DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 6:42 pm

The Greatest

April 25, 2022: Ally Cash here. Cash, as in MONEY!!! I intend to make a lot of money as a college basketball coach but more than that, I expect to end up as the greatest college basketball coach who ever lived!

I first learned about basketball when I was 9 years old. My uncle had a hoop in the playground behind his apartment. He took me there and taught me to dribble first. Wouldn’t even let me take a shot.

Then he taught me to pass, and taught me some fakes. Then he taught me to play defense. After all that he taught me to shoot.

I guess he was a pretty good teacher! I was all state my last 2 years in high school and went on to play for LSU. I started at shooting gurad my senior year and did okay.

I didn’t try to go pro because I have always said I would be the greatest at something and I’m not good enough to be the greatest basketball player.

BUT, my uncle, then my high school coach, then my coaches at LSU all taught me about coaching, and I’ve read all kinds of books on it. I can and I WILL become the greatest college hoops coach!

I grew up in the ghetto near the Quarter in New Orleans, and I’ve lived here all my life. We didn’t have much when I was a kid but we got by. I learned how to take care of myself in the rough neighborhood, and I think I learned some powerful life lessons! My parents are good people and they did what they could for me but it wasn’t easy.

So here I am, at age 25. I just got hired as the head coach at New Orleans. Now I won’t be the greatest instantly but I expect to be pretty good.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 7:19 pm

5/1: On the job. My office in the Lakefront Arena where we practice and play isn’t great, but it has everything I need. I have my staff together.

#1, Don Holm, is my recruiter. He was #2 at Louisiana-Monroe and was happy to take the promotion. We’ll be recruiting mostly close to home, and he knows the area, which is a big help. #2, Kirk Gury, is my scout. He was #3 here last year. He knows how to scout and how to report. #3, Mick Dunn, was a high school head coach last year and he brought his team to the state title game. He’s my bench/practice coach, and he knows his stuff!

We only had the #318 recruiting class. We expect to do a lot better this season!

“Bubba Burk, WNOL. I’m here with Ally Cash, the new head coach of the New Orleans Privateers. Coach, what can we look for this season from your team?”

“You can look for a team that’s giving it all they got. You can look for energy and hustle. You can look for guys who play together. You can look for excitement.”

“And what can we look for from the new head coach?”

“All the stuff I just mentioned! I lead by example.”

“You’ve been an assistant coach here since you graduated. Are you ready for this step up?”

“I AM! Coach Sykes taught me so much. Now that he’s retired I’m honored to succeed him and I plan to use all the things he and others taught me. We’re gonna be amazing!”

‘Well coach, we’ll be following you and broadcasting all of your games here on radio station WNOL. Good luck.”

So here’s how my team will play: Man-to-man 100% of the time. We’ll press some, and when we need to, we’ll press a lot. On O, I plan to have the big guys take it right to the hoop, and the guards shoot threes whenever they can. We’ll run the Motion and Flex on O. I’m a defensive guy and we’ll play good D. That’s something we’ll really work on in practice, and in recruiting if you don’t play D we won’t
be interested in you. And good passing is really important, too.

I plan to get to know my players real well, and to be their greatest advocate.

We are able to exceed our expected to spend figure.
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:30 am

6/25: The staff has been working hard getting to know the players, looking at video of our games and our opponents’ games, getting ready for the start of recruiting. I’m lovin’ this job!

Just for the record we will max out the D at all times. On O we will be as freewheeling as possible.

We’ll go to the Memphis and Houston camps.

6/26: 6 scholarships. We need 4 guards. As I said before we’ll mostly recruit close to home.

I haven’t said much about my personal life. I live in a two bedroom condo near campus. I use the second bedroom for a home office.

I live alone. I’m single because why get married and make one woman happy when I can stay single and make lots of them happy!

7/25: We offer to 3 PGs, an SG, a PF, and a C. If we get three of them I’ll be delighted!

Recruiting is hard work. Lots of texting time mostly but some phone time and some visits to their homes and here.

My players are on campus for most of the summer so the staff and I are getting to know them.

8/28: August is a long month. Too early for practice, no word on recruits. It’s a lot of hard work but you don’t see much to show for it.

9/11: Lost 3. Didn’t get anybody. Disappointing but not shocking.

9/18: We get one, lose one. We get our #1, a C, #89.

We think we have a real shot at 2-3 guys.

I ask my A. D. for an easy schedule. I want wins!

9/25: We lose another one and get no one.

We’re looking over potential lineups a week before practice starts.

10/2: We get 2, lose 1. We get 2 PGs, #159 and #169.

First day of practice. It’s an exciting day. All positions are up for grabs and we’ll try all sorts of combinations.

10/9: We get another PG, #147. 3 PGs and a C. We want one more guard and one more big but we’ll probably save our money for the Spring.

Practice remains exciting. A couple of guys are standing out but there’s still some real competition for a couple of positions.

I’ve pretty much settled in. It’s nice to be coaching in my hometown. I’m close to my family, and let’s face it, when I’m down for “stepping out” there’s no place better than the “Big Easy!”
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:31 am

11/13: We’ve come up with a lineup. Here it is:

Senior Ty Will is at PG. He’s a natural SG but he can handle this.

Senior Jan Culu is at SG. Good player, one of our best.

#3 guard is junior Ed Fier. He’s our best ball handler. #4 is senior Ryan Geer, another good ball handler. Finally there’s senior Jon Isen.

SF is junior Syn Tyle, a good shooter and a decent rebounder.

Soph Wade Mark is at PF. He’s a good rebounder.

Gary Ball, another senior, is at C. He’s our best rebounder and a decent defender.

#1 big man off the bench is junior Mike Bron. Then comes junior Marl Doba, and finally there’s soph Norm John. Frankly, we’re weak up front. Mostly juniors and seniors on the team so recruiting will be very important.

Here’s what Bobby Jo Gates of the Times-Picayune wrote about us: “The New Orleans Privateers look like they may be about to improve. New coach Ally Cash is a barrel of enthusiasm and seems to know a lot About the game for such a young head coach- he’s only 25.

“Cash isn’t afraid to dream big:”

“We’re gonna be amazing! Just watch!”

We’ll see about that but if not this season, then definitely next, this reporter expects the privateers to look mighty good.”

11/15: We start at home tomorrow with North Dakota.
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:48 pm

11/16: “Okay guys. This is what we been waiting for. Let’s go out there and play some hoops!”

We’re playing hard early but it’s close. We lead by 4 after 10 minutes. Looking good. Strong finish to the first half and we lead 65-55. 22, 3, 4, 4 for SG Jan Culu. We expected him to be a scorer.
We’re playing well inside.

“I’m real happy with the offense but we gotta play more D.”

Not pressing much as we start the 2nd half. We will if we need to. Up 12 with 10 to go. I like what I’m seeing, mostly. We’re a scoring machine!

120-92. Amazing offense! 28, 8, 7, 6, 3 for Culu, great game! 20, 10, 4 for C Gary Ball. 20, 7 for PF Wade Mark. 14, 5 for sub F/C Mike Bron, 12, 2, 3 for sub guard Ed Fier. +30 in the paint, +25 RBs.

“Bubba Burk, WNOL, here with coach Ally Cash after the Privateers first game. Coach, your reaction?”

“I told you we were gonna be amazing. 120 points! If that’s not amazing I don’t know what is!”

“What about Jan Culu?”

“We had high expectations for Jan and he sure lived up to them.”

“Any concerns about the D? You gave up 92.”

“I’m a defensive guy but it’s gonna take 2-3 years for me to get my team together. For now we’ll work hard on D at every practice but we might just need to outscore the other guys.”

Off on a 6 game road trip. We start with 1-1 Coppin ST.

After one game as a head coach I gotta say I love it. Very exciting. Let’s see how I feel when I lose one!

11/19: It’s different on the road, with the crowd behind the other team but we’re up 8 after 10! We’re extending the lead! 65-43 at halftime. We are a scoring machine! 17, 4, 6 for Culu. 16, 5 for 6th man Mike Bron. 15 for PG Ty Will. We’re being outscored inside but +18 RBs, and +26 in the paint. We’re shooting 68.3%.

“The D’s a little better. Keep getting open for good shots. You’re doing awesome at that! Great inside play.”

Still not pressing much. We will if we need to but we’re not that great on D. They’re trying to come back. Up 14 with 10 to play. Looking good late!

109-90. A terrific 33, 7, 9 for Culu. 24, 10 for Bron, 14, 10 for Mark, 18, 3 for Will. +32 down low, +23 RBs.

“I love what I’m seeing on O, boys!”

3 minor injuries to subs. They’re all day to day.

At 2-0 UC-San Diego next.

11/23: They look like a good team, and they jump out to a big lead. We come back some and we’re down 7 after 10. 36-45 at the half. First time we’ve been challenged. 13 for Culu but no one else is doing much. We’re shooting 39%, and not dominating inside.

“Okay guys. You need to work harder to get open and you need to do more in the paint. Let’s show ‘em how we can play!”

Pressing more but it’s not helping much. Down 6 with 10 to play.

81-79! We made some tough shots late and they missed an open three at the end. We really had to work for this one after trailing almost all the way. Feels good!

18, 6, 3 for Culu, who was doubled for most of the game. 14, 11 for Gary Ball, 16, 5 for Bron. +10 in the paint, all in the 2nd half.

“I couldn’t be happier with the way you played in the 2nd half. You refused to lose!”

“This is Billie Sue Baker, here with the WNOU post game show. I have coach Ally Cash with me. Coach, the student station is lucky enough to travel with the team and it sure has been fun. Talk about tonight’s game.”

“We just wouldn’t give up. They led by as many as 16 in the 2nd half but we kept working, kept digging in.”

“They didn’t give you the shots you wanted.”

“They doubled Culu most of the night and really filled the lanes well. We had to go to our 2nd and 3rd options often but those guys came through.”

“This was your best defensive game so far.”

“We’re working really hard on D and it’s nice to see it pay off against a good team on the road.”

At 2-1 Chicago ST.

“They can hit the outside shot. Perimeter D is gonna be important tonight. And own the paint!”

11/26: We start fast! Up 20 after 10. We’re on fire! We get it to 30. 67-37 at the half. We’re smokin’! 14, 6 for Culu, 11, 7 for Will, 12, 4 for Bron. +28 for the bench, +26 in the lane.

“Keep pushin’ the ball on O, guys!”

We’re up by 42 with 10 minutes to play.

107-74. 22, 3, 9 for Culu, 22, 5 for Bron, 17, 4, 7 for Will, 14, 4 fo9r Mark.

“Bubba Burk, WNOL, on the phone with coach Ally Cash. Coach, you guys are really playing well.”

“I told ev’rybody. We’re great!”

“How did you turn this team around so quickly? They only won 6 games all of last season?”

“We worked on confidence first, then solid fundamental basketball. We demanded their best effort at all times and we got them to buy in to all of that.”

We’re 4-0, winning by more than 20 a game. #1 in the country in PPG.

Jan Culu is getting 25.3 a game, with 6 rebounds and 7 assists. He’s a superstar! Sub Mike Bron, who will get more minutes, is getting 19 a game with 6.3 rebounds.

Still on the road, with 3-1 Central Arkansas.
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 3:55 pm

11/30: We take the lead quickly. Up 7 after 10. 40-40 at the break. They keep coming at us. Culu has 3 fouls and was held to 4 points, 12, 7 for Mark, 9, 7 for Bron. We’re in a battle at least so far.

Up by 7 with 10 left. It’s staying close. We go on a late run.

104-82. 37, 11 for Mark, a terrific game. 12, 2, 4 for #3 guard Ed Fier. 11, 4 for Tyle. Culu had his first off night, 8 and 4, mostly due to foul trouble. He played only 16 minutes.

Bobby Jo Gates, N. O., Times Picayune: “New Orleans’ new head coach, Ally Cash, is working wonders with the privateers who stand 5-0, 4 of them road games. He really has them scoring- #1 in the nation.

“Senior guard Jan Culu is a true scorer, averaging well over 20 a game. 6th man Mike Bron is also putting it in the net as well as rebounding. It looks like good things ahead for the privateers!”

The injury bug has hit. Mike Bron is on limited duty for at least 10 days, as is starting C Gary Ball, for at least one game, maybe more.

At 3-2 Jackson ST next.

12/3: They have a really good Center. With our injuries it’s gonna take a team effort tonight.

Back and forth early. A run puts us up 10 after 10. Then another run! They come back some. 48-37 at halftime. 14, 12 for Mark, 13 for Will. Culu is in a slump I guess, No points in 14 minutes. +13 RBs.

Up only 1 with 10 to go. Back and forth late.

97-88. Strong finish! 27 for PG Ty Will, 20, 14 for Mark, 11, 4, 10, 3 for Culu, all in the 2nd half, 11, 2, 7 for Fier, 10, 7 for Ball. Solid inside play.

“I’m proud of you guys for gutting this one out with the injuries. Great team play!

One more road game before we go home. We’re at 2-3 Alabama A & M. They’re good outside.

Ball is back but Bron is still hurt.

12/7: We take the lead right away. Up 7 after 10. We own the paint. 45-28 at the half. 14, 7 for Mark, 8, 6 for Ball. Good inside play and we’re holding our own outside.

Holding our lead early. Up 19 with 10 to play. We get it to 20.

88-72. What a road trip! 24, 12 for Mark, 29, 3 for Culu, 17, 11, 4, 3 for Ball. +19 RBs.

12/8: “Billie Sue Baker here on WNOU, the privateers station with head coach Ally Cash. Coach, I’ll bet it feels good to be home.”

“That’s for sure. We just got in a little while ago and the campus never looked so good.”

“One at home and then 4 more on the road. Can your kids keep winning on the road?”

“They have so far! Honestly, there gets to be more and more pressure when you’re away, and 10 out of 11 away is a lot. We’ll do what we can. We don’t expect to finish the season undefeated but
we’re sure going to try to win every game we play.”

“Having Mike Bron on limited duty has to hurt.”

“No doubt. We expect him back after our next game and it will be great to get him back. He’s been a big part of our success.”

“In your only home game, the season opener, the house was only about half full. What kind of a crowd are you expecting for this next game?”

“We’re sold out!”

“That’s great. A loud home crowd has to help.”

“Yes it does. They tell me people are buying tickets for all our home games and we could sell out the rest of the season!”

Louisiana-Lafayette, 0-5, is here. Their SG can light it up.

12/10: We’re ahead but not by a lot early on. Then a run and we’re up 11 after 10. We get it to 20. 50-30 at the half. 18, 5 for Mark, 11 for Will. +22 in the paint.

Big lead early. Up 35 with 10 to play. We’re smokin’!

93-67. 32, 12 for Mark, 14 each for Will and Tyle, 12 for Bron in limited time. +42 down low.

We’re 8-0, 6 of them on the road. NET #23, which is WAY too high.

“Bubba Burk, WNOL, here with coach Ally Cash. Coach, you’re the talk of the town.”

“I’m lovin’ it, but give the credit to the kids. They’re doing it all. I couldn’t be prouder.”

“Yes, the players are getting it done but that has to be due to the coaching given that basically this same team won only 6 games all of last season and they’re 8-0 so far.”

“The staff and I have worked them hard, mentally and physically. They’re in great physical shape so they step up big in the late stages of games. And mentally we’ve taught them what they need to know. We’ve kept it simple- 100% man-to-man so only one D to think about. We don’t press much, only enough so we feel confident if and when we really need to press. On O it’s wide open, set picks, move to get open for a good shot. We don’t have many complications so they don’t have too many things to think about. It’s all about executing the fundamentals.”

“Well, it’s sure working. Good luck on the road trip!”
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 4:50 pm

12/13: We’re on the plane heading for 3-4 Alabama ST. Their SF has a broken hand.

Mike Bron is 100%!

12/14: They take the lead quickly. We come back. Up 3 after 10. It’s a battle! A late run puts us up 54-43 at the break. 15,4 for Mark, 9, 3 for Doba. Culu was 0-7. +20 in the paint.

Holding our lead early. Up 17 with 10 left to go.

103-86. 27, 5 for Mark who has become our go to guy. 11, 4 for Doba. +40 down low.

Syn Tyle hurt his back. Day to day. Limited play in our next game.

We’re at 5-3 Prairie View. They have a very good PG.

12/17: We score the first 8. Up 8 after 10. 43-37. We led by as many as 16. 14 for Mark, 8, 5 for Bron.

It’s close early. Up 2 with 10 to go. They’re tough!

99-92.38, 6 for Mark, 15, 8 for Bron, 11, 4, 2, 3 for Will. +30 in the paint.

At Utah Tech, 2-7. They’re better inside than out.

12/21: Early lead. Up 10 after 10. 49-34. 12, 5 for Bron, 10 for Will. Good inside play. Not sure what’s happened to Culu but he’s not making shots lately.

Big lead early. Up 30 with 10 to play.

106-71. 18, 9 for Bron, 16, 9 for Mark, 22 for Will, 14, 5 for Tyle in his 1st game back at 100%. 9, 5, 17 assists for Culu. 8, 3, 11, 4 for Fier. Great team effort.

One more on this road trip and one more before Southland Conf. play starts. We’re at 8-5 Delaware St, a really good team.

12/28: They take a quick lead. Down 6 after 10. 41-45 at halftime. We were down 13 at one point. 10, 4 for Mark but no one else is doing much. They’re beating us inside.

“Time to play like you know how inside. We should win this game!”

It’s close early. Up 6 with 10 to play. Then a run! Then another run!

94-77. 24, 9, 3 for Mark, 18 for Will, 13, 2, 5 for Fier, 10, 5 for Bron, 11, 2, 3, 3 for Culu. Good inside play in the 2nd half.

“Billie Sue Baker, WNOU with the postgame show. I have coach Ally Cash with me. Coach, they gave you some trouble for the first 28 minutes or so.”

“They sure did! We weren’t playing well inside and we were standing around on offense. I put three subs in and they woke us up, then for the last 10 or 12 minutes everybody played well.

“12-0. Honestly, did you expect that going in?”

“I didn’t put any expectations on this team because I knew they could be very good but I wasn’t sure how good.”

“The Southland isn’t a particularly strong conference. How do you expect to do?”

“We’re aiming to win the conference!”

“Coach, you told all of us that you were a great coach. So far you’re certainly living up to that.”

“I have the good fortune to have a terrific staff and a group of players who listen well and work hard. It’s been a lot of fun so far!”

We’re still #1 in the nation in PPG, +19.3. #1 in shooting pct., 53.2%. #2 in assists. +10.3 RBs. -3.9 turnovers but a very good 10.6.

Wade Mark leads us in points with 23.3, and in RBs with 9.1. Jan Culu has fallen to 15.5 PPG, but gets 6.6 assists.

Ty Will gets 13.0 and only 2.5 assists. We’re thinking of swapping him to SG and Culu to the Point. 12.8, 5.3 for Bron. 9.8, 6.4 for Ball.

For now Culu and Will are going to share the Point.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:45 pm

1/3/2023: We start conference play with 4-7 Nicholls ST here at home.

1/4: It’s close early. Up 3 after 10. We go on a run! 51-38 at halftime. 13 for Culu, 9, 0, 3 for Will. They now share the Point about equally. +9 RBs.

We get it to 20 early. Up 23 with 10 to go. They rally a little.

99-84. 22, 2, 3 for Culu, his best game in a long time. 18, 1, 3 for Will, 15, 8, 3 for Ball, 12, 8 for mark. Good bench play.

At 2-11, 0-1 Houston Cretans.

1/7: Close early. Up 8 after 10. 40-28 at the half. 15, 7 for mark, 8, 8, 0, 4 for Ball. +14 inside.

Holding our lead early. Up 18 with 10 to play.

86-63. 37, 14, 4 blocks for Mark, 14, 3, 4 for Culu, 11, 12, 1, 5 for Ball. +38 in the paint.

Gary Ball hurt his toe and will see limited time for at least the next couple of games.

At 7-6, 1-1 Texas A & M-CC.

1/11: They take a quick lead. Down 5 after 10. 38-45 at the break. They’re shooting 65.4%. 16, 3 for Mark, 8, 6 for Bron.

“You gotta play D!”

Still trailing early. Down 8 with 10 left. Not good!

75-79 and the win streak ends at 14.

Poor D, 2-18 on threes, lots of fouls trouble. 28, 5 for Mark, 14, 7 for Bron.

Culu hurt his leg. Ed Fier will pick up some of his minutes.

1/13: “Bubba Burk, WNOL, here with coach Ally Cash. Coach, your first loss. Talk about it.”

“I never expected us to go undefeated, Bubba. There are lessons to learn when you lose. It’s not entirely a bad thing. Hopefully we come back strong from it.”

SE Louisiana, 5-9, 2-1, is here.

5/14: We fall behind early. Down 6 after 10. We come back. 46-38 at halftime. 10, 6 for Will, 9 for Tyle. +12 RBs.

Up 17 with 10 to go.

110-65. A real blowout! 22, 4 for tyle, 17, 7 for Bron, 13, 7, 3, 4 for Will, 14, 9 for mark. +18 RBs, +30 in the lane.

We’ll be healthy again for our next game.

15-1, 3-1, NET #32. Still #1 in PPG and shooting pct. #3 in assists.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
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Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:58 am

1/17: At Lamar, 6-9, 1-3.

1/18: Early lead. Up 9 after 10. 50-34 at the half. 12, 3 for Mark, 10, 5 for Bron, 9, 4 for Ball.

Holding the lead early. Up 26 with 10 to play.

99-73. 22, 7 for Mark, 20, 11 for Bron, 12, 2, 6 for Fier, 13, 7, 3 blocks for Ball, 13, 3, 4 for Culu. 68 in the paint.

5-11, 3-2 McNeese ST is here.

1/21: It’s close early. Up 12 after 10. 49-42 at the break. We led by as many as 14. 16, 5 for Mark. +22 down low.

Up 20 with 10 left.

95-77. 27, 10 for Mark, 14, 5 for Bron, 10, 12, 6 blocks for Ball. +42 inside.

In a two way tie for 1st in the Southland with one team one game back.

At 9-8, 5-1 Northwestern ST. The battle for 1st early in the conf. season.

1/25: It’s close early. Up 2 after 10. Staying close. 49-53 at the half. They went to the line 25 times, we went 10. 3 fouls on Will. I really let the refs have it throughout the half. Hopefully this changes in the 2nd.

Still trailing early. Up 1 with 10 to play. The calls are still going against us. A late run!

104-95. I thought about taking a late T to send a message. I decided against it. I’ve never gotten a T.

20, 5 for Bron, 18 each for Mark and Tyle, 14, 9 for Ball, 12, 3, 7 for Culu. We’re alone in 1st in the Southland.

4-14, 1-6 Incoherent Word is here.

1/28: We score the first 14. Up 14 after 10. 47-27 at the break. Balanced scoring.

This is a rout. Up 29 with 10 left.

98-64. 16 each for Culu and Will, 15, 6 for Mark, 13, 6 for Bron, 12, 3, 3 for Tyle.

1/29: All of our recruits hit our SAT score, as expected.

19-1, 7-1, 2 game lead in conf. NET #29.

At Texas A & M-Comm, 7-12, 5-3.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14338
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: DDSCB 2023: The Greatest

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:17 am

2/1: It’s a battle early. Up 5 after 10. 41-40. They’re hanging in with us. 20, 5 for Mark. 3 fouls for Ball.

They’re staying close. Tied with 10 to go. Uh oh!

83-89. They were better late in the game but like last game they went to the line 28 times to our 17. I did take a T very late when Mark fouled out. He had 24 and 6. 19, 5 for Bron, 13, 3, 3, 3 for Culu.

A frustrating night.

“Billie Sue Baker, WNOU, here with coach Cash after a tough loss. Coach, did the officials beat you?”

“I never want to say that, Billie Sue, but they certainly made it very difficult for us. Texas A & M Comm played well and deserved the win but the refs were awful, and they were calling them all one way.”

“Does this kind of a loss hurt?”

“Well, you always try to learn from a loss and use it to make your team better. But it tightens up the conference race. We’ll bounce back.”

At Nicholls ST, 8-12, 4-5. We won by 15 at our place.

2/4: Early lead. Up only 4 after 10. 49-45 at halftime. Balanced scoring. Good O but they’re shooting 54.2%.

“Tighten up the D!”

We build the lead early. Up 11 with 10 to go. Then it goes to 20.

16, 4, 7 for Culu, 16, 6 for Mark, 14, 2, 2, 4 for Will. We weren’t as good as usual inside. We’ll work on it.

Our first home stand, 2 games. Houston Cretin, 6-16, 4-6, is here. Beat them by 23 there.

Ranked for the first time in school history, #25.

2/8: Close early. Then a run puts us up by 11 after 10. 47-27 at the half. 12, 6 for Bron.

Up 26 with 10 to play. A cakewalk.

99-74. 20, 8 for Bron, 20, 4, 1, 3 for Mark, 17, 4, 7 for Culu. +46 down low.

Bobby Jo Gates, Times Picayune: The New Orleans Privateers have hit new heights. For the very first time in school history they are nationally ranked, #25.

“We’re thrilled to be ranked. We’ve worked real hard for this and we hope to rise in the rankings as the season progresses,” said Coach Ally Cash, the young phenom who has turned this program around. They currently have a 2 game lead in the Southland conference. They are an amazing 21-2, 9-2. The Privateers haven’t had a 20 win season since 1997 when they went 20-12.

Texas A & M-CC, 10-12, 4-7.

2/11: It’s a battle early on. Up 5 after 10. 40-34 at the half. 10 each for Mark and Bron. Building a big lead early. Up 14 with 10 to play.

93-79. 24, 3, 0, 4 for Mark, 20 for Bron, 12 each for Culu and Fier. We could have played better inside.

Up to #21! NET #26. 22-2, 10-2, 2 game lead with 6 to play.

At SE Louisiana, 10-13, 7-5. We won by 45 at our place.
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