ensuring that they missed more games in the career simply because it made Coach S. look bad? The players had nothing to do with their own conflict! It made his blood boil.

"I'll take care of it Coach," Oliver replied as she took the file and headed out.

Top Players (this season):
Baki Tavukcu (PF): 7.5 PPG, 1.1 APG, 8.5 RPG
Melvin Baker (SF): 11.8 PPG, 2.1 APG, 4.6 RPG
Aaron Radl (C): 7.3 PPG, 1.1 APG, 4.7 RPG

Current Record: 11-4 (3-1)
69.7 PPG, 61.5 OPPG, 17.5APG, 33 RPG, NET 104
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:40 am

April 17, 2030, 7:30PM Fordham University Assembly Hall

Coach S. walked into the auditorium after adjusting his black tie and making sure his suit was free of any lint. Tonight was one of celebration and reflection on the past year of Fordham Men's Basketball. Upon entering the auditorium, Coach S. made his way to the front of the room after a few handshakes and sat by some of the players. The Chairman, Michael McNeely made a few opening remarks before welcoming the Coach on to the stage. To a rapturous applause, Coach S. jumped up and began waving as he crossed center stage, shaking hands with the chairman and stepping behind the mic.


"Thank you all and thanks Chairman Michael McNeely. Wow, what an incredible year it has been for this team. A CIT bid, granted a close loss, but another post-season tournament, an 18-14 record, 9-9 in conference, a conference win and a lot of talent on the roster that will carry Fordham in the future!" Applause broke out again as he delivered that line with an escalating punch.

"We had some great stars this year, including our own Norton nominee, Melvin Baker, let's give him a hand for receiving such a high honor," Everyone turns to face Melvin who waves from his seat. "Additionally I want to bid farewell to our departing Senior, Chase Frechette, you had a great four years here and you will be missed." More applause as Chase waves.

"Finally I have another person I want to thank. Martin Duncan. Now I know we have had some bumps in the road, but this program would be much different if it wasn't for his involvement. Please welcome him to the stage!" Martin Duncan is in the crowd and appears shocked, initially reluctant and refusing to proceed on stage, shaking his head no while offering a small smile. Eventually he takes the stage after the applause doesn't relent.

"Martin has been a part of this program for decades and has served as a sort of Director of Basketball, unofficially of course." There is some brief laughter as Martin offers a forced smile. "But the biggest problem I had with Martin is that he always wanted things his way, he always wanted to ensure that he was the face of the winning program, even if he never had the chance to do so." The crowd begins to become a bit confused, Martin's expression changes from fake happiness to a more grim complexion as he stares at Coach S. "Too late to be a coach, he simply used his power to put the right person in charge. That person being a lapdog who would follow his orders and let him take centerstage despite them building a winning program..." Martin begins to jostle for the mic as the crowd is in a shocked silence. Chairman McNeely stands, seemingly about to say something when Coach S. screams out, "Play the video!"

On cue, Amy, starts the video which casts onto a projector in the auditorium. Everyone stops what they are doing to watch the clip.

A shaky camera, clearly attached to a mobile phone peeks out through a window in a door leading to the Physician's Office. Mr. Duncan is speaking with the team's head PT. No one else is in the office. Audio is faint but can be heard, "so I believe this should suffice in ensuring that Mr. Baker's recover is paced appropriately?" The video then shows Mr. Duncan hands the PT an envelope, which the PT opens and scans the visible cash. "Yea, that broken wrist probably won't heal in time for the post-season, pleasure doing business, as always." The audio and video end to audible gasps.

"Mr. Duncan has been delaying the treatment of players by paying off the PT in order to ensure we have a losing season. He did this to sabotage me because I wasn't winning as quickly as he desired and was becoming more popular than him in Fordham basketball. There are several players who suffered injuries this season and have received prolonged or delay treatment. Their testimony combined with the great work of our post-graduate assistant Amy Oliver, will corroborate this story."

"THIS IS A SHAM! THIS IS A DOCTORED VIDEO!" Martin screams in outrage. The auditorium erupts into chaos. Several players are standing up at the stage and screaming while Members of the Board and Chairman attempt to corral the crowd to no avail. Finally Duncan turns to Coach S. "I gave you your big break and this is how you treat me?" He shoves Coach S. who staggers to the floor drawing the attention of the auditorium with an audible gasp, and is about to lunge at him when security grabs him underneath the arms escorts him out out. "THIS IS MY TEAM GODDAMIT! I AM THE FORDHAM RAMS!" yells Martin as spit flies, his face flushed with anger. Coach S. is helped up by the assistant coaches, a security guard, and Ms. Oliver. Everyone remains shocked and simply stares at the stage. Coach S. looks back at everyone with a long pause before finally saying "Go Fordham Rams!" The room remains silent. "Hmmm... that usually works in the movies..."

Final Record: 18-14 (9-9)
70.1 PPG, 65.9 OPPG, 17.4 APG, 32.7 RPG, NET 129

An asterisk denotes a starter.

Coach S. took a few moments to recover before he returned to his office where several members of the team were waiting. Most of the team would be returning next year, provided that little stunt didn't cost him his job or cause anyone transfer. He really felt as though he would have a chance for an NCAA Tournament bid next year if everyone stayed healthy, but first he needed to deal with the aftermath. Chairman McNeely spoke first, "Coach S., in all my years, I have never seen such a display as that. There are methods for dealing with these things and making a public show of it at a grand event like that was not only improper, but harmful to Fordham's reputation," he said, looking around as if seeking some approval from the others in the room. Everyone else simply remained fixated on the Coach. The Chairman continued, "that said, Mr. Duncan was beginning to become a persistent problem as he got older. I believe your remarks about him wanting control appear correct. Rest assured an investigation will be launched into this matter and we will have findings shortly." He stood up as the rest of the Board followed him and filed out, along with the team's attorney. Mr. McNeely paused at the doorframe on the way out, "Oh and Coach, that was some good basketball this year," he says before exiting.

Remaining were members of the team and some of the assistant coaches, along with Ms. Oliver. "I'm sorry you all had to see that and that you had to suffer through what Mr. Duncan put you all through," Coach S. said as everyone simply hung their heads or looked solemnly towards the coach. "But I hope that what I did today proved to all of you that I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that this team has stability and support. Mr. Duncan was not a good man, but you all are great. You're fantastic players and coaches and I'm lucky to be able to work with you each and every day. I only hope I have your support going forward. After a moment of silence Tavukcu steps forward and stares at Coach S. The 6 ' 8" Turkish giant looms over the coach and stares at him before stating, "You are my coach and this is my team, you have my support." The rest of the players and coaches nod in agreement while Amy flashes a warm smile. Eventually everyone files out. Amy, the last one out, thanks the Coach for trusting her and for bringing the evidence forward.

"Amy, you're the one I need to be thanking. I only coached a team, you found all the evidence and exposed Duncan for the scum he is. You will always have my thanks. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you?"

"How about a letter of recommendation? There's a few 3rd Assistant Coach positions I have been applying to as some of the NCAAW programs and I'd appreciate it if you'd help my candidacy. I can't be a post-graduate assistant forever."

Coach S. smiled warmly at her, but a large part of him was incredibly sad to know that she was applying elsewhere. After all, she had been a crucial figure in ensuring his job was secure and making Fordham Men's Basketball better for everyone, not to mention her magnificent work in aiding with tactical formations and adjustments. She was arguably better than some of the actual coaches on the team. At the same time, she was right, she couldn't do this forever and greener pastures were waiting. It would be unfair to hold her back.

"Amy..." Coach S. began, "it would be my honor."

Fordham Men's Basketball Recruit Class 2031

Other Notable Facts From the Season:
NCAA Final: Tennessee (69) over Texas (67).Tennessee gets the better of Texas in a close one and claims their first NCAA Tournament Title in School History. Texas missed out on what would have been their third title.
ATL-10 Championship Game: VCU (78) over Dayton (61)
Team MVP[s]: Baki Tavukcu
Best Win: 80-72 (OT) @ La Salle
Worst Loss: 78-80 v.s. Texas Rio-Grande
Notable Graduates: Chase Frechette
This was Coach S.'s 9th season and 6th with Fordham. His overall record sits at 146-161.
Melvin Baker was a Norton Award nominee. This is the first time a player under Coach S. was nominated for the prestigious award.
This was Coach S.'s first CIT bid and second post-season tournament. It was Fordham's second CIT bid.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:25 am

January 16, 2032, 11:51AM Fordham Men's Basketball Coach's Office

Coach S. was sitting in his office reflecting on the past few months. Martin Duncan and the head PT had been fired following an investigation. It turns out he often used nefarious tactics to manipulate the hiring process behind the scenes while often exerting pressure on personnel as well. He was blacklisted by the NCAA and is currently "enjoying" an early retirement.

Amy Oliver got a job as the 3rd Assistant Coach for the Buffalo Bulls and is incredibly excited about her new position. She and Coach S. stay in touch through emails and social media, sharing their seasonal exploits, trials, and triumphs. Meanwhile Coach S. had the opportunity to get lunch with Jonathan Metzger-Jones, who is now the 1st Assistant Coach at Richmond. He said he was glad that they had a chance to connect and that he'd be eagerly watching Coach S.'s career. Overall, things seemed to be going pretty well for the program. Coach S. was glad to have the ability to just focus on basketball for the first time in awhile. He was still holding out hope for a NCAA tournament opportunity, whether the team achieved it remained to be seen. And the irony of this entire situation was that Martin only needed to wait a little longer and have a little more faith in Coach S.

Top Players (this season):
Baki Tavukcu (PF): 10.2 PPG, 1.9 APG, 9.1 RPG
Melvin Baker (SF): 14.5 PPG, 1.6 APG, 3.8 RPG
Paul James (PG): 10.5 PPG, 4.4 APG, 1.1 RPG

Current Record: 10-5 (3-1)
72.8 PPG, 67.9 OPPG, 16.5 APG, 31.3 RPG, NET 86
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:42 pm

March 12, 2032, 8:55PM Fordham Men's Basketball Facility, Selection Sunday

Coach S. and the rest of the team were settling in to watch the show on Selection Sunday. The team had finished 22-9 (14-4) and made the conference semi-finals before being bounced be GW, who ended up winning the conference tournament. As the players were chatting and settling in, Coach S. stood up and addressed the room before the show started. "I know everyone's goal tonight is the NCAA Tournament, but it is hard to tell how things will go on Selection Sunday. I just wanted to thank you all for your work this year. It isn't done yet, but you have done an incredible job this season. Regardless of where we end up, just remember to finish the year strong and play good basketball like you've done all season." Coach S. sat back in the chair after a brief applause and everyone's focus soon shifted to the television as the show began. Now, they waited.

They team sat with bated breath, watching the program. St. Joseph's, the top team in the division, was selected as a two seed in the final city. The rest of the team watched as they were not selected for the NCAA Tournament. Instead they were a #1 seed in the NIT. They were part of the First Four Out. It felt like a vacuum had sucked all the air out of the room. Everyone just sat there is sadness after having heard the result. Coach S. finally got up and stood. "The NIT Tournament is still a great way to distinguish yourselves. Don't let the NCAA's mistake tarnish what an amazing year you've had and let's go out there and win the NIT!" The team briefly applauded again, some cheered. It would be tough to recover from this, but Coach S. knew they would be ready come tournament day. They just needed the night to get over it... so did he.


Tournament Information
March 14, 2032: Fordham 22-9 (1) v.s. Colgate 20-12 (8)
This is Fordham's eighteenth (18) NIT bid.
This is Coach S.'s second NIT bid and second post-season tournament bid in his career.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:14 pm

April 17, 2032, 3:03PM Fordham Men's Basketball Coach's Office

Coach S. couldn't believe the loss that just happened. Here was the team, poised to compete for the NIT trophy and they lose in the semi-finals to f*cking Harvard?! Two points. The bench didn't step up when they had to and they lost by two points, despite overwhelmingly being favorites to win that game. You never know what can happen in the tournament season, but it was a frustrating way to finish no doubt. This team deserved better. They were so much more capable than a semi-final NIT loss to Harvard, but that was the way history would remember this team. As "good" not "great." In any event, there was still room for celebration. It was undoubtedly his best season as a coach. The team was incredible and many of them were returning, Melvin Baker winning Conference Defensive Player of the Year with both him and Tavukcu sharing First-Team All Conference honors. Still, to come so close to something only to be shut away and to experience that feeling twice in one season... it would leave a bitter taste for sure.

Final Record: 25-10 (14-4)
73.2 PPG, 67.1 OPPG, 17.6 APG, 33.8 RPG, NET 50

An asterisk denotes a starter.

Coach S. looked at the incoming class. With three departing seniors, he definitely needed to bring in some talent this year. Jeremy Montross stuck out. A Top 50 Nationally, just outside Top Ten at the position. Coach was hoping he'd be more than serviceable replacement for Paul James. Meanwhile with Aaron Radl graduating, center needed help, so Ricky Williams would ideally step in as a heavy rotation sub his first year. Jonathan Garren was likely more of a long term project but could develop into a decedent shooting guard to replace Kennedy Cravens.

Fordham Men's Basketball Recruit Class 2032

Other Notable Facts From the Season:
NCAA Final: Texas (77) over Tennessee (73). In a rematch from last year's tournament final, Texas gets revenge over Tennessee to claim their third NCAA Tournament Title in School History. Tennessee missed out on what would have been their second title.
ATL-10 Championship Game: George Washington (84) over St. Josephs (76)
Conference Defensive Player of the Year: Melvin Baker SO, SF: 13.8 PPG, 2.4 APG, 4.3 RPG, 1.8 SPG, 1.3 BPG
All-Conference 1st Team: Melvin Baker SO, SF: 13.8 PPG, 2.4 APG, 4.3 RPG, 1.8 SPG, 1.3 BPG, Baki Tavukcu JR, PF: 10.2 PPG, 1.7 APG, 9.5 RPG, 1.6 SPG, .1 BPG.
Team MVP[s]: Melvin Baker, Baki Tavukcu
Best Win: 95-90 (OT) @ George Washington
Worst Loss: 65-67 v.s. Harvard (Harvard then beat Arizona 67-78 to win the NIT)
Notable Graduates: Kennedy Cravens, Paul James, Aaron Radl
This was Coach S.'s 10th season and 7th with Fordham. His overall record sits at 171-171.
Melvin Baker was a nominee for the Norton award.
This is the first time Coach S. had a player win Conference DPOY.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:46 pm

Tough way to end a really good season.

Hey, I left some playing hints for you in a response in "Transfer to the Title."
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:19 pm

Wayne23 wrote:Tough way to end a really good season.

Hey, I left some playing hints for you in a response in "Transfer to the Title."

Viewed and replied. Thank you.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Zingo » Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:37 pm

January 17, 2033, 1:08PM Fordham Men's Basketball Coach's Office

Coach S. was sitting in his office reviewing the mid-season status of the team for yet another season at Fordham. It hadn't been the best of starts this season, although some of the losses had been to great programs. More concerning was the heightened criteria that board has set for this season, the first time they had done some since he'd joined the program. He wasn't sure that a semi-final finish at the NIT warranted "raising the bar" but he supposed it had been long overdue, especially given how many years he had been with the team. They eventually did want to win games and take the program to the next level, he believed he could himself the past few years, but lately that vision seemed bleak. Even with the good defense the team had, offensively they were lacking firepower. Coach S. just hoped the team would be fortunate enough to hit their goals this season and make a post-season tournament in some form or another.

They did receive their first in-season tournament invite since he'd arrived, the #8 Seed in the Diamondhead Classic, although they were defeated by a superior (and ranked) Oregon team. There was evidence that the program had made progress in the past few seasons, although this year, despite retaining many of the key starters, it looked like Fordham Men's Basketball could be taking a small step back. With that and five new incoming freshmen next year, Coach S. wasn't sure if this team had the tools to develop quickly enough to meet the Board's expectations. Compounding things further, he was starting to question his own abilities. Maybe he wasn't the right coach to lead this team and maybe it was time for someone new to step in...

Top Players (this season):
Baki Tavukcu (PF): 9.4 PPG, 0.9 APG, 9.5 RPG
Melvin Baker (SF): 11.0 PPG, 2.3 APG, 4.4 RPG
Sam Robinson (PG): 12.9 PPG, 3.8 APG, 1.6 RPG

Current Record: 8-8 (3-2)
68.3 PPG, 68.5 OPPG, 17.7 APG, 31.0 RPG, NET 93

Author's Note: To everyone reading, I apologize if this isn't an exciting, "turning a lower-tier program into a NCAA Tournament winning one" dynasty story. Truthfully, this is my first ever playthrough of any Draft Day Sports game and there was definitely a learning curve early on. That said, I do think it is a very "realistic" dynasty and I'll keep playing and posting so long as I enjoy doing so. There is a possibility I'll be switching teams at the end of this season if the offer is right as I have been starting to get offers from 2* programs that have better facilities and prestige than Fordham. This was always designed as an unemployed, journeyman save but I've spent a lot of seasons at Fordham chasing something that doesn't seem to be manifesting. In any event, thank you all for reading and for your support. I hope that the story is enjoyable nonetheless.
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Re: Novice Coach Switches Coasts

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:23 pm

Please continue with this association; you're doing great! As to moving to another school, that's up to you. I usually do it at a certain point because I think I've gone as far as I can at my current school or because a great opportunity presents itself. It's always exciting to see who offers me a job.
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