Transfers, calling timeouts, A.D communication, and NBA

Transfers, calling timeouts, A.D communication, and NBA

Postby Billdozer » Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:43 pm

I liked the ability to talk with a few options attempting to prevent a transfer. What if pitching more playing time or more winning next were added as options? The playing time pitch could be more effective based on players graduating or going to the draft and the winning more next season could be more effective based on incoming freshman and transfers.

I would like to see a pause at timeout option added to the Human control when playing in 2D. The Pause at all stops is too much stop and start and I have trouble quickly hitting buttons when manually calling a timeout with pause at all stops off.

I also play Draft Day Sports Pro Basketball. I see this year there are several great UI features that have been added to the college game from the pro game. There are some additional communication and strategy features I would like to see in the college game.

1: Have a pre-season and post-season meeting with the A.D similar to the owner meetings in the pro game.
2: Include the full suite of play style options in the college game that are available in the pro game when calling players about play style.
3: Training Camp. I like the pre-season training camp in the NBA and believe it would be a good addition to the college game.
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Re: Transfers, calling timeouts, A.D communication, and NBA

Postby Gary Gorski » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:16 pm

I can see the options evolving in the future especially if NIL ever gets worked out to be something as a standard or the NCAA loses all control and schools just start paying these guys themselves so having promises like more playing time, more money etc could all be part of that in the future.

What specifically does pause at timeout interest you for? Is it just about it stopping less often or is it that you want pause at all stops turned off but you want it to stop when you call a timeout?

As for the DDSPB parallels
1. You have the board request option here after the season and the meetings in PB are kind of meant to let you talk you way into certain things like asking for more payroll to spend (which again you have the board request to ask for things) or begging to not get fired so I don't feel its needed here.
2. This is an area where the two games differ pretty significantly and done so intentionally. First, there is no real good data available to me to base those things off of in the college game whereas in the pro game all of that is based on tracked data so I can get the players to behave like they do in real life. Also here you have the offensive/defensive sets so you really are able to get players to do what you want based on how often and what sets you want to run where that does not exist in the pro game. You're in essence getting to mold the players in college whereas in the pro game you're using the players for what they are and they're going to largely play a certain way and its up to you to adapt to that not the other way around like it is in college.
3. We have the practice weeks here already so that sort of replaces the one time training camp option in the pro game.
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Re: Transfers, calling timeouts, A.D communication, and NBA

Postby Billdozer » Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:58 pm

Sounds good, I understand that major changes to the end of season pitch is more likely to be an early wish list for next year kind of thing.

The timeout issue is a good question. Maybe pause on timeouts called by the head coaches. Another option would be to also pause at the media timeouts in addition. Perhaps both of these options could be toggled.

1: okay, I was more thinking that the meeting could be a defense of why certain goals were not met. After that there could be the conversation about expectations for next season. Sometimes the board expectations will drop after a bad season but with good recruits or rise if a team of Seniors makes a good run.
I agree that the college and pro game are different in regards to how finances work.

2: Sure, that makes sense. The main play style change I would want would be to drive and pass more to nudge a point guard more towards being pass first.

3: For the training camp and practice I was thinking of maybe a short 1 week training camp at the beginning of practice to work on skills and then move towards
installing sets to run. Again, there are differences between the pro and college game that are well represented in the games.
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