Point Guard

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:41 pm

August 1 Wes Chino:

Hardin Sole is acting head coach while Zak recovers. I got the staff together this morning- I had called them early yesterday. Everyone is pulling together, as you would expect.

Hardin Sole:

As soon as Wes called I called Jude and Art, and told them to come right in so we could meet with the kids. Then I texted the kids and told them to meet us in an hour. I met with the staff briefly, told them what I knew, and we discussed how we’d tell the kids. We would meet again after the kid meeting.

The kids all knew before they got here. It was good to be able to tell them that Coach was conscious and would make a full recovery, probably be back on the job in mid-August. We then told them how practice would go until he got back. I mentioned that as acting head coach I would be in contact with Zak regularly, as soon as he was up to it.

Brad Crew, player:

As soon as I heard the news I realized it would be time for some senior leadership. Ken Horn, Joe Mily, and I are co-captains so I met with them and talked about how we could help. We’d stay positive, and just bust our butts in our informal, no coaches practices, and encourage everyone else to do the same. When Coach gets back I want him to be impressed by how hard we’ve worked.

August 3 Dawn:

There’s a lot of shoulder pain. There’s some upper back pain because that exit wound is nasty and messy, but it’s the shoulder that is really giving him trouble. He still can’t make a fist but he seems to have feeling everywhere from the shoulder down to the tips of the fingers so that’s good. The meds seem to help a little, but they don’t last long enough.

Zak is coming home tomorrow. There will be nurses in twice a day to change dressings, monitor his condition, things like that.

Thankfully my summer course ended last Friday, which is why we were out to dinner. We were celebrating.

Detective Sgt. Harry Pakij:

Three days is a long time in this kind of case.

I’d gotten all I was going to get out of Mike Boss by the end of the first day so I sent him home without arresting him. He was still near the top of my list though.

When I got to the restaurant it turned out that the bartender working last night, Billy Gotz, was off tonight. I’d known Billy for years and knew that he would have lots of useful info. I called him at home and he said he’d be down in 20-30 minutes.

I spent that time talking to the waitresses, both of whom were working last night. Claire Awl is a ditz, barely bright enough to do the job. I got nothing from her.

Debbie Duzz was more help. She spoke with a thick accent. She’d left Texas for Newark about five years ago but she still sounded Texas; she has hinted from time to time that Dallas had gotten a little too warm for her, if you know what I mean. She said Mike, as usual, had talked to everybody in the bar, hit on both waitresses, and tried to cadge free drinks from Billy. But he’d talked with two guys more than the rest, and that both had left the bar before the shooting, but not at the same time.

One was a guy who had never been in the bar before that night.

“Said he was a travellin’ salesman. Paid his tab with a credit card, though. That tells me he ain’t your man, Sgt.”

The name on the card was James Bois. I would run it later and see where he was from. I’d track him down for questioning at some point but Debbie was right. If you’re planning to shoot somebody you don’t pay with a credit card.

“The other guy is a sleaze ball. He don’t come in often, thank you, lord, but he’s been here a few times. Cheap as hell. Never tips, and we think he steals tips if we don’t get to ‘em right quick; never caught him at it, though. Drinks rotgut, but he ain’t a real big drinker. I don’t know what his angle is.”

“Does he have a name?”

“Only thing I ever heard him called was ‘Lefty.’”

That set off alarms, of course. I was tempted to visit the Zachery family but I settled for a call. Dawn answered. When I asked, she said Zak was awake, but in pain. I asked her if she remembered whether the gunman had held the gun in his right or left hand. She hesitated; then I heard her ask Zak.

“He said he hadn’t thought about it, Sgt., but now that you ask, the guy had the gun in his left hand. That’s how I remember it, too.”

I think we got a winner!

It was no surprise to learn that Lefty had never written a check or used a card at the bar.

I got a good description from both Claire and Debbie.

At that point Billy walked in. He’s my man. He had a pad with him.

“After the shooting I took the time to write down the names of everybody who was in the bar from 6:00, when I got here, until the shooting. I got phone numbers for a few because I know them. I wrote where a couple of others live. You already got the stuff on Bois, and I don’t know no more about Lefty than the girls do. I also gave a physical description of all the ones you don’t know.”

“You shoulda been a cop, Billy.”

“Nah, I’m good slingin’ booze.”

Obviously, finding Lefty was my #1 priority. I went to Mike Boss’ apartment right away. He wasn’t home.

Being the law abiding cop that I am I broke in- gently. It was a cheap lock and picking it took about 15 seconds.

The inside was a mess- I mean a REAL mess. I don’t think Mike ever cleaned the place. When I got to his closet I got some bad news. I KNOW Mike has a suitcase because when he was at The Newark News he travelled a lot. No suitcase. And it looked like he had taken lots of clothes because there weren’t many around. I did a good job of digging through the place but I really didn’t find anything useful. I didn’t find anything that a man would leave behind if he was making a quick getaway. If he had hit the road, and that’s how I made it, that meant he was involved in the shooting. I’d bet on it.

Since that first day I’ve been following leads. I’ve run what I can run on Lefty, but without a name I’d have to be really lucky. I haven’t been. I talked to James Bois by phone. He seems clean but I’m not throwing his name away. I haven’t found Mike yet. The s.o.b. is going to be very unhappy when I do find him.

August 7 Hardin Sole:

We added 11 big guys to our recruit pool. The guys are really stepping up. They’re allowed to hold “Captain’s practices.” No coaches allowed. Hey, is it my fault that Coach’s office window looks out onto the gym? The guys are working hard, and Crew, Horn, and Mily are real leaders. They’re doing a great job.


Zak is coming along slowly. The shoulder is still very painful. But he’s up and walking around quite a bit more than he was at first. He still tires easily. We’re told the physical and emotional trauma from a gunshot wound take a long time to recover from. He talks about going back to work but there’s no way he’s ready for that. He has some numbness in his index finger. He says he misses the computer key when he uses that finger. Thankfully, no one does much writing anymore because he has tried once or twice and he can’t hold a pen. At practice he takes notes by speaking into his phone.
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:03 pm

August 10 Sgt. Harry Pakij:

I’ve run into nothing but dead ends on the Zachery case. All I can do at this point is wait and hope.

August 15 Zak:

I’m back at work part time. I don’t know if this shoulder will ever stop hurting. The pain is down to a 6-7. It was a solid 9 for the first 10 days or so. It throbs constantly.

It’s good to be here. I stay about three hours, go home and have lunch and take a long nap, then come back for 2-3 hours.

Hardin is doing a great job, and Jude and Art, even though they’re new here, have really been great. The kids are amazing. When I came in last Thursday for the first time, they all cheered me.

Hardin and I are close to having our recruit offer list finished. We’re not sure we’ll offer all six scholarships. We’re still working on that.

August 21 Hardin Sole:

We decided to offer to 3 PGs and 3 bigs. Let’s see what happens.

August 27 Sgt. Harry Pakij:

I got a lead. Sgt. Will Finem called from Taos, New Mexico. He says he has a man named Freddie Katz in custody. He was picked up for vagrancy. When they ran his prints he turned out to be Mike Boss! The Captain and I are debating whether to extradite, or send me to Taos to interrogate Boss.


Dawn and I were pleased to hear that Mike Boss has been found.

Dawn asked me if she should skip the fall semester because of my injuries. I told her in no uncertain terms that I wanted her to keep following her dream. I’ll be okay. I still can’t do a lot with the right arm but I get by.

August 28 Sgt. Pakij:

I’m on a plane to Taos, tomorrow morning. I may bring Boss back with me but I’ll see what I learn by talking with him.

August 31 Sgt. Pakij:

I’ve got Mike in a cell here in Newark. What a total loser he has become. I don’t have the whole thing yet but he gives up a little more every time I talk to him. Lefty is Jerome Deland, from Passaic. He’s mob connected, but obviously not an assassin; he missed. His record says he handles drug deliveries, does shakedowns, things like that. Strictly two bit. We have a warrant out.

I can’t get Boss to tell me who’s behind this. Mike doesn’t have the money to pay for this kind of thing, even with a small timer. He insists it isn’t the Knot family, and I’m inclined to believe him. We can’t figure out who else might have it in for Zachery though.

September 8 Zak:

I’m finally back full time. Feels good. Dawn has started classes, as well as the internship, so we don’t see much of each other during the week. The arm and shoulder are still stiff and painful, and I still can’t what I want to do. I do lots of things left handed, but it’s awkward. I eat out when Dawn can’t be home to make dinner because I can’t use the right arm well enough to cook.

September 18 Zak:

We actually feel that we have a shot with a few of our recruits.

The staff debated whether to make the schedule a little stronger this year. With 6 at home and 3 away we decided to schedule some slightly more challenging teams. None of the teams are in danger of being ranked though.

September 22 Sgt. Pakij:

Jerome Deland is wrapped up like a pretty package and on his way to us. Hopefully we can find out what he knows. It’s possible though that he only knows Mike. Often, in these situations, that’s the way it works. You can’t give up someone you don’t know.

September 24 Sgt. Pakij:

I am holding both Mike Boss and Jerome Deland on attempted murder, aggravated assault, a bunch of gun charges, and everything else I could come up with. They both know they’re going down but that we can soften the fall a little if they give us whoever is behind all of this. Nothing yet.

September 25 Hardin Sole:

Got one! 7 months earlier than we got anybody last year. Don Saul, PF, #493. He’s a glass eater and he can score.

October 2 Hardin Sole:

We lost one we really thought we had a shot at.


We’re picked to win the conference. I hope they’re right!

First day of practice. We’re better than last year. Frosh Curt Tann looks really good. Gabe Raff has picked up his game since last year. He told us he’d really been working hard. It shows. Ken Horn looks like he’s better, too. Brad Crew was one of our best last year and he’s back. Kip Camp, Joe Mily, Ben Gore, and Will More are all back. It could be a lot more fun than last year was.

October 4 Sgt. Pakij:

No more Mister Niceguy. I came in at 2:30 in the morning, rousted Boss out of his cell and took him to an interrogation room far away from everything else in the jail. I was not sweet and gentle. It took longer than I thought but he caved in. Poor Mike. Seems he fell while going to his work station late yesterday. Landed on his face.

I went to the Zachery residence early enough to catch them at home but late enough that they’d be awake.

“Mr. Zachery, are you familiar with a man named Carl F. Yewcan?”

“Carl? I went to high school with him. Why.”

“What was your relationship like?”

“It wasn’t a relationship. He hated me. He was a rich kid. He only came to the school in his junior year. The word was that he’d been kicked out of so many private schools that his father just gave up and sent him to our public high school. He was a jerk, a privileged rich kid. Expected everything to just fall into his lap because he had money.

Being the big basketball star I got a lot of attention. I never went after it, tried to minimize it really, but there’s no avoiding it. It really grated him. He was jealous as can be.

“He was a football player, 6’3” or so, at least 240, big, but he wasn’t any good. He bullied me. Never actually beat me up but pushed me into walls, tripped me, manhandled me. I did my best not to cross his path but he seemed to try really hard to find me.

“He made my last two years of high school miserable, but when I graduated I never gave him another thought. Oh wait, I remember it was, I think, the last week of school.

Yeah, had to be, we were practicing for graduation. He managed to get close to me and said, very softly, ‘Some day, Zachery, when you least expect it.’ And then he did a slash the throat gesture and said, ‘I’m a very patient guy, and I don’t forget.’ I didn’t take it seriously. I mean, hell, I never did a thing to him. I’ve never crossed paths with him since, and honestly, I’ve never given him a single thought, as I said.”

“He’s been thinking of you. Seems like his dad died when he was 22, left him his company. It was a big outfit. Well, junior ran it into the ground. Declared bankruptcy last year. He came out of it with some money, but nothing like what he had. For whatever reason, his twisted little mind connected all of his troubles to you; maybe because you were the big man in high school he thought he should have been. Who knows? We have a car headed to his place right now. Probably already there. He paid Mike Boss, and Mike paid Jerome Deland to hit you. We’ve got all we need to send them all away for a while.”

“That is so weird. I never did a thing to that guy.”

“The criminal mind, Mr. Zachery. It’s always twisted some way or other.”
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:06 am

October 9 Hardin Sole:

We lost one we really wanted but got a Point Guard. Ty Adra, #208, committed. He’s a solid scorer and he can dish.

October 23 Hardin Sole:

We’re running a little low on recruiting money so Zak told me to keep texting and calling but no visits unless we think we have a kid locked up. We want to save some money for March and April.

November 6 Zak:

Here’s the lineup: I think freshman Curt Tann is going to be our best player. He’ll play both guard spots. Senior Brad Crew will also get lots of minutes at guard. Junior Sis Goyl and senior Ben Gore will split the rest of the guard minutes. Soph Gabe Raff and senior Will More will battle it out at SF, getting equal minutes to start. Seniors Ken Horn and Joe Mily will start inside with junior Kip Camp filling in. Obviously there will be changes as we move along, but I like this team.

November 15 Zak:

77-55 over Coastal Carolina here. One game doesn’t tell the story but this was a great game. We never trailed, and we led by as many as 29. 16, 7, 2 for Mily, 14, 5 for Crew, 8, 9, 3, 2 for Horn, good bench play. +15 RBs.

November 18 Art Wall:

63-48 over Milwaukee here. 18, 6 for Mily, 15, 9 for Horn, 9, 5, 3 for Tann. +9 TOs. I love the energy these guys play with. When I got here I told Zak he should add a third D, the 3-2. We now play about 40% man, about 35% 2-3, and about 25% 3-2. At least so far that combination has worked like a charm. Stats don’t always tell the whole story.

Curt Tann is the leader of this team. He is only a freshman but he’s the guy giving the orders out there, and everyone looks to him for that. Brad Crew is also a leader, and the guys look to him, too, but it’s Tann’s team. The other new guy who is bringing it is Sis Goyl. He had 9 in his first game and 8 tonight. He plays limited minutes but he’s a shooter. The staff decided to give him more minutes.

November 20 Zak:

Sgt. Pakij stopped at the house to let Dawn and me know that we’ll need to testify at the trial. No surprise. He says the prosecutor will coach us.

November 22 Art Wall:

66-54 over Loyola-Chicago here. 17, 4, 3 for Tann, 12 for Crew, 10, 5, 3, 2 for Will More from the bench. This one was close for a long time. We slowly pulled away in the second half. We’re doing a much better job of defending the outside shot so far this year. Tonight was the first time our guards had foul trouble. Tann and Crew wound up with 4 each. So did Joe Mily.

November 25 Zak:

67-54 over Grambling here. We end the opening home stand 4-0. Ken Horn had 17, 6, 2, 4. Tann, Crew, and More were also in double figures. Mily was in foul trouble again.

His weakness is D and he fouls to cover it when he gets beat.

Let’s see if we can play on the road. That’s where our next three are.

Dawn and I had a nice Thanksgiving. She cooked a turkey with all the trimmings. I did what I could to help, but the injury still limits me some.

She is doing great in her coursework and still loves it. Her first love is the internship though. She works with kids who have had terrible things happen to them. She hates that the stuff happened but loves that she can help.

November 30 Art Wall:

79-63 in the Charleston against The Citadel. This was Curt Tann’s night, 26 points. Sis Goyl had 13, Brad Crew 12, and Gabe Raff 10. Our outside shooters were hot all night long. Our inside guys did their thing though, 12 RBs for Horn, and 9, 5, 2 for Mily. But Mily fouled out.


Winning sure is fun! This is nothing like last season so far. We have lots more talent, especially Curt Tann, who just takes over at times, sometimes with his play but more often with his attitude. Sometimes I think he wills us to win, and he brings the other guys along with him.

December 2 Art Wall:

64-46 at Northeastern. This one was a team effort. Lots of guys made contributions. Mily had 12, and Tann had 10, 4, 5, 2. 7 and 9 for Horn, 9, 5, 3 for More. Good D was the most important thing. We held them to 31.1%, 23.8% from three point range. +9 RBs.

We play 9 guys. 8 of them regularly get double figure minutes. I think the fresh legs are a definite factor in our early success. That’s one of the things I convinced Zak to do.

He wanted to play our best 6, go to #7 when needed, and to #8 and #9 only in emergencies. I convinced him to go with the long bench, and it has paid off. Also, #8 and #9 have given us some great minutes.

On the plane Zak and I, and Jude as well, talked about the SF slot. Will More and Gabe Raff have been splitting time there. Raff gives us more points, but More is a better rebounder and ball handler. We’re going to keep it the way it is, at least for now.

Hardin Sole was recruiting so he didn’t make this road trip, which often happens.

To date we are +16.0 PPG, +4.6 RBPG, +1.0 TOPG. We’re loving all of that.

December 4 Hardin Sole:

Still hard at work recruiting. We added another 10 to the list. We still have 4 slots to fill.
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:38 am

December 6 Zak:

53-63 at Harvard. Oh well. I didn’t expect to go undefeated. It was nice while it lasted though. Fouls, more than anything else, did us in. Brad Crew fouled out in 25 minutes, Curt Tann had 4. They were 20-25, we were 10-13. Yep, they won by 10, they made 10 more free throws- on 12 more attempts. We could have been better with the ball, 17 TOs (-5). 14 for Goyl, 11 for Crew, 10 for More.

Art Wall:

We talk about going to “Favor Inside” on O, but we haven’t done it yet. We could use a stronger inside presence. But you don’t make major changes based on one loss.

The other thing we talk about is going to a three guard lineup, but none of our guards rebound well enough to play the three. The two guys sharing the position aren’t all that impressive. Wait and see. It’s good to discuss options though.

December 14 Jude Will:

69-72 to LIU here. We lost this one outside, 22 TOs to 9. I’m the scout. I give Zak the info he needs. I TOLD him, SHOWED him on the tapes, that LIU likes to double the ball.

They create TOs which lead to fast breaks- they were 17-4 in fast break points. Zak didn’t listen to me. During practice we worked a little on anticipating the double and reacting to it, but not nearly enough. I’m not happy.

13 each for Tann and Goyl, +10 RBs, but we didn’t need to lose this one.

December 20 Jude Will:

Okay, this time he listened. 64-46 over Brown. I told him two things: 1. They were shaky with the ball, a little pressure would cause TOs. They had 17, we had 9. 2. He could ignore the outside shooters. They didn’t hit the three that well. He packed it in with the 2-3 and let them have the three. They went 6-22. All Zak has to do is listen!

17, 7 for Horn, 15, 5, 2, 2 for Tann. We were 32-16 on Points in the Paint.


A week off. Hooray!

We end the pre-conference season 7-2, RPI #84. Last year our RPI was in the 200s and even the 300s.

We are giving the SF spot to Will More. Raff simply hasn’t lived up to expectations. He is our highest rated player but he doesn’t get it done in games. Same was true last year.

In general we’re pretty happy with most of our guys. Tann is our best player, Horn is giving us what we need inside. Crew and Goyl are playing well at guard. Mily needs to rebound more and foul less but he knows how to put points on the board. Camp has been a disappointment. We’re giving Gore his minutes for now.

We are +11.0 PPG, +3.4 RBPG, -0.4 TOPG, +0.5 Assists PG. Last season we were negative in all except RBs, and WAY negative in TOs. As I’ve said we are a much better team.

Hopefully conference play will show that.

December 25

Dawn and I had a quiet holiday. We had Cornish Game Hens and pumpkin pie, exchanged gifts, and then just watched videos and relaxed.

Dawn made “A” in all three of her courses.

My shoulder pain is much better. It’s still there but usually in the 3-4 range. I have limited feeling in my index finger, which probably won’t ever get better, but everything else is fine. The index finger does limit me though. There are things I can’t do, other things I can do, but not very well, and I drop things often. Still, I’m lucky to be alive!

Sgt. Pakij says the prosecutor will start prepping us for the trial in mid-January.
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:34 pm

December 27 Zak:

63-59 at Vermont. We overcame lots of foul trouble- Tann fouled out in 23 minutes, Crew was held to 18 minutes and ended with 4, Horn had 4. Our bench came through.

Fortunately for us Vermont was awful from the line, 14-24. They could easily have made a few more and that would have changed the complexion of the game. Other than that stats were pretty even. 13, 7, 3, 2 for Horn, 10, 7 for Mily, 10 for Goyl, 11, 4 for Tann. Will More had 5, 7, 2 in his first start at SF. Road wins in conference are a beautiful thing!

December 30 Jude Will:

70-53 over UMBC here. Zak and the players followed the game plan perfectly! They have one outside shooter. The plan was to be all over him, and to let anyone else take the deep shot. They had one inside player, so we’d key on him. We were quicker, which doesn’t happen often, so we’d look for fast break opportunities.

Horn had 16 and 8, Tann had 14, 7, 4, Mily had 15, and Goyl had 11. 5, 8, 5 for More, a nice game. +14 RBs, +5 TOs.


We have our first injury of the season. Brad Crew sprained a finger. He’s out about 10 days. We’re gambling on Sis Goyl; the rookie has done pretty well all in all. We’ll also give Ben Gore more minutes.

January 3, 2022 Jude Will:

67-65 in OT at New Hampshire. 20 lead changes and 13 ties. Ken Horn was 4-10 from the line but he was 2-2 at the end of regulation to send it to OT. Then we won it when
Curt Tann mad a perfect pass to an open Will More, who hit a 15 footer as the clock expired. Very exciting! We had 22 TOs but they had 18. +10 RBs helped.

My scouting report told Zak that we were stronger inside and that we needed to get the ball to Horn and Mily. We didn’t do enough of that. If we had the win would have been a lot easier. Still, a road win against a good conference opponent is a great thing. More had his best game of the season, 15 and 11. Mily had 13 and 8.

January 6 Zak:

69-60 over Maine here. The stats were all pretty similar except that we shot 62.8%. I don’t remember anything close to that in my 2 years here. 58.3% on threes. 14 each for Tann, Horn, and Mily, and Goyl had 13. It was close until the next to last media time out. We came out of that and hit six straight shots, 4 of them threes.

We’re 11-2, 4-0. I’m amazed!

Dawn and I have enjoyed her semester break. We’ve gone into the city a few times, seen a show, gone to MOMA twice, had dinner in some great restaurants.

She talks about what she hopes to do once she gets a degree. It looks more and more like she wants to run a critical care facility. Sort of a drop off place for kids being rescued from abuse and neglect. It would be a place where they would come to us straight from some kind of hellish experience, stay and receive intense counselling to help them deal with the trauma from which they had been rescued, and where they could feel safe while awaiting more permanent placement. We’d need to buy a place with lots of room, or a separate building. There would be a full time staff. Big operation! But it is much needed, unfortunately it would be much needed wherever we put it. So if we moved we could leave it in place and start another one in our new location. So sad that we don’t do more for kids in need in this country. I support this 100%, and will help Dawn to make it happen. She has another year and a half of school, and then we can begin.

January 10 Zak:

50-64 at 1st place Albany. They made five more baskets than us, all of them threes. That was the difference. 11, 10 for Horn but he only played 24 minutes due to fouls.

Crew was back from his injury.

January 13 Wes Chino:

61-49 over Stony Brook here and we’re back in a tie for 1st with Albany. 12 and 13 for Ken Horn, 16, 4, 2, 3 for Joe Mily. +10 TOs, +5 RBs.

I have really enjoyed watching this team this season. They are playing really well, and they are playing together. Last year’s team just never jelled as a team. This year they were a team from the start.

When I stop in to practice I hear coaches’ voices of course, but I hear two players’ voices, co-captain, Brad Crew, and freshman guard Curt Tann. Those two kids are the leaders and they are excellent leaders. They really get the other players motivated. They lead by example, always working hard, always paying attention to and reinforcing what the coaches are teaching.

January 17 Curt Tann:

69-67 at Hartford. I LOVE this kind of a game. I had 17, 2, 4, 2, and I hit the winner, first time I’ve done that in a close game here. They scored with about 6 seconds left. I brought it down and I knew I was taking the shot, it was MINE. I faked going left then cut behind Brad Crew’s pick, went up and banged home a 16 footer. What a great feeling! Hey, it wasn’t just me though. Ken Horn had 12, Crew and Mily had 11 each, and Sis Goyl had 10. We were -12 on the boards, unusual for us. But +9 TOs helped. This game was all offense, they shot 50% and we shot 48.9%.

We’re tied for first with Albany, 2 up on the rest.

Two areas I’m still working on: TOs, I’m getting 3.4 a game, too many! And fouls- 2.7 a game. I think I play good D though, and I’m our leading scorer and leading assist guy. I think I’m having a really good freshman season but I never let it go to my head. I have lots of work to do!

I dreamed about playing Division I hoops since I was a little kid. It’s so cool to be doing it!


The prosecutor in the case had us into her office today. Ella Vaydre is one tough lady. She plans to come down hard on Carl F. Yewcan, Jerome Deland, and Mike Boss. She thinks she can get 20 years for Yewcan and Deland. Boss cooperated, and he gave us Yewcan, so she wants five years for him.

She schooled Zak and me in what to say, how to answer her questions. Then she played defense attorney and gave us an idea of how our testimony and our character would be attacked by defense. This doesn’t sound like it will be pleasant but we’ll do it. There will be 2-3 more of these practice sessions. The trial begins in about two weeks.

January 20 Art Wall:

87-75 over UMass here. We scored the first 7 and never trailed. 19, 2, 5 for Tann, who is worth his weight in gold. Ken Horn had 18, 4, 4, Joe Mily had 12, 9, 3, and sub Ben Gore had 13. More had 9, 6, 4. He has responded well to getting the SF spot.

Albany lost so we’re alone in first place.
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 24, 2015 5:10 pm

January 24 Curt Tann:

55-61 at Binghamton. This one’s on me. I fouled out, playing exactly 13 minutes. For the first time ever- I mean back to rec league, I didn’t score. I have to say that two of the fouls were bogus. One of them the ref was screened. He just blew the whistle for- I don’t know why he blew the whistle. The other one was the charge/block thing. That one is almost always a guess for a ref, they need to rewrite the rule. I absolutely had position, but he didn’t call it that way. It was dumb on my part though; I had three at the time. I should have just got out of the way. Coach was pissed at me, and he should have been. The other three fouls were mine, I admit it.

Anyway, Horn and More had 13 each, and Brad had 10, 6, 3, 2, but without me doing my part it wasn’t enough.

After the game coach tried to cheer me up. He told me to try to learn from my mistakes, and that he was counting on me, and loved my game. That felt good but I’m still pretty down.

We’re back in a tie with Albany, 2 up on the rest.


We’re at the halfway point in conference play. Tied for 1st place. 14-4, 7-2. RPI #77. +5.6 PPG, +3.1 RBPG, +0.4 TOPG, +1.7 assists PG. Individually Curt Tann is our leading scorer but Horn and Mily are right behind him. Horn is by far our leading rebounder. Tann is our assists leader. We’re doing great!

January 27 Brad Crew:

“Hey dad, I had myself a night! 19, 2, and 5, and I held my man to 5, 1, 1. We won big, 61-42. Really took good care of the ball. Just kicked butt. Hey, it’s only 45 minutes for you and mom to come to a game. It’s my last year… Yeah, I know you’re coming for senior night, but I thought… okay. Just let me know so I can get you tickets.”


We’re getting to be a tough ticket! Fleisher AC holds only 1500, and it’s getting so it’s a real battle to get a seat to one of our games. That’s really great!

The trial starts next week. We won’t be called until the week after that, probably.

January 31 Art Wall:

46-57 at UMBC. I’m trying to analyze this one. Not a lot comes through when you look at the stats except that Tann has been in a slump lately, and tonight he couldn’t make a shot- 0 for 8. Really, it was poor shooting that did us in. More was 1-7, Horn 2-8. If you give up 57 you should win, but then if you only score 46… 15 for Crew, 14 for Mily, and no one else had more than 5.

February 3 Curt Tann:

66-51 over New Hampshire here. I’ve been in a shooting slump. All the coaches said to just keep taking my shot so I did. I couldn’t hit threes tonight (0-4), but I was 7-9 otherwise for 17 points. So it’s coming. Coach Wall is terrific about mechanics and he says mine are fine, so don’t worry, just shoot.

14, 4 for Joe Mily, 11 for Goyl. We really never were challenged tonight. We’re still one back of Albany and 2 ahead of the rest- well, 2 or more. 6 to play.

Dawn: The trial started today. Ella Vaydre said to ignore it. Don’t read the papers about it or check on line or anything. We’re trying to do that. We won’t be called this week, and she said she’d try to arrange it so Zak doesn’t need to miss any road games.

February 7 Art Wall:

66-61 at Maine. It wasn’t pretty. Every starter except Horn wound up with 4 fouls, and sub Kip Camp did too. And we got zero points from the bench. AND we committed 19 TOs. AND we were -4 on the boards. But somehow we won. Brad Crew had 24 and Joe Mily 18 and 6. Our 19 TOs were nothing compared to their 25, and we took 6 more shots. Crazy game, but we’ll take the win.

February 8 Zak:

Sophomore Gabe Raff came into my office today. He was angry. He really went on a rant about not getting playing time. I let him get it all out and then I took a turn.

“Gabe, we started you in the first 9 games this season. You weren’t getting it done but we stayed with you, gave you every chance.

“When we took the job away from you, you had two choices- work your butt off and get the job back, or sulk and go through the motions. We both know which one you’ve chosen.”

“I want another chance.”

“Earn it. Work hard at practice. When I put you in a game bust your butt.”

At that point he got up and left. To be honest I’m not getting what I’d like to get at SF. I would be thrilled if he started to show me some effort.

February 9

Dawn: Zak and I were told to be at the courthouse at 9:30. We were there before that. Nothing happened until noon. The trial room wasn’t even opened. We hadn’t seen Ella.

At a little after noon Ella came out and found us.

“Go have lunch. Be back by 1:30.”

We were back at 1:15.

At 2:45 Ella came back out.

“It’s over.”


“You sat around all day because Yewcan finally decided to get smart and plea bargain. We offered three weeks ago and Boss and Deland were good with it, but Yewcan somehow thought he could beat the rap. His attorneys finally convinced him he couldn’t. Tomorrow morning the three of them plead guilty. Yewcan and Deland get 10 years, Boss gets 3.”

“Really? That’s how it works?”

“Very few cases actually go to trial any more. Tell you the truth Yewcan is going to have a really hard time in prison. He’s an arrogant s. o. b. and he can’t keep his mouth shut. His fellow prisoners will shut it for him very quickly. If he’s smart the first lesson will be enough, but I’m not so sure he’s that smart.”


Of course I wasted the entire day in the courthouse on the day before our biggest game of the regular season. We play Albany here tomorrow.

February 10 Brad Crew:

65-53 over Albany here. I knew I had to step up, and I was all over the three other senior starters, Horn, Mily, and More. Told them it was on us. We had to get it done. I am happy to say we all responded! I had 17, 7, 4, and 2, and held my man to 5. Kennie Horn had 18 and 7, and shut down the other team’s center. 15 and 4 for Mily. Will More didn’t put up numbers but he played solid D and had 4 blocks. Tann is still slumping, which I saw in practice the last couple of days. He went 1-7 and had 7 TOs.

We really played our game tonight. They beat us by 14 there. Now we won by 12 here. We’ll probably meet in the title game.

We’re tied with Albany in 1st, and nobody else is closer than 3 back. With 4 to play it’s a 2 team race. Pretty exciting, and WAY more fun than my first three years here.

Coach Zak is the best!


Zak and I discussed the case and we’re okay with the plea bargain. The sentence for Yewcan is too short, and we’re a little worried about what will happen when he gets out, he’s so crazy. But nobody wants to go through the stress of testifying in court. It’s fine.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:18 pm

February 14 Art Wall:

63-75 at Stony Brook. We just lost to the worst team in the league. Three things stand out: 1. They shot 52.1%, 50% on threes. 2. #1 was mostly because both of our starting guards were in foul trouble all night, and the backups didn’t get it done. 3. Curt Tann was 2-11.

It’s really about Tann. He’s lost his shot, mostly because he’s lost his confidence. There is not one thing wrong with his mechanics. I’ve looked at game video until my eyes cross. BUT, and I’ve talked to Zak about this, I’m going to get together with Tann, tell him I spotted something. It’ll be something so small it will be meaningless, but he’ll buy it. I figure if I give the kid a reason why he keeps missing, even a bogus reason, it will put his focus on fixing it. I’m betting it will work. Like coach says, it can’t get any worse!

February 17 Jude Will:

78-41 over Hartford here. We followed the game plan to a T! Of course it helped that everything worked and that they shot 30.2%, 23.5% on threes. Five guys in double figures led by Ken Horn with 13 and 10. Tann had 8, 6, 5, better than he’s been doing.

Albany lost so we’re tied again.

Zak: I gave Raff’s minutes to Gore. Raff’s going through the motions. I don’t get it, except for Tann, Raff has more talent than anyone on the team.

February 19 Zak:

I spent the night holding Dawn while she cried. As she was about to leave the agency where she is doing her internship three kids were brought in. They had just come from the hospital where they had been treated for bruises, contusions, two of them had fractures... I guess they were a real mess. They were 4, 2, and 9 months.

Dawn stayed for an extra two hours to help, mostly just trying to hold the kids and make them feel safe. When she got the history it turns out that they had just been returned to their mother’s custody after having been taken away. Her boyfriend had done this before, just not quite this bad.

Fortunately, the boyfriend is in custody, and it looks like he’s going down this time, but that doesn’t help the kids much.

It was the worst thing Dawn has seen firsthand since she started, and it really tore her up.

Now is not the time to ask her, but I’m wondering if she can do this kind of thing full time. The emotional toll would have to be enormous. We’ll have that discussion at another time.

February 21 Ken Horn:

87-84 in OT at UMass Lowell. It was a big game. I knew I had to come up big. I wound up with 23 and 9. I played with 4 fouls for the last 2 ½ minutes of regulation and for all of OT, but I stayed tough. I was real careful not to foul, even gave up two layups rather than contesting them. We worked hard for this one. All the starters had 11 or more, and Curt shot 6-12. We were +6 on TOs. Our outside D sucked a little, they were 13-24 on threes, but we had- get this, 44 points in the paint! Can you BELIEVE that! That’s what won it for us.


Albany lost at home which means we clinch a first place tie and will have a chance to host the conference tournament! All we need to do is win our last game, or have Albany lose theirs.

February 24 Brad Crew:

65-48 over Binghamton here. A real a$$ kicking! I had 20, 3, 6, 3 on Senior Night! We were +9 TOs. Loudest crowd ever! Every seat was filled and there were a lot of people standing.


Good thing the fire marshal didn’t visit tonight; we were WAY over capacity. What a game! My kids, especially Brad, but all of them, knew that we needed a win. The Albany game started ½ hour ahead of ours and every update showed they were winning (which they did). We didn’t leave anything to chance.

So we will host the tournament. We finish the regular season at 21-6, 14-4. RPI is #70.

+8.2 PPG, +2.4 RBPG, +1.3 TOPG, +1.6 assists PG. I can’t believe how far we’ve come in one season! We’ve already met Wes’ only goal of finishing in the top 3.

Now we head for the postseason!

February 26 Zak:

I had that talk with Dawn last night.

“I’ll get used to it- no, I won’t get used to it. I won’t EVER get used to it. But I’ll keep my emotions in check so that I can actually be useful. And I’ll learn to leave it at work- at least most of the time. They talk about that in our classes, how we need to separate or we’ll just burn out, or ruin our relationships. I’ll work really hard on that, Zak. I promise.”

As always I support my wonderful wife. Am I a little concerned? Sure I am. But these kids need what she has to offer.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:09 pm

March 1 Zak:

We’re hosting the tournament. The kids and I get to watch the play in games tonight.

March 2 Zak:

We get a bye to the semifinals. #4 seed UMBC won their game so we play them. We beat them by 17 here, then lost by 11 there, so it’s not a given.

March 3 Zak:

63-54 over UMBC. Definitely a team effort. Stats were very similar except that we were +8 in rebounds. 13, 7 for Kennie Horn but he only played 23 minutes due to fouls. 13, 5, 4, 3 for POG Brad Crew. 8, 6 for Mily.

On to the title game with our old rival Albany. We split a pair of games with them. Our teams are evenly matched so this one is up for grabs. Both teams are healthy and at full strength. We need to stay out of foul trouble and it would be nice if Curt Tann would light it up a little.

March 4 Zak:

It was not to be. 60-72. Curt lit it up, 19, 6, 3, but our front line was in foul trouble all night and that, plus poor shooting, did us in. Ken Horn played only 20 minutes, getting 5 and 4, and Joe Mily played 26, getting 6, 3, 2. Ben Gore worked hard in support of the bigs, 7 and 5, but it wasn’t enough. We fell behind early and never quite caught up.

March 5 Zak:

Last night was disappointing, but I doubt very much that our season is over. At 22-7, 14-4, RPI #88, 1st place, finalist in the tourney, I think we’ll go to either the NIT or the CHI. We’ll find out in a week.

March 12 Zak:

RPI is now #82. Here we go!

There’s a text coming in! NIT, #8 West. We play #1 seed St. John’s, 18-11.

We play on the 14th so not a lot of time to prepare. They’re tough, have played a much stronger schedule than we have. They are stronger inside than out.

March 14 Zak:

61-72. It’s tough when you get behind to a better team. They jumped all over us. By the time I got the guys settled we were down 24, and I was out of time outs- and we were only 10 minutes in. From that point on we outplayed them, but it was too late. But my guys never quit. 9, 13, 2 for Ken Horn in his last game. 12, 3 for Joe Mily, 10, 3, 5 for Brad Crew, 9, 4 for Will More, and 6, 3, 4 for Ben Gore, all in their last games.

There’s no disgrace in losing to a better team, especially when you never quit battling.

March 17 Zak:

Albany upset #25 Arkansas in the 1st round of the NCAA.

March 19 Zak:

Albany got beat in the 2nd round.

April 4 Zak:

NJIT is not in the class to send their coach to the Final Four but it’s at Madison Square Garden this year so I went.

I got to see a rarity, unranked Temple beat #13 Gonzaga, 72-63, for the title. Temple was a #12 seed.

Awards: We did a little better this year than last! Senior Ken Horn is POY plus 1st team, along with senior Joe Mily. Curt Tann is freshman OY, and 2nd team. I was disappointed that Brad Crew was not recognized.

April 6 Dawn:

Ella Vaydre called. Carl F. Yewcan is in the prison hospital. He was severely beaten, presumably by other prisoners.

“No surprise, Dawn. I thought it would have happened sooner.”

April 16 Zak:

Center Les Cool, #392, and PF Mai Bro, #164, signed. Still 2 to fill but no one seems very interested.

April 23 Zak:

We ask for a facilities upgrade again. Got it! D- to C-! The work starts on the 1st of May and is expected to be finished by the start of school.

22-8, 14-4, RPI #82. 35-24, .593. Off- 7, Def- 11, Recruit- 27, Scout- 62, Player Dev- 9, Reputation- 11.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:11 pm

May 1 Zak: Gold Eastern.

I have my entire staff back, which is great.

I got a 5% raise. It’s not about the money for me but it’s nice.

June 5: Looking at a few transfers.

3 more A grades for Dawn.

June 6: Dawn:

Ella Vaydre called last night at about 9:00. That seemed strange. She asked if Zak was home. When I said he was she said she needed to come over, right away. That seemed even stranger.

“Carl F. Yewcan escaped from Rahway late this afternoon. Or it was discovered late this afternoon. He was last seen at lunch so he escaped sometime between 12:45 and 5:30. We want to put a police officer in your home, and then assign one to each of you for the next few days.”

“Do you really think he’ll come after us?”

“We always have a spy or two in Rahway. There are lots of seriously evil people there. He has been regularly heard speaking of ‘getting’ both of you whenever he gets the chance. The chance has come. We’ve really committed a lot of personnel to finding him, and we think we will, fairly quickly, but it really just makes sense to protect both of you.”

It didn’t sound like we had much choice in the matter so we agreed. Life in a fishbowl again. Neither of us is happy about it.

June 9 Zak:

Lots of reported sightings of Yewcan, but all of them have been false alarms. Dawn and I are still getting round the clock protection. When we’re at home we have been told to keep all blinds, drapes and curtains closed. That’s as much for the on duty police officer’s protection as for ours.

“This guy has gone over the edge. It’s possible he would shoot me through a window if he could see me, then go after you two. We’re not taking any chances.”

That certainly made us feel all warm and cozy!

June 11 Dawn:

Still lots of reports about Yewcan but no real evidence about his whereabouts.

June 12 Zak

We get PG Will Chute from Temple.

June 14 Zak:

There was a robbery at a convenience store not far from here. The store cameras showed a man who looked very much like Yewcan.

“That’s actually a good thing. If he’s taking chances like that he’s out of money.”

June 16 Zak:

We get SG Coli Bark from Cal ST-Bakersfield.

June 17 Zak:

Yewcan was killed by police in a bloody shootout about two blocks from our house. A random patrol saw a male pedestrian answering his description, walking straight for our house. It was last night at about 9:45. The officer called it in and waited for backup. A fleet arrived. Yewcan spotted them and ran off but they cornered him. They called to him to come out with his hands up but he started shooting. They shot back. He was killed.

At least it’s over.

I asked Ella Vaydre if she felt we had anything to worry about from either Jerome Deland or Mike Boss.

“No. Deland’s a punk. When he gets out he’ll head somewhere else and go back to the things he actually knows how to do- drug money, extortion… Mike Boss seems to be a changed man. He finally got wise to himself. He says he realizes what an idiot he’s been. He’s hoping he can get a job at a small paper, maybe out West, when he gets out.”

Then I asked how Yewcan escaped from a maximum security prison.

“We don’t know yet. He had to have help inside. We’ll figure it out sooner or later. When we do someone’s in a lot of trouble.”

June 26: Zak:

3 scholarships. We need at least 2 bigs.

August 21 Zak:

We offer to three bigs.

It has been a peaceful summer, thank goodness. Dawn got another A. Just 2 semesters to go for her.

School starts again for both of us on Wednesday.

October 2 and the first practice will be here before we know it. Can’t wait!

Mike Boss:

I’m thinking of writing to Zak Zachery. I want to apologize, let him know how sorry I am about all the stuff I did to him. Try to convince him that I really am a changed man.

My shrink says it’s too soon though.

Hardin Sole:

I really like being the #1 assistant here. I’d take a head coach job in a flash but this is good. Zak is a good boss and he lets me know he appreciates me.

September 4

Jude Will:

I enjoy scouting. It’s what I do best and it fits really well with my analytical mind. But I can’t live on #2 assistant pay for much longer. I hope I can move up to a #1 job somewhere, hopefully next season.

September 18 Zak:

Our schedule is a little more challenging but very few good teams want to play us.

September 25 Hardin Sole:

We feel we’re close with a couple of recruits but we haven’t landed anyone yet.

October 2 Zak:

Still no recruits committed.

First day of practice. We’re picked to repeat as conference champs.

October 5 Zak:

Dawn was injured at her internship today. I’m here at the hospital. A seven year old boy was brought in. He had a black eye, contusions, abrasions, the works. Dawn walked up to him and with no warning at all he attacked her. Evidently he went into a blind rage. It took staff a brief time to react but they soon pulled him away and restrained him (There is a secure room for that- padded walls and all). But he had done some damage. The docs just told me she has a fractured nose, two missing teeth, and some severe contusions and abrasions. They say she is very lucky her jaw wasn’t fractured as it was hit several times.

The nose and the jaw are giving her the most pain. The pain meds are only helping a little.

It’s late and Dawn has just been given morphine. She’s dropping off. I’m going home but I’ll be back in the morning.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:18 pm

October 8 Zak:

Dawn is finally able to speak. There was too much pain and swelling in the jaw for her to do so until now.

“I’m not quitting.”

I smiled. “I didn’t think you would.”

“Just so you know.”

“Dawn, it happened. I don’t know enough about working with this kind of a kid to know if you didn’t know the procedures well enough, or whether it was unavoidable. But whatever, you’ll learn. I still support you on all of this. Besides, you looked kind of cute without your two front teeth.”

She smiled. “Thank goodness staff saved them and brought them here right away. They were able to put them back in.

“I followed procedure, Zak. These things can happen at any time. That little boy was damaged and terrified being in a new setting, coming from the E.R., getting beat up again for who knows how many times. They tell me he has settled in. He’s very sorry about what happened. They think they may want to bring him in so he can apologize but they want to wait a couple more days, until the rest of the swelling and bruising are gone, and my nose is reset.”

“I think that’s a good idea. Maybe we can teach the kid a lesson about forgiveness. If it would help for me to be here, I’ll arrange my schedule around it.”

October 9: Hardin Sole:

We’re completely striking out with recruits. I thought after the great season we had we’d do pretty well but it isn’t happening. Oh well, keep working.

October 11 Zak:

We met with the kid. His name is Jamal. Interestingly enough he’s quiet, shy even. He had no idea how to deal with people who were kind, gentle, and forgiving. After he finished with the apology, which was clearly sincere, he just wanted to be out of there. Well, until I mentioned that I coached hoops. Then he was interested. Turns out he loves basketball. After a decent conversation I invited him to a practice, and said I’d get him tickets to a game when the season started. I got a very genuine smile!

October 20 Zak:

Jamal has been to two practices, with Dawn both times. We’ve begun proceedings to take him in as a foster child, since his mom lost custody permanently.

November 6 Art Wall:

Here’s the lineup: Jude Idit is the best player on this team, or so it seems from practices and the two exhibitions. He’s a junior transfer from Kansas. He’ll play mostly SG, but some PG and SF. Soph Curt Tann has not had a good fall. He’ll start at PG and play some SG, but senior Sis Goyl is right behind him, getting almost as many minutes at 2 and 3. Freshman Don Summ is a PF but he’ll start at SF for us. We have no one at the 3 spot and we’re hoping Summ can get it done. Inside, our best is frosh Mai Bro. Also starting is soph Ted Lane who will get about equal minutes with frosh Les Cool.

So we’re pretty much a patchwork quilt held together by Idit and Bro, both of whom look very good.

Jamal has become my shadow whenever we can work it out. I have come to love the kid, and he sure loves the whole hoops environment. He and Dawn get along really well, too. We’re working on getting emergency certification to take him in as a foster child. It could come at any time. He is very excited about coming to live with us. We’ve shown him his room, here, and he can’t wait! We feel the same way.

November 10 Dawn:

The emergency certification arrived today. Jamal will move in this afternoon.

November 12 Dawn:

Jamal is having a little trouble adjusting. That’s not unusual for a kid like him. He’s had so many disappointments in his life that trust is difficult. We’re trying to both make him feel welcome and give him some space, hoping he’ll come along. Basketball practice with Zak and the team is still his favorite part of the day. Practice starts at 4:00 so

Jamal takes the bus right to the athletic center after school. I pick him up for dinner at about 6:15.

He’s good about doing homework and the few little chores we’ve given him, but trust is still an issue.

November 13 Bud Idotit, The Newark News:

It’s a new season for the NJIT Highlanders. Color me unimpressed. I saw their exhibition game and caught a couple of practices. I think last year’s success will not be repeated. Frankly, they have two players, Jude Idit and Mai Bro. Curt Tann lost his shot about halfway through last season and from what I’ve seen he hasn’t found it yet. Sis Goyl can score, but he doesn’t do much else, and opponents will quickly learn that if they double Bro, they won’t have anything to worry about inside. The Highlanders will be lucky to finish in the middle of the pack in the weak America East conference.
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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm


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