Grambling Rose

Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:51 pm

April 4

#1 Michigan ST beat #3 Kansas, 69-56 for the title.

Awards: No national honors this year. In conference, Will Jess was named defensive POY and 1st team. Lane Laws made 2nd team.

April 9

It is a happy day. I received a call from the University of California-Berkeley about their head coaching position. I accepted the position over the phone. We head east to Baltimore to see Wallace play, and then I head to Berkeley. The rest of the family will join me in mid-May, after school lets out. This is my dream job!

The school has fallen on hard times, as far as basketball is concerned, but we will rebuild.

April 11

The Lakers won in Baltimore to take a 3-2 lead heading back to L. A. I hope to get to game 6.

I need to hire a staff. I’ve made some calls, and expect to have people in place within a few days.

April 13

The Lakers won game 6 and the series, and now they play the Celtics for the championship. Wallace had 18, 9, 5.

April 16

I have a great new staff. Lew Todd, was #2 at Oregon. He’s my #1 and he’ll scout. My #2, Martin Wells, was #2 at Michigan, but he has always wanted to move to the Bay area. He’ll recruit. #3, bench/practice coach, is Brad Stewart. He was #1 at San Francisco until he retired two years ago. He missed coaching and I was able to talk him into coming here.

April 21

I got to Wallace’s game tonight. The Lakers were down 2-0, but they managed to win this one. Wallace has a tough time against Bill Russell, as does everyone, but he managed 14, 8, 3 tonight.

April 23

We ask for a facilities upgrade. We do not get it.

I had a good run at Western Michigan, and there’s a lot I’ll miss, but not the weather. After 8 seasons as a head coach I am at 180-70, .720. I was 93-36, .721 at W. Mich, 87-34, .720 at Grambling. Pretty consistent! It may take some time to reach that level here. Off-41, Def-67, Recruit-85 (maxed out), Scout-75 (maxed out), Player Dev-59, Reputation-38.

The Celtics beat the Lakers tonight. They go back to Boston 3-1 Celtics.

“Those guys are so GOOD!”

Wallace was thrilled to have the opportunity to play for the championship.

New beginnings. Callie will finish her Ph. D. course work this semester. She can write her thesis here, going back to Western Michigan only for a review, and then for her defense. She will take this year off from work. I received a very nice salary increase, and we can afford it. After she completes the degree she would love to teach either here or at Stanford. We plan to purchase a house about midway between the two schools, just in case. We will begin the search as soon as she gets here. I am doing the preliminary work now.

Ruth Ann is taking a job with SCLC, as Dr. King’s personal assistant. Where he goes, she will go. She will take two correspondence courses per semester for now, and will continue her work with Chanel.

Loretta is overjoyed that we will be in the area.

Grandma was unwell for a few weeks but she bounced back upon hearing of our move, and is her old self again. She turns 79 this fall.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:20 am

May 1

We buy the Gold national scouting report.

May 14

Heading to Kalamazoo for a graduation and to help finish with the packing. Loretta is coming with me. She wants to clear out whatever she still has in the house.

May 20

And we’re here. Callie, grandma, and Ruth Ann have three houses to look at. They are all about halfway between Stanford and Cal, all have 4 bedrooms and 2 offices, and all are in suburban neighborhoods with a little land- not too much, but we don’t feel right on top of the neighbors. Houses here are very expensive, but the house in Kalamazoo is already sold. Well, we haven’t closed yet, but this doesn’t look like it will fall through. That will give us a good deposit.

Ruth Ann leaves to join Dr. King in a week.

It is so beautiful here.

Loretta plans an August wedding.

Wallace seems to be getting serious with Enna. It hasn’t been that long. I’m trying to convince him to take his time.

June 5

We’re looking at a handful of transfers.

June 9

We offer to a PG.

June 12

Jake Henk, PG, from Kansas ST, signs.

June 26

We have 4 scholarships to fill. We’ll go for the best four we can find, but at least one guard and one big. We’re looking at 7 PGs, 3 Cs to start.

So far Ruth Ann says the job is fascinating. We worry about the dangerous situations Dr. King puts himself in, but nothing worrisome so far.

Loretta and Mark do not make a great deal of money with the symphony so the “gigs” Loretta gets on the side help a great deal. She now plays regularly with a jazz combo (which pays next to nothing), but she is the #1 guest pianist for any big name entertainer doing concerts in the Bay area. She has worked with Sinatra again, Bobby Darin, Sarah Vaughan, Peggy Lee, and with some big bands. There is not a lot of work but it pays very well when she gets some. Loretta says if she gets one job a month, she and Mark can easily meet all of their expenses. If she gets a second they can live a little better, but they save most of it. One month she got three jobs. Everyone now knows her name so that helps.

We signed for a house. We haven’t closed yet but we love the place. We were able to get the house at a really good price, and it’s beautiful, and actually has some land. It’s outside of Hayward, on a direct route to both Berkeley and Stanford.

“This is a beautiful house but why in the world do we need all these bedrooms. If you haven’t noticed, the children have all moved out and gotten on with their own lives.”

Grandma is, as always, correct. We want the room so that they will all fit here at the same time. We are actually one bedroom short for that, but Callie’s office has a futon and can easily become a bedroom on the rare occasions when it is needed. Grandma reluctantly accepted our suggestion of hiring help for both outside and inside. The Mexicans here work very reasonably. After we thought about it and did some homework we realized that they work too cheaply. The husband and wife we hired are receiving 1 ½ times the going rate. They are very grateful. Next year, when Callie is working again, assuming they are doing good work for us, we will give them even more.

August 6

LBJ signs the Voting Rights Act. This will provide a much greater opportunity for blacks to vote. Many blacks, particularly in the South, have never been able to vote due to literacy tests and poll taxes designed to deny them that right.

August 12

Terrible, violent riots broke out in the Watts section of Los Angeles last night. It all began when white police arrested a black man, evidently for no reason other than that he was black, and then beat him. It escalated quickly and is now out of control. There are reports of deaths.

I am hoping Dr. King will stay away.

August 18

The riots in Watts seem to have ended. There are reportedly 34 dead, almost all of them black, and millions, if not billions in property damage. Dr. King stayed out of the worst areas of rioting, thankfully, since my daughter is always with him.

Wallace left the city with Enna as soon as they heard that the rioting had begun. They are safe. Neither of them lives in the affected areas and they suffered no property damage.

August 21

We offer to 3 PGs. We want a big man but at least so far we simply don’t have one we like. We will continue the search. One issue is academics. Berkeley is one of the best schools in the world academically. Athletes wishing to play here must be prepared to meet the academic challenge. That narrows the pool for us. I WANT to be at this kind of school so I am not complaining.

August 24

Loretta is now married. It was a lovely ceremony and a lovely day. The entire family is here and it is just a wonderful, happy time.

Loretta and Mark have a lovely little apartment in the best section of Oakland.

Ruth Ann asked about children.

“My goodness, girl! We can barely afford each other!”

Enna was a huge hit with everyone. She is really personable, and I think the word is “classy.” Ruth Ann wants to introduce her to Mr. Mackey.

“You could definitely model. You have the right look.”

Enna and Wallace are not certain whether they are interested.

September 4

We offer to a C.

September 18

PG Joe Adge, #454, commits.

We’re invited to the WS Midwest Invitational, my first in season tournament. We are not loading up the schedule though. I don’t believe we’re ready for that. I want wins early in the season.

September 25

Alex Lilt, PG, #362, committed.

October 2

First day of practice. Too soon to tell much.

We’re picked to finish fourth in conference. I would love that.

October 31

Vietnam has become an issue that is drawing as much protest as civil rights.

November 6

Exhibitions have been played. Here’s the lineup: Soph John Roy and junior Matt Grey start at guard backed by juniors Mo Olin and Sal Carr, until one of those two emerges. Senior R. J. Hale is at SF. Juniors Doug Trin and Wes Ward are up front with Trin playing some SF. Senior Jed Jelk subs up front but could work his way into the starting lineup. This is an experienced team, which will help, hopefully.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:23 am

November 20

73-57 over Cal-Riverside, here. PF Doug Trin led us with 21, 3, 2. 14 for SF R. J. Hale. 9, 7, 2 for center Wes Ward. 12, 2, 3 for guard Matt Grey. 9, 7 for sub forward/center Jed Jelk. A good start.

67-55 over Penn ST here. 16, 2, 3, 5 for Grey, 13, 3, 3 for Trin, 13, 2, 2, 2 for Jelk. 9 TOs.

We head for the WS Midwest Invitational where we play #21 Alabama, 2-0, the #2 seed. We are #7.

November 22

77-75 over Alabama! After lots of back and forth we built a 10 point halftime lead on a late run. Then we hung on- barely. 19, 7 for Trin, 16, 4 for Hale, 14, 6 for

Ward, 12, 2 for Jelk, so our bigs did the damage. Mo Olin had 8, 4, 5 as a sub guard.

It’s our old rival 2-1 Ball St, the #6 seed in the semis. The top 3 seeds all lost in the first round.

November 23

82-63 over Ball ST. 28, 10 for Ward, 12, 4 for Hale, 11, 5, 5 for PG John Roy. 12 TOs.

We face #4 seed Bradley, 3-1, for the title.

November 24

52-70. Not tonight. 18, 6 for Ward, 10, 7 for Hale, 6, 6 for Trin, but we seemed a step slow tonight.

We’re halfway through a 6 game road trip.

November 27

77-52 at Drake. 19, 5 for Ward, 16, 6 for Jelk, 14 for Grey, 9, 5, 5 for Hale. 10 TOs.

We are at 1-2 Syracuse, then at 1-1 Tulane this week.

Brad Whit, PG, #187 committed. We have 3 PGs. Now we need a big man.

We are ranked #14, RPI #23. I’m not sure this can last but it’s great while it does.

The Lakers are in 1st place, 13-8. Wallace has 19.1, 10.0, 4.8 so far.

We made a quick flight back home for Thanksgiving so that the coaches and players could have dinner at home, or at least on campus.

Our whole family was there. Wallace announced that he and Enna are engaged.

Ruth Ann has been flying all over the world for Chanel, and all over the country with Dr. King. She says she loves her life.

December 4

67-76 at Syracuse. They took an early lead and we fought back, but we never quite got there. 30, 8 for Ward, 14, 5 for Hale. Our guards both played with foul trouble for most of the night, which was a big part of the trouble.

69-64 at Tulane. A very good team effort. 8 players had between 7 and 13 points. Mo Olin did a great job backing up our starting guards, who both had foul trouble again tonight.

We’re finally home, with a game against 1-2 Dayton, then away at 1-4 Pepperdine.

Loretta played another gig with Bobby Darin. Bobby has been asking her to tour with him. He says he’d love to have her as his regular accompanist for concerts and recordings. Loretta says there is simply no way she will leave the symphony, or leave the Bay area. She did agree to be his #1 backup, and to play his “important dates,” as he asked her to do- when she is free. She made it clear that the symphony comes first. When she works with him he will fly her to wherever the engagement is, so she may get to see some interesting places.

“Money isn’t everything, dad.”
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:57 am

December 11

60-59 over Dayton here. It was close all the way. In the end it came down to a block. They had the ball, down 1, got it inside. Their center turned, shot from maybe four feet from the basket, and Wes Ward blocked the shot. The clock ran out before they could put it up again. 15, 5 for Hale, 11, 7 for Trin. Foul trouble for our starting guards yet again, but once more, Mo Olin did a great job subbing for them.

36-55 at Pepperdine. I have no explanation. We shot 31%, turned it over 17 times, were -11 on the boards, all to a team that frankly, isn’t very good. Maybe we’re tired. Again, no explanation. Maybe we should just turn the page and forget about this one.

Two at home this week, first 2-4 Santa Clara, then 7-1 Stephen F. Austin. Both teams are from weak conferences.

December 18

65-50 over Santa Clara here. 23, 8, 3, 2 for Roy, 17, 9 for Trin, 11, 9 for Ward. 8 TOs, 39 RBs.

67-60 over Stephen F. Austin here. They took an early lead, got it to 9 before we began to come back. It was 6 at the half. We finally took our first lead with about 6 minutes to play, and held it for the rest of the game. 15, 5 for Hale, 13, 12 for Ward, 12, 10 for Trin, 9, 7, 2 for Jelk. 44 RBs, but 19 TOs.

We end pre-conference play with #20 Charlotte, 7-3, here.

December 25

66-79 to Charlotte here. This was our first loss at home. Both starting guards fouled out and Ward had 4. To be fair, the officials were terrible to both teams. Each team took 33 free throws. 21, 7 for Trin, 17, 9 for Ward, 12, 4, 3 for Hale.

We begin conference play against 8-5 Oregon ST here.

We are 9-4. It will be interesting to see how we do in this challenging conference.

Wallace and Enna were not here for the holiday. Wallace had a game. The Lakers continue to lead the West. Wallace is averaging 18.4, 9.8, 4.7.

December 31

There are now more than 200,000 U. S. troops in South Vietnam, and the protests grow larger every day.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:49 pm

January 1, 1966

68-61 over Oregon ST here. 14, 4, 8 for Roy, 12, 5, 2 for Jelk, 9, 8 for Ward.

Tough week. We’re at 5-7 Stanford, and then at #8 Oregon, 11-2.

January 8

63-82 at Stanford. 20, 8, 2 for Trin. 21 TOs. We were never in this one.

52-64 at #8 Oregon. 16, 13 for Ward. Again tonight we never led.

This is a tough conference but we should have a better chance in the next half dozen games or so.

9-5, 2-1 Arizona ST is here, then we go to 7-7, 1-2 Colorado.

January 15

73-64 over Arizona ST here. All 5 starters in double figures and Jelk had 9, 6, 2.

66-73 at Colorado. 21, 6, 2, 2 for trin, 14, 5, 3 for Grey, 9, 10, 3 for Jelk. 20 TOs. This is the kind of road game we need to win if we’re going to do anything at all in this conference.

Ray Hand stretched a calf muscle. He may miss a game.

At 13-5, 4-1 Washington, then home with 11-5, 4-1 Utah.

Last night Callie and grandma saw Wallace and the Lakers here against the Warriors.

January 22

57-74 at Washington. 20, 10 for Trin, 19, 4, 2 for Hale. 26 TOs, 12 by Roy.

78-61 over Utah here. 21 for Trin, 17, 6, 3 for Roy, 11, 7, 4, 2 for Ward. 8 TOs.

At 10-8, 3-4 USC, then home with 9-10, 3-4 UCLA.

We are 12-8, 3-4. This is a tough conference. I would be happy with an 8-8 finish but that will not be easy to accomplish.

Ruth Ann says Dr. King is moving into an apartment in a Chicago slum to try to fight discrimination in housing in the North. She will be moving into the apartment next to his, with another staff member.

Loretta has played another concert with Sarah Vaughan and two more with Bobby Darin, one in town and one in Seattle.

Wallace is averaging 19.2, 9.7, 4.1, and the Lakers remain in first place in the West.

Callie says her thesis is all but finished. She flies to Kalamazoo for a review with her advisor next week.

January 29

60-53 at USC. 20 for Ward, 12, 5 for Roy, 9 each for Grey and Jelk. We led all the way, by as many as 22, and the final was as close as it got.

85-67 over UCLA here. 24, 8, 3 for Roy, 16, 6 for Ward, 17, 5, 3 for Hale. 10 TOs.

Great week! We’re now up to 5th place.

12-9, 3-6 Arizona is here, then we go to 4-16, 1-8 Washington ST.

Callie is back. Her advisor had only 2-3 small changes to suggest.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:48 pm

February 5

79-96 to Arizona here. 17, 10, 2 for Ward, 17, 2, 4, 2 for Grey, 14, 3, 4 for Roy. We simply didn’t play defense tonight.

63-57 at Washington ST. 21, 3, 2, 2 for Trin, 11 TOs.

This week we go to 11-13, 3-8 Oregon ST, then we’re home with 12-10, 7-4 Stanford. We beat Oregon ST by 7 here, lost to Stanford by 19 there.

February 12

70-75 in OT at Oregon ST. Close all the way. But in the first minute of OT both Ward and Roy fouled out, and that was that. 22, 6, 3 for Ward, 13, 8, 2, 2 for Hale, 15, 6 for Trin. +7 RBs, -7 TOs.

77-71 in OT with Stanford here. Back to back overtime games will really age a coach! Just like our last game this one was close all the way. And just like our last game both Ward and Roy fouled out in the first minute of OT. But this time Jed Jelk and Matt Grey took over in OT, Grey scoring 6 and Jelk scoring 9. Hale had 21, 7.

#9 Oregon, 20-5, 10-3, and tied for first place with Utah, is here. They beat us by 12 there. Then we go to 14-10, 7-6 Arizona ST. We won by 9 at home.

We’re in a three way tie for 5th place.

Wallace’s bad ankle went on him again. He’s expected to be out for as long as two weeks.

February 19

51-68 to Oregon here. Their starting guards outscored ours 39-19, and they out rebounded us by 6. We played hard but they were the better team.

I am trying to stay positive with my players. We have a good chance in both of our last two games so I want them to feel confident.
69-59 at Arizona ST. 24, 11 for Ward, 16, 3, 3, 2 for Roy, but 10 TOs. 19 TOs but they had 17. +7 RBs.

Wes Ward hurt his hip. He is day to day.

We end the season at home with 10-16, 4-11 Colorado. They won by 7 there.

Ruth Ann is back in Atlanta. Dr. King’s “live in” protest in Chicago did not work at all.

Loretta got four gigs with big time singers this month.

February 26

74-58 over Colorado here.22, 8 for Hale, 17, 5, 4, 2 for Grey. 9 TOs.

We end the regular season 18-11, 9-7, tied for 5th place. RPI is 60 right now so we’ll go to post conference tournament play but we need to win at least one, possibly two to get to the NCAA.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:53 pm

March 5

No one declares for the draft, as expected. We saw Wallace play here against the Warriors. They won by 2. Wallace is completely healed and he did well against Nate Thurmond, an excellent big man- 15, 8, 4.

March 9

We played Colorado in the play in round of the conference tournament. 76-71. 22, 6, 2, 2 for Ward, 14, 3, 4, 2 for Hale, 12, 5 for Jelk. 19 TOs, but they had 18.

We play #3 seed Washington, 20-9, 11-5, in the quarter finals. They won by 17 there. A win here would definitely get us to the NCAA tournament. A loss? Who knows.

March 10

51-52. 10 lead changes, 6 ties. Three lead changes in the last minute. We had the last possession, with 4 seconds. Roy brought it down and threw it away. -5 TOs, but +12 RBs. 14 RBs for Ward.

Now we wait. I think this close game may get us over the top, but in a way I would rather go to the NIT. I think we could go far there. We would have a difficult time in the NCAA.

March 12

The two favorites, Oregon and Utah, were both upset in the semis. #5 seed Stanford beat #7 seed Oregon ST for the title.

Our RPI drooped to #64. I’m guessing NIT.

I am shocked. Not only are we in the NCAA, we are a #12 seed in the East. We will play #5 seed, #22 ranked, Missouri, 22-9.

March 16

56-63. 14, 9, 2 for Ward, 11, 6, 2 for Trin, 9, 5, 3 for Roy. We never led after the first minute but we stayed close. With 59 seconds left we were down 2 with the ball. Roy missed a 16 footer. We had to foul, they made the 1-1, we missed again, fouled again, they made both. Same again, they made the first, and that was it.

The game was played in Boston. As it happened Wallace and the Lakers were in town. He got to see our game, and the next night my whole team saw his game. He had 12, 8, 3 against the great Bill Russell in a loss.

Callie flies out to Kalamazoo to defend her doctoral thesis tomorrow. She has applied to Stanford, here, and to three other area universities.

March 20

Grandma, Loretta, Mark and I saw Wallace and the Lakers here last night. They lost by 6. Wallace twisted the bad ankle early in the third quarter and did not return. The Lakers have one more regular season game. They will win the West, and play St. Louis in the quarter finals.

I will go to the final four again this year. I have no interest in any other coaching position but it is a good idea to go.

March 26

We get the C we were after. Den Hamm, #226, signs.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:55 pm

April 1

Callie had an interview at Stanford in the morning and one here this afternoon.

April 4

#3 Michigan ST beat #8 Kentucky 86-79 for the title.

Awards: Wes Ward made 1st team. Doug Trin made 2nd team. Both will be back.

Callie got a second interview here today.

April 6

Callie was offered and accepted a position in the Biology department here at Cal-Berkeley. We are thrilled!

April 9

Not that I would have pursued anything but there were no interesting offers.

April 15

We fly down to L. A. for game 7 of the Lakers Hawks series. Lakers 130-Hawks 121. 29, 14, 5 for Wallace; maybe his best game as a pro. Lakers will play the Celtics for the championship for the 2nd straight year.

April 23

We ask for a facilities upgrade. Got it! We go from C+ to B+.

We lose SF R. J. Hale, and solid reserve big man Jed Jelk to graduation. Everyone else is back.

We ended the season 19-13, 9-7. I am pleased with that. Lifetime I am now 199-83, .706. Off- 45, Def-73, Recruit-85, Scout-75, Player Dev-64, Reputation-39.

This was a good first season here. We hope to do even better next year.

April 29

We flew all over the country to watch Wallace. We saw game 6 in L. A.. The Lakers won 123-115 to force game 7 in Boston, so we flew there. The Lakers lost a heartbreaker when Satch Sanders hit an 8 footer in the last second to give the Celtics the title 95-93. So close!

Ruth Ann continues to model for Chanel. She has an enormous amount of money invested in various places.

Loretta and Mark are doing well since Loretta picks up a high paying engagement just about every week now. All of the “name” entertainers who come to the Bay area now want her on keyboard.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:35 pm

May 1

We buy the national Gold again.

May 17

The entire family is in Kalamazoo for Callie’s graduation. It is Dr. Callie now!

June 5

In a shock John Roy has transferred out. We had no inkling that our starting PG was considering leaving.

The transfer pool is empty of anyone we might want.

James Meredith begins his March Against Fear, an effort to encourage blacks in the South to register to vote. He is shot and wounded in Mississippi. He continues the march, with many supporters.

June 26

Recruiting starts. We need more big men than guards this year. We’re looking at 6 PGs, 5 PFs, 4 Cs.

James Meredith reaches the destination of his march, Jackson, Mississippi.

July 6

We are down to 5 recruits. Many of the others did not have the grades. A few did not seem to have much talent. We will add recruits at the beginning of the month.

American POW’s are marched through the streets of Hanoi where they are attacked by an angry mob.

August 21

We offer to 3 PGs, 2 PFs. We need another big.

Wallace and Enna were married in L. A. this Saturday. Our entire family was there.

Ruth Ann and Loretta and Mark are all doing well.

September 18

PF Dale Crow, #174 (220 last month) committed. He is doubtful regarding meeting our SAT requirement though.

We’re in the Sunshine Shootout. We put together a tougher schedule this year.

Callie is enjoying teaching here at Cal.

“I am amazed at how bright these students are!”

September 25

We get 3 more. Adam Eden is a PG, #111 (249 last month). Joe Lane is a juco PG, #176. Joe Torp is a PF, #226. So we have 2 PGs, 2 PFs. We need one more PF.

October 2

Joe More, PF, #104 (244 last month), committed.

First day of practice. We seem strong up front. We’ll see about the backcourt. Lots of new people.

We’re picked to finish 9th. Hope that’s wrong!

October 23

Grandma turns 80. She is doing very well, full of energy and still the most wonderful cook ever.

The Lakers are 1-3 in their first four games. Baylor and West are still great, and we think Wallace is, too, but they are soft at SG and PF, and they really do not have a bench. This is Wallace’s fifth season.

“I think this is my last season. Enna and I have discussed it. After this year we will have enough saved to put a good down payment on a house somewhere, and we don’t like being apart so often. I never liked all the travel, and now that we’re married I hate it. In the Spring I’ll start looking for that high school job in the Bay area.”

Ruth Ann continues to go where Dr. King goes.

“He’s such an incredible man. I am honored to be working with him, and to have him as a friend.”

Ruth Ann continues to take two courses each semester.

November 6

We looked good in the exhibitions. Here’s the lineup: Three will share guard positions about equally to start: senior Mo Olin, who has never gotten the PT he probably has earned, senior Matt Grey, who started last season, and freshman Brad Whit, who looked very good in preseason. Our 4 and 5 spots are solid: senior Wes Ward returns to his starting spot at center. Freshman Den Hamm looked exceptionally good in the preseason so he will start at PF. Redshirt soph Jake Henk, a transfer from Kansas ST, will start at SF, and senior Doug Trin, a three year starter, will fill in at 3, 4, and sometimes 5. He’ll get lots of minutes and we would not be surprised to see him work his way back into the starting lineup.

I think we have a good team, and I do not see us finishing way down in 9th, as predicted.
November 12

Callie, grandma and I went to see Wallace and the Lakers here last night. The Warriors crushed them. This Warrior team looked as good as any of the Celtics teams I’ve seen. The Lakers are really struggling at 3-10.
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Re: Grambling Rose

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:50 pm

November 20

65-63 over New Mexico ST here. We were down 12 with 11:17 to go. During the media time out I put in a couple of things to wake our sleeping offense. They worked; we turned it around and built a 5 point lead, holding on to win by 2. 18, 10 for Ward, 11 each for SF Jake Henk and Matt Grey, 10, 2, 3 for Trin. 10 TOs.

80-59 at old rival Alabama A & M. We never trailed after the first few minutes. 19, 4 for Ward, 19, 7, 3, 2 for Trin, 13, 7, 2 for PF Den Hamm. Mo Olin had 10 before fouling out but Brad Whit filled in very well. 9 TOs.

Sub Tony Stow, who doesn’t play much, got his chance tonight and promptly sprained a finger. He’s out for about a week and a half.

The PF recruit I thought would not hit the SAT score apparently will, but a PG won’t.

“Zubin Mehta wants me!”

Mehta is the world famous conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, as prestigious a symphony as there is in the U. S.

“Will you go?”

“There’s a lot to think about. First, does he want Mark? We won’t go if not. Second, we love the Bay area, and being near the family, especially since Wallace will probably also be here next year. On the other hand I could probably work two days a week or more accompanying the big pop and jazz stars. There are always a few of them in L. A. There would likely be lots of studio work as well. We just don’t know yet. I asked Maestro Mehta to give me a little time. He said he needs to know a week from today.”

November 27

76-78 at #17 New Mexico. 15, 8 for Hamm, 14, 6, 4 for Grey, 14, 5 for Ward, 11, 3 for Trin. It was close all the way. At the end they had the ball with the score tied, set a screen for their best scorer, their SF, got it to him, and he hit a 14 footer for the win. 8 TOs. We played well. They’re a good team.

76-60 over Bradley here. 28, 7 for Ward, 14, 6, 2, 3 for Henk. 15 TOs, the first time we have had ball handling problems, but our starting guards both had major foul trouble.

“I told my conductor, Maestro Krips, about the offer from Mehta. Krips said he was just going to tell me that our piano player is retiring and that he wanted me to move up. As you know I’ve been second keyboard since I arrived here. Maestro Mehta was offering first. Now that I can match it staying here, that’s what we’re going to do. It’s more money than I’m making now, and L. A. didn’t have a spot for Mark. That meant we were probably staying anyway, but this makes the decision easier.”

December 4

74-70 at American. Our starters simply did not play very well. I spent most of the last 10 minutes with Trin, Whit, and Tony Stow in the game and they rallied us from 8 behind to the final 4 point victory. 14 for Trin, 11, 2, 4, 2 for Whit, and solid play from Stow. Perhaps I sent a message.

70-56 over #18 Minnesota, here. 25, 3 for Henk, 18, 5, 2, 2 for Ward. We were in control for the last 35 minutes or so.

This week we are at 1-4 Syracuse, then we go to the Sunshine Shootout where we start with Princeton. We are the #3 seed.

Wallace banged up that ankle again. It doesn’t look good. It’s not broken but he’s on crutches and is out for at least two weeks. The Lakers continue to play poorly.
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