Point Guard

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 6:35 pm

November 15 Art Wall:

80-60 over SMU here. 19, 4 for center Mai Bro, 17, 6, 2 for guard/forward Jude Idit, and 15, 3, 5 for guard Curt Tann. 9 for guard Sis Goyl from the bench.

Lots to talk about. First, Tann shot 5-7. If his shot is back we’re going to be good- I mean REAL good. Bro and Idit were everything we thought they’d be. Sure, it’s only one game, but SMU is from the AA, a big time conference, and their Team Prestige is 30, ours is 10. If Bro and Idit can do it against these guys, they can do it- period.

The game plan is, of course, to feature Bro and Idit, and if he’s up to it, Tann. The other guys are role players. When Goyl is in we want him to get the ball; he’s a pure shooter. On D we’re sticking with some man, some 2-3, a little less 3-2. Fouls are still a problem, like they were last year; Bro fouled out in 24 minutes, and his backup, Les Cool, had 4. We got some good minutes up front from Ed Huey, who hadn’t shown much up to now, but he had 4 in just 11 minutes. And Sis Goyl fouled out in 19. So that’s something we need to address. Our defensive intensity is 5. We’d hate to drop it below that but I don’t know what else to do. We almost never press. It’s early. We’ll figure it all out.

Zak is comfortable with me and Jude Will, and Hardin was here before us. This season we’ve really worked well together as a staff.

November 16 Dawn:

Jamal and I went to the game, of course. It was too much excitement and he couldn’t sleep. When Zak got home at about 1:15 in the morning we were downstairs on the couch, reading- Jamal loves to read. He never had books before, of course. We go to the library every week now, and buy books for him as well.

The three of us talked, and then Jamal just started crying. It took a while for him to calm down, but when he did he said four words that broke my heart.

“I miss my sister.”

How could I have forgotten! Later Zak said I’d forgotten because of the trauma of my injuries, and because no one, including Jamal, had mentioned his 4 year old sister since the day he arrived at our facility and sent me to the hospital.

We were careful not to make any promises but we told Jamal we would see what we could do right away.

We put him to bed shortly after that and stayed up for another hour and a half. We decided that if we could find Jamia we would arrange for a visit right away… and … we would see about taking her as a foster child. I didn’t need to convince Zak. As a matter of fact he brought it up before I did.

November 18 Jude Will:

60-51 over Rice here. We led all the way, but never by more than 14. Curt wasn’t on tonight so we played Sis Goyl a lot and he responded with 19. Jude Idit had 17, and Mai Bro had 9 and 9. We managed to stay out of foul trouble. We just beat a team with a Team Prestige rating of 55!

A lot of my scouting report was based on info from last season, but it turned out to be right on target. They had a strong center and were good inside, but their guards were weak. We turned them over frequently, particularly their PG and his backup. They beat us on Points in the Paint and Fast Break Points but in the half court we were way better, and that’s where we beat them, just as I wrote it in my report.


We located Jamia today. We were able to make arrangements for her to spend the weekend here, and we will begin getting to know her in hopes of bringing her here to reunite with Jamal.

November 20 Dawn:

It was heart rending to see these two kids when they saw each other. I took Jamal with me to pick Jamia up at her foster placement. He hugged her for a long time. Then they started chattering. They kept it up as I spoke to the foster mom, as we drove home in the car, and for most of the afternoon and evening.

Jamal is a wonderful big brother, very protective and loving.

It was difficult to bring Jamia back this evening but we told them both that we will do all we can to reunite them.

Oh, Jamia really liked her room. We had not, of course, had time to redecorate, but I bought some stuffed animals, and some sheets and blankets that I thought a 4 year old girl would like, and a couple of cute table lamps- a few other little things. If she comes to stay we’ll have the room repainted.


I don’t expect to get impressive numbers from the SF and PF spots. If Don Summ and Ted Lane can play good D and get a few rebounds I’ll be happy. We’re going to get our scoring from the guards and from Mai Bro.

November 22 Les Cool:

“Mom? Put it on speaker phone, I want dad to hear this… Okay. Guess what? I played 29 minutes tonight! … Yeah, really! 10 points and 7 rebounds. When we said New Jersey was a long way from Hawaii I said yeah, but I’d play here, not just sit the bench. Remember? Anyway, Ted Lane didn’t have it so Coach put me in. The guy on the other team was tough, but I kind of did better than Ted was doing, and I was hitting shots and rebounding, so Coach pretty much kept me in except when I needed a breather. It was awesome! Oh, we won, 55-47 over Western Michigan here at home. Yeah, Mai Bro is an unbelievable inside player. He had 16 and 6, and some of my points were cuz they focused so much on him but hey, I’ll take it! Yeah, our guards did great too, +10 turnovers, and 10 each for Idit and Goyl. Tann isn’t hitting his shots again, 0-6. I’m guessing they’ll start Goyl if Tann doesn’t find his shot. What? I don’t know if they might start me. That would be awesome though. Okay, gotta go. Love ya.”


I’m giving Goyl more minutes. Mostly he’s taking them from Don Summ, playing SG and Idit moving to SF. I am also playing Les Cool over Ted Lane at PF; that’s just a few minute adjustment but Cool will be in at crunch time. Let’s see what happens. They are getting about the same amount of minutes until one of them claims the balance.

We’re on the road for three games, and 6 of our next 7. That will certainly test us, although we scheduled weaker teams on the road than at home, mostly. I’m gone for the next 10 days. But after the home game the last three road games are one a week so we’ll come home in between. If we get Jamia I want to be there as much as I can, and Jamal relates so well to me, I need to be here for him. I will call every day when I’m on the road. I always have, but now I’ll do it when I can speak with both Dawn and Jamal, and hopefully, Jamia, before too long.


Jamal has made all three home games. He adjusted better and was able to go to sleep after the second and third.

We have done the paperwork to get Jamia but the state says they want at least 2-3 more weekend visits first. Whatever it takes.
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:54 pm

November 25 Zak:

57-61 at Nicholls ST. Not tonight. We blew a 19 point lead, losing the 2nd half 19-37. We shot 50% in the 1st half, and 17.9% in the 2nd. It was painful. Sis Goyl responded to his first start with 16, 6, 2. He was the only guy making shots but they started to double him. Idit had 12 but he shot 4-14. Bro had 13 RBs but only 5 points. You have to make shots.

I spoke with Dawn, Jamal, and Jamia a few times over the weekend. They seemed to do just fine without me there, but I wish I could have been home.

November 29 Art Wall:

84-72 at Belmont. The shots didn’t fall last game but they did tonight. 21 each for Goyl and Idit, 19 for Tann on 6-8 shooting, 5-7 on threes. When he’s making shots we are very difficult to defend. 8, 8, 2 for Bro but he fouled out again, in 23 minutes. Goyl did too, in 25. Fortunately we were way ahead but this hurts. The staff hasn’t come up with any answers.

December 2 Zak:

Rough night. We played the best team on our schedule, #19 Georgia, there. 50-63 wasn’t all that bad, I suppose. TOs haven’t been a problem but we had 19. Mai Bro was in over his head against a very good center. Mai will develop to the point where he can handle a guy like that but he isn’t there yet. We handled their starting PG but they’re deep. The backup had 16. We were just overmatched. 15, 4, 2 for Idit, but no one else had more than 8.

The good news is I’ll get home middle of the day on Saturday and spend the rest of the weekend with Dawn and the kids.

Ed Huey is a guard/forward, a soph transfer from East Carolina. He didn’t show us much in practices or exhibitions, but he is really playing well since the season started. I’m not happy with what I’m getting at PF. He’s undersize but I’m giving him a shot.

December 4 Zak:

I have to say, the four of us feel like a family. When it was time to bring Jamia back she was not at all happy. We’re careful about what we say. We said we’d see her again next weekend and left it at that. We hope we’ll get her for keeps soon.

December 6 Zak:

I got a call at work from Ella Vaydre.

“We finally pieced it together. Yewcan got help from two of the laundry guys. Turns out they’re gay, and I guess so was Yewcan. Whatever. He talked them into smuggling him out with the laundry. That one is so old it’s trite, but it worked. Those two guys are in big trouble. They’ll get 20, at least.”

Art Wall:

I am SO glad I’ve been bugging Zak to start Ed Huey. He responded to his first start with 12 and 7, and shut down his man. 16, 11, 2, 5 for Bro, his best game all season, but part of it was that they couldn’t key on him because of Huey. Idit had 16, 6, 2, 2. Our guards didn’t score a lot but they moved the ball well (only 11 TOs), and they played good D.

This team is coming together. 5-2.

Sis Goyl twisted a knee. Day to day. We don’t think he’ll miss a game.


I got to talk to Jamal after the game. He loves that. His best buddy on the team is Ed Huey, who had an upbringing a lot like Jamal’s. Ed really related to Jamal and makes him feel special. When Ed came out to speak with him he just lit up.

December 13 Jude Will:

62-69 at LIU. They’re outside guys made the shots (51%) and their inside guys got the rebounds (-9). 12, 7 for Bro, 13 for Goyl but he fouled out, 8, 6, 2 for Huey. Idit had a rare off night, 2-11. Don Summ did good work from the bench, 8 and 5.

December 15 Dawn:

I got the word at 10:30 this morning that I could pick up Jamia when it was convenient. She was now ours. I called Zak at once, of course. We decided to meet at his office,
Jamal was still be dropped there after school, and go get Jamia together.

What a joyful meeting that was!

We put Jamia in the spare bedroom while we repainted hers.

When I put her to bed that night she got very quiet and asked,

“How long can I stay here?”

I got quiet too, had to think for a minute.

“Honey, this is your home. You don’t ever have to leave.”

She looked at me like she didn’t quite believe it.

I went down to the living room to speak with Zak.

“So, about adopting these two kids…”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

December 18 Dawn:

Sunday night and we don’t need to bring Jamia back! Wonderful.

Zak and I have discussed details for the past few days. What does adopting these kids mean in terms of my career plans? I don’t know. But I DO know that we need to do this.

I’ll continue with school. Only one more semester! We don’t need to have all the answers yet.

I’m having a ball Christmas shopping. The kids need clothes, especially Jamia. We’ve kept Jamal’s wardrobe up to snuff except that he keeps outgrowing things, but Jamia has very few clothes. I took her to a store to get an idea of what she likes. As I thought she likes bright colors and patterns and doesn’t care much about whether they clash.

I’m also buying toys, of course. Zak is jealous. He can almost never find the time to come with me, plus he’s with the kids when I’m shopping. We do have a sitter, a woman who works part time at the agency. With Zak away so much it’s a necessity.

December 20 Art Wall

64-53 at Longwood. They were 0-8 coming in so we thought we’d beat them. 22 for Goyl, 16, 4, 2, 3 for Bro, 13, 5 for Idit. For once we didn’t commit many fouls. Only Idit committed 4, and the last one came in the final minute.

December 22 Dawn:

I’m told it could take 2-3 years to finalize adoption. That’s insane. I’m also told we’ll go through more checks and paperwork than suspected terrorists. Whatever. We’ll do what we need to do.

December 23 Zak:

Knock me over with a feather. I just got a letter… from Mike Boss. Here, read it:

“Dear Zak,

I feel the need to write this. It is important to me.

I am so very sorry. I seemed to wake up once they locked me in this place, seemed to realize what a fool I’ve been- my whole life, really, but especially toward you and Dawn.

I am consumed with guilt and regret regarding all the horrible things I did. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? It would mean a lot.

My plan is to do my time and then to head west. I kind of liked Taos during the short time I was there. I’d like to find a job writing sports again, but I don’t know if anyone will give me a shot considering everything. Oh well. I’m determined to live right from here on out. I’ll get by one way or another.

It’s not easy here but I got what I deserve so I don’t feel sorry for myself. I never get visitors. I have no family, and all of my friends were drunks and other kinds of bums. I hope I get a chance to make friends with decent people when I get out.

Okay, once again, I want to tell you how very sorry I am. I hope you and Dawn are well and happy. Enjoy the holidays!


Wow! I have to say I hope he’s being sincere. I don’t believe in grudges. If he is truly changing I wish him well with that. I may send a reply. I need to think about it.

December 25 Dawn:

What a wonderful day it was! On the advice of the social worker assigned to Jamal and Jamia we were careful not to overwhelm them. They got plenty of gifts, but it wasn’t over the top. Zak found time to bring them to get presents for me, and I brought them to get presents for him, as well as for that social worker.

Our lives feel very rich and full.

Zak is back in a plane tomorrow but that’s his life, and it’s fine.


At the end of a wonderful day everyone else is asleep. I will be soon.

6-3, RPI #167, heading for conference play. Not quite as good as last season but it took us a while to find the right combination. I think we have it now. +4.8 PPG, -1.4 RBPG, +3.5 TOPG. The RB stat is no surprise. We are essentially playing 4 guards.

Bud Idotit The Newark News:

I ate a big piece of stuffed crow for Christmas dinner, with humble pie for dessert. I predicted a rocky road for the NJIT Highlanders and man was I wrong! They’ve looked great! I knew they had winners in Mai Bro and Jude Idit, but I never figured on the impact Sis Goyl is having. And using a guard at PF? Crazy! Except it’s working. I have to say that Zak Zachery is not afraid to try things. He has surrounded himself with experienced assistants and the word is that he listens to them. So again, I take it all back. Go get ‘em, Highlanders!
DDS:CB Support Squad
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Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:43 am

December 27 Zak:

66-56 at Stony Brook to start conference play. 19, 4, 2, 3 for Goyl, 15, 6, 2 for Bro, 13, 8, 4, 4 for Tann. We broke open a close game with a 15-3 run in the second half.

Sis Goyl hurt his toe. Out about a week. I’ll probably regret it but I’m putting Gabe Raff in his spot.

December 30 Art Wall:

76-49 over UMass Lowell here. A blow out. Gabe Raff responded with 16, 5, 3. Bro had 16, 5 but fouled out. 19 for Jude Idit, 11, 12 for Ed Huey.

Goyl may be back for our next.

January 1, 2023


We stayed up for a while but not until midnight.

January 3 Jude Will:

78-62 at Hartford. Jude Idit was huge, 29, 5, 2, 2. We were able to spot Sis Goyl; he had 11 in 19 minutes. He’s back full time for our next game. 10 each for Bro and Tann, 10 RBs for Huey.

After 3 games we’re alone in first place, but 10-2 Albany comes here next.

January 6 Art Wall:

69-46 over Albany here. 24, 7, 3 for Jude Idit who is red hot right now. 16 for Goyl, 12, 5, 3, 2 for Tann, 5, 6, 4, 6 for Bro, good bench play.

The guys are really doing a great job of executing. We work our basic O and D in practice, and throw in whatever wrinkles we need for a particular game, and these kids make it happen. It’s fun when it goes like this!

January 8 Dawn:

We had to talk with Jamal. It seems he was letting a kid at school copy his homework. Given how quiet and self-effacing he is we weren’t all that surprised. He probably had no idea how to say no.

We had a long talk with him. At first he seemed petrified. Zak noticed it first.

“Jamal, we’re not going to hurt you. You don’t need to be afraid. We want you to understand what you did was wrong but we’re not going to hit you, or do anything bad to you. We need you to understand why what you did was wrong, but we won’t hurt you. I promise.”

Jamal seemed to calm down a little after that. We taught him some strategies for saying no- in any situation. We hope it will help but again, given who he is, I’m afraid saying no may be an ongoing problem. Then when we were finished Zak said,

“Okay. That’s it. You can play, or read, or do whatever you want to do. See, we didn’t hurt you. We will never hurt you, Jamal.”

He looked… confused, I guess. Nothing like this had ever happened before. He didn’t quite trust it yet.

January 10 Mai Bro, texting to his younger brother:

“Hey. little brother. I kicked some serious butt in the game tonight.”

“Yeah! Tell me, man!”

“18 and 12!”

“That’s the sh*t, brother!”

“Yeah. We won 75-60 at UMBC. Man, everybody was hot. Jude had like 16 and 5, and Ed 13, 8, and 3. Sis is back from that injury and he had 14. Curt still can’t find his a$$, never mind the basket. IDK WTF is wrong with that guy. He hits everything in practice.”

“Head’s messed up, man.”

“Yeah. Hey, hope you and dad get down to a game soon.”

“Me 2! Gotta go. My woman’s calling.”


38 rebounds, a season high.

Only Vermont is one game back. We’re 11-3, 5-0.

January 14 Dawn :

We took the kids to see a Broadway show today, a matinee. It was a Disney thing. They loved it. Talked about it all the way back home, and then at dinner and afterward.

These two appreciate everything so much. And the way they take care of their things. It’s amazing. Jamal teaches Jamia to put her things away, to not break anything or even get her things dirty.

I guess when you’ve never had much you learn to appreciate things.

Zak and I are learning things from these kids every day. They’re the best thing that ever happened to us.

January 15 Art Wall:

62-42 over New Hampshire here. We are firing on all cylinders! 19, 4, 2 for Goyl, 10, 7, 2, 2 for Bro. Great D, we held them to 32.2%. 8 TOs.

It is so gratifying. I’ve said it before but we work things in practice and then the execution is THERE. I always believed that one of the things you looked for in recruits was intelligence. This is a pretty smart group, all in all, and I think that makes a difference.

Huey has been a terrific find. He doesn’t score that much but he’s tough on D and he’s a glass eater, our 2nd leading rebounder.

January 17 Zak:

52-67 at Maine. I guess we were due for a down game after 7 straight wins. They have an awesome PG. He got 32, and ate up Curt, who got 0, with 7 TOs. But the real difference was bench, theirs got 15, ours got zero. Huey had 18, Goyl 17.

Sis Goyl hurt his calf. He’ll miss one game, but probably not 2. We’ll put Gabe Raff in his spot as we did last time he was hurt. Worked out pretty well that time.

I wrote back to Mike Boss. I told him that Dawn and I accepted his apology, and that we wished him well, but we would appreciate it if we had no further contact with him; too many bad memories.

January 20 Jude Will:

46-39 over Binghamton here. Strange game, no offense. We shot 34.7%, they shot 25%. 23 and 6 for Just Idit, the only player for either team in double figures. 7, 7, 3, 2 for
Tann. Raff didn’t have it this time; fouled out with 2 points. A win is a win.

Sis Goyl will be back for our next game.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:43 am

January 24 Jude Will:

82-61 at 2nd place Vermont. We now have a 2 game lead. 24 and 6 for Jude Idit, who is really a scorer. 13, 13, 6 for Bro, 14, 3, 2 for Goyl, 8, 5, 7 for Tann, 9, 5, 2 for Huey.

The starters were all terrific.

My scouting report said the quick pass would beat them as they were a little slow. So we quick passed them to death, and it was an easy game. We knew they’d hit outside shots but probably not enough if we were executing our offense, We were, so we conceded the outside shot to stay out of foul trouble, which we did. A well executed plan leads to victory. It all starts with the scouting report!


At the halfway point of conference play we’re in great shape. We’re up 2 games at 14-4, 8-1, RPI #52. Jude Idit is 1st in conf. in scoring and Sis Goyl is 3rd. Bro is #2 in rebounding, and Tann is #1 in assists. As a team we’re +9.2 PPG, +0.6 RBPG, up from where we were entering conf. play, +3.1 TOPG, +2.1 assists PG. We’re solid.

January 27 Jude Idit call to dad:

“Hi Dad, I had another great game… Yeah, 28, 2, 3. I’m leading scorer in the conf. Mai had a good game too, 21, 5. 78-52 over Stony Brook here. We’re kicking everyone’s butt… Yeah, I know. I wish Missouri was closer so you could come to my games. Oh, we had 6 turnovers- the team did! … Love you, too. Bye.”

January 29 Hardin Sole:

We still haven’t signed anyone. At least everyone we’re chasing hit our SAT score.

January 31 Zak:

81-55 at UMass Lowell. 3 in a row by 20 points or more. Idit had 22, 4, 4, Bro had 17, 10, 5, 2, Goyl had 18. 7 TOs. We would have trouble playing better than we are right now.

February 2 Dawn:

We got some bad news regarding Jamia. Jamal is an excellent student, but Jamia has shown no interest in books, or even in learning the alphabet, or numbers. We’re told that is probably due to the abuse and neglect.

Anyway, she starts kindergarten in the fall and they want to place her in a special class for slow learners. Zak and I don’t think she’s a slow learner, we think she’s a reluctant leader. Well, the school never heard of anything like that. Our fear is that she’ll get labeled special ed, and will be in that track forever. We’re looking into special schools that might speed her up. We’re going to a Montessori school next week, and then a “Summerhill” type school the week after.

February 4 Zak:

62-44 over Hartford here, and we have a 3 game lead. Jude had 20, 3, 2. Getting this kid was a real find! 16, 7 for Les Cool from the bench. Bro played only 18 minutes due to fouls and cool filled in beautifully. 6 TOs.

RPI is down to #33.

February 7 Art Wall:

60-50 at Albany. This was a beautiful example of teamwork. 13, 4, 4, 5 for Idit, and 3 guys had 10 each- Tann, Goyl, and Huey. 6, 11, 3, 2 for Bro. 15 TOs, which is more than we’ve been getting, but it was +7. We took an early lead and held it.

February 9 Dawn:

We’ve gotten into routines with the kids. Jamal spends the afternoon with Zak at practice, and when the team is at home he and I go to the games and Jamia stays with the sitter.

Jamia and I spend time together to make up for the time Jamal is with Zak. I have lots to do with writing the dissertation but I do the research and the writing while Jamal is at school and Jamia is at preschool.

We’re really enjoying being parents.

February 10 Jude Will:

78-62 over UMBC here. 6 players in double figures, led by Mai Bro wit 19 and 5. 8 TOs (+16).

February 14 Art Wall:

65-58 at New Hampshire. Another game where we stayed with the game plan and made it pay. 24, 4 for Idit, 9, 6, 2, 3 for Bro, and good solid effort, especially on D, all around.

February 16 Dawn:

While we’re tempted to go with the experimental school we decide on Montessori for Jamia. We think their approach will be just what she needs. She will find herself when she’s ready and she won’t carry any sort of label. She loved her visit there.

February 17 Zak:

66-45 over Maine here, and we clinch first place and will host the tournament again this year. 14, 2, 4, 2 for Tann, 15, 2, 2, 3 for Huey, 12, 4, 2, 5 for Bro, 8, 7 for Idit. 9 TOs.

Injuries are part of the game, of course, but they never make it easy. Backup inside guy Ted Lane broke his hand. Out about 7 weeks, which means he’s out for the season.
That makes us pretty short inside- as in both not deep, and not tall.

February 21 Jude Will:

66-55 at Binghamton. Jude Idit was unbelievable, 39, 7, 4, 2. This kid has got to be conference MOP. 9, 2, 8, 3 for Tann. 33 RBs, 8 TOs.

Sis Goyl hurt his wrist. Not serious; I don’t think he’ll miss a game.

February 24 Zak:

67-48 over Vermont here to win the conf. by 4 games! 21, 5, 2 for Bro, 14, 4, 4, 4, 2 for Idit. Les Cool had 10 and 4 from the bench. 8 TOs.

Ranked!!! For the first time in school history!!! We’re #24, RPI #21.We end the regular season 23-4, 17-1. That means we’ll be in the NCAA tournament for the first time no matter what happens in the conf. tourney, but we want to win it.
Jude is #1 and Sis #5 in conf. scoring, Mai #1 in RBs, Curt #1 in assists, Mai #2 in FG %, Mai #1, Jude #2, Curt #4 in steals.

As a team we’re +11.9 PPG (WOW!), +0.4 in RBPG, +5.4 TOPG, +2.1 in assists PG, +2.8 steals PG. The rebound stats reflect our small team, 4 guards plus Bro for much of the game. But we really dominated the conf.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:11 pm

March 2 Zak:

Again this year we get a bye to the semifinal round of the tourney.

#4 seed Stony Brook, 15-13, 11-7 is our opponent. We beat them by 10 there, and then 26 here.

March 3 Art Wall:

73-40 over Stony Brook. You don’t shellac someone this badly too often! 19 for Sis, 16,5 for Ed Huey, 13, 8 for Les Coll, who is really coming- it takes most freshmen a while, 7, 12, 2, 2, 2 for Bro, 10, 7 for Idit. Curt had 8 assists. 42 RBs, 9 TOs.

Zak: It’s 19-10, 13-5, #2 seed Vermont for the title. Winning could get us a good seed. We beat them by 21 and 19 but we’d better not be overconfident!

March 4 Art Wall:

68-58 and the title! 20, 3 for Goyl. He may be the key. Having him develop as a big time scorer gave us three go to guys, and it made us very difficult to defend. 18, 2, 2 for Idit, our #1 guy. 12, 4, 2 for Huey. Putting him into the lineup at PF, an unorthodox move, really ramped us up. I’ll take credit for that one! 10, 3 for Bro. He’s been a rock at center. 6, 4, 6 for Tann. He came here known as a shooter but he’s become a terrific passer and defender more than a shooter here. I have to say that this season has been a joy. The staff work together terrifically, and the kids listen and work their butts off.


Les Cool hurt his hand. He’s out about a week but we won’t play again for at least 11 days.

We’re really excited about the selection show. We’re #21, RPI #22, which should translate to a #6 or so. I tell the kids the fact we’re in a low rated conf. will hurt us. I’m hoping for a #7 or #8. We find out a week from today.


Today was Jamia’s 5th birthday. We’re having her birthday party tomorrow.

March 5 Dawn:

We had a really nice party, just the four of us. We asked Jamia if she wanted to have friends over but she said no, she wanted just us.

March 12 Zak:

Here we go! Now ranked #19, RPI #18.

#7 East. We play #10 Nebraska, 21-11. Sorry to be in the toughest region, but hey, we’re in. It would be fantastic to win at least one game.

Nebraska has played a much tougher schedule than we have, of course. They are down 2 big men, one to a broken toe, one to grades. They were both subs, but this makes them not at all deep inside, which can only help us.

March 16 Zak:

67-60! Jude Idit was terrific; he carried us to this win on his back, 26, 2, 2. 6 TOs (+1) was huge. We were -5 RBs but we were pleased with that against a bigger team. We played 6 guys, and they all did their share.

The next one is a real challenge, #2 seed, #4 ranked Arkansas, 25-6. This is a premiere program. They are only a #2 seed because they were upset in the first round of their conf. tourney. Otherwise they’d be a #1. All we can do is our best.

March 18 Zak:

61-72. We played hard all the way but we were in over our heads. They took an early lead and we were never able to catch them. 14, 8, 3 for Huey, who was terrific. 16 for Idit, 8 and 8 for Bro. Goyl struggled in his last game for us. We’ll miss him. It was Kip Camp’s last game too, so I gave him some time.

It was a great year, and except for Goyl we’re all back.

March 22 Dawn:

Zak and I talked about the possibility of us leaving NJIT. He doesn’t think there’s a huge chance of that but if the right job came along to advance his career we’d need to consider it.

I finish my degree in May so there’s really nothing holding us back. I still haven’t decided whether or not to open a facility, which I can’t be licensed for until I work full time for a year in the field anyway. Zak thinks next year there’s a much bigger chance he’d be offered a job that it would make sense to take. We’re doing the “wait and see” thing for a couple of weeks. That’s when offers will start to come in- if they do come in.

March 26 Hardin Sole:

We signed Gee Wyss, C, #269. Our other two seem ready to sign, but not yet.

April 4 Zak:

The Final Four was in Chicago this year. I flew out there.

#1 Uconn beat #9 Arizona 95-77 for the title.

Awards: As expected junior Jude Idit is POY, and 1st team, Mai Bro is freshman OY and defensive POY, and 1st team. I got COY for the first time. I was really disappointed that Sis Goyl was not recognized. I thought he was a lock for 2nd team.

April 5 Dawn:

Jamal turned 8. Like his sister he wanted his party to be just the four of us. It was fun!

April 9 Zak:

We got 5 head coaching offers. None were even remotely interesting. We’re here for at least one more year!

April 16 Hardin Sole:

We got our guys! Less Few, PF, #729 looks like a glass eater. Mike Rafone, PF, 545, seems like a good defender.

I am reluctantly saying goodbye to NJIT. I was offered and accepted the head coaching job at Navy!


We’re going to miss Hardin. He did a great job for us! I am promoting Jude Will to #1, and Art Wall to #2. We talked John Bonn, long time recruiter at Penn, out of retirement. He’s our new #3.

April 23 Zak:

We signed a very good looking PG, Willy Pass, #500. We ask for a budget increase. We get $6,000!

26-5, 17-1, conf. champ, 2nd round of the NCAA. Our best season ever. Overall: 61-29, .678, Off- 11, Def- 17, Recruit- 40, Scout- 62, Player Dev- 14, Reputation- 15.

Looking toward an even better season next year!
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:21 pm

May 1

We buy the regional Gold scouting report.

May 17 Dawn:

We continue to fill out paperwork for the adoption, and to go through background checks. It is so over the top. At least they’re letting us do both in one package.

June 5 Zak:

We go after a good looking transfer from La Salle.

June 12 Zak:

Got him! Mack Trux, a junior center, 6’ 9”, 295.

June 26 John Bonn, new #3, Recruiting Assistant

3 scholarships. We still need bigs more than guards.

We’re looking at 20 to start, mostly bigs.

July 28 Dawn:

I never would imagined that this could have happened. Jamal and Jamia both go to rec camp. They love it. It’s five days a week, all through the summer. There are lots of activities, and kids are grouped by age. Kids get bused back and forth.

This afternoon, when I met the bus at about 3:30, they were not on it. I called rec. They clearly had no idea what had happened. They called the bus company. The driver knows the kids, said they were not with the group she usually takes. Since kids are often picked up by parents she thought nothing of it.

I called Ella Vaydre; we still have her private number.

“Let me do some checking. If they turn up let me know.”

“Ella, they’re not going to turn up. They’ve been taken.”

“That’s very possible, Dawn. Procedure says I need to do one or two things but I’m calling the FBI while I’m on my way to do them. Do you and Zak still have the same cell numbers?”

We do. Zak came right home, of course. In this modern age there’s no need to be at home in order to be reached but we needed each other.

At about 7:15 Ella called.

“The children’s mother is not to be found. We have an address on her. Looks like someone moved out very quickly, very recently. The milk in the fridge isn’t spoiled.”

“Do you think we’ll get a ransom call?”

“Not if the mother took them, no. She’ll run off; try to hide somewhere with them.”

“But she’s abusive. She really didn’t want the kids, never fought adoption proceedings or anything like that.”

“She’s very unstable, Dawn. And I hate to say it but there’s no doubt the kids are in some danger.”

“Well, what’s being done?”

“The FBI is in on it. We’ve already posted photos with every police department in the Eastern half of the U. S. That’s why I asked you to send them to me. We’ll go public if you want was to, ask people to post on the web and all the rest.”

“Yes, yes. Do whatever you need to do, of course.”

“This can be a waiting game, Dawn. There’s no telling how long.”

And every second of waiting is pure hell.

I called work the next morning and took an indefinite leave of absence. Zak had already called his coaches. Jude Will is in charge of the team for now.

July 31 Dawn:

No word. Ella calls every afternoon, but nothing. Not a credible lead.

“We get calls, and we run every one of them down, but none of them have gotten us anywhere so far.

“We’re tracking her connections. All of her neighbors have stayed put so nothing there. Her only family is her mother in Pittsburgh. We’ve been watching the apartment, but no sign. The guy she was with when you met Jamal is in prison. Her current boyfriend went missing when she did so we think they’re together. We don’t have a lot on him but we’re trying to get some info. They may be with relatives or friends of his. We don’t even have a name yet, though.”

“How can that be?”

“They were beating the system. He was living with her secretly. She had another child after you got Jamia, and they don’t want to lose the assistance money. Chances are he doesn’t work, or maybe he deals or pimps. But he’d be small time, not bringing in any meaningful income.”

Zak is a complete wreck. As badly as I’m am dealing with this he is doing even worse.

“Why! We were so stupid! We could have afforded body guards, transportation, all of it. Why!”

“Zak, we never thought we’d need those kinds of things. Don’t blame yourself. When we get them back we’ll go that route.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:20 pm

August 2 Dawn:

“Dawn, we have a lead. Don’t get your hopes up but there was a sighting in a small town just south of Augusta, Georgia. The descriptions match. The Feds are sending a whole squad in. Keep your fingers crossed.”

That day wouldn’t go by. Time simply did not pass.

Finally, the phone rang at 3:00 a.m.

“We have the kids, Dawn. They’re safe.”

“Where? Zak and I will fly right-”

“Good idea. We have them in a hospital in Augusta-”

“I thought you said-”

“Dawn! They’re okay. But they’ve been on the fly for the whole five days they were gone, not sleeping right, getting really crappy food when they got any at all. They’ll be fine, but we want them to get medical treatment and we want to observe for a day or two. Neither of them seems to have been abused, it was just neglect. They’ll be fine.
It might actually be quicker for you to drive down than to fly. I’ll give you the address of the hospital.”

“We’ll leave right away, be there as soon as we can.”

“Dawn, drive carefully. The 10 minutes you’ll save by driving crazy aren’t worth the risk of an accident. These kids need you. There’s a Georgia Protective Services worker with them and their New Jersey Social Worker is on her way. None of those people will come between you and the kids though.”

August 3 Dawn:

We got here at 9:45 tonight. The kids were together in the room at the hospital. We were allowed in, and we woke them gently. It was a wonderful reunion.

“Can we go home now?”

“Tomorrow, Jamal, or maybe the day after. But at least one of us will be here with you all the time.”

August 7 Jude Will:

Zak took the week off. Good idea.

Jude Idit is #30 on the Norton list. It’s fantastic that one of our guys made that list!

August 8 Dawn:

We have bodyguards in place for the kids. Ella said their mom and her boyfriend would probably get life for the kidnapping, since the kids were gone more than 48 hours, but we feel safer with this protection in place.

We’re trying to return to something that feels normal, but it isn’t easy, and this really set the kids back. They’re scared again, not feeling safe.

August 10 Dawn:

I called the adoption agency and really raised the roof. They know what happened.

“We are the security net for these children, the only safe, loving environment they’ve ever known.”

“No one is going to remove the children, Mrs. Zachery.”

“That’s not enough! We want this adoption to go through. Now! These kids need to know this is their home and they can’t lose it.”

“We’re processing the paperwork as fast as we-”

“NO! I do not want to hear that. Make it happen.”

“It’s a complex process.”

“I’m sure you know New Jersey’s Attorney General, Jess Geddom?”

“Well, I certainly know OF him, what-”

“Attorney General Geddom and I went to NYU together. We were in a lot of the same classes as undergrads, and he dated my roommate for most of junior and senior year. I haven’t spoken to my old friend Jess in about a year. I think it’s time to give him a call.”

“Give me two weeks, Mrs. Zachery. I truly cannot do it any more quickly than that. Honestly, I am not certain it can be done that quickly, but you have my word that I will do all that I can.”

“Thank you. I will call you personally after lunch on August 24.”

August 12 Dawn:

“Hi Dawn, it’s Ella. Thought you’d like to know that we have the story now.”

“Yes, tell me.”

“LaMina Madre, the kids’ mom, was staying with Lou Szerman. He deals a little, but not a lot. Barely shows up on our radar. He doesn’t even have a record.

“Anyway, Lou got a job as an aide with rec. How, I do not know, but hey. He and LaMina knew the kids were there so he found ways to work with their groups, got friendly with them- all of that. He established trust, essentially. So, on the day they took the kids he told them you had been held up at work and that he was going to take them to their father at the athletic center. As I say, he had established trust.

“Instead, he took them to LaMina’s apartment, she got in the car, and they took off for Augusta. LaMina used the new baby to calm them. Told them all about their little sister, that sort of thing.

“The kids were confused, of course, but the baby kind of helped to calm them down.

“Well, money was tight so all they ate was junk on the way down, and not much of that. When they got to Augusta it looks like they went to Lou’s parents’ place; Lou knew they were away, on vacation.

“Lou and LaMIna made it very clear to the kids that they were to stay in the house and NOT try to escape.

“We found Lou through the rec department. Since he didn’t have a record it took time to track him down, and to track his parents down. We finally did, and the FBI surrounded the place in the middle of the night.

“They had gotten in touch with Lou’s parents, who were very cooperative; they were in Vegas. The Feds wanted a layout of the house. The parents provided it. They also provided a spare key.

“When it was clear that everyone was asleep the Feds used the key and quietly tiptoed to the room where they assumed Lou and LaMina would be sleeping. And that’s where they were. They woke them by turning the lights on. Lou and LaMina opened their eyes to find about 15 guns pointed at them The rest you know.”

“I can’t tell you how grateful I am to all of you, Ella. It feels like a miracle.”

“Nah, just damn good police work. Nothing makes us happier than when it ends like this. It doesn’t always.”

“Thanks again. I hope- well, I was going to say I hope I see you soon, but…”

(Laughs) “Mrs. Zachery, I hope I see you in the grocery store or someplace like that, but NOT while I’m on duty!”

August 21 Zak:

I’ve been back to work for a few days and it’s great to be back. The kids are protected full time now. It’s expensive, but we don’t care.

We offer to a PG, a PF, and a C.


We didn’t send the kids back to rec. It seemed to make sense to keep them home. School start on Tuesday though, the day after tomorrow. Jamia is excited, can’t wait! But
Jamal doesn’t want to go.

“Let me go to school here, mom. Lots of kids do that now.”

“No, Jamal. You will be completely safe. We have the men watching you all the time. No one will hurt you.”

“I really don’t want to go. We’ll talk to dad when he gets home, but it’s not going to change, hon. You need to go to school. Besides you love school, and you’re so good at it.”

Zak spoke with Jamal. I don’t know what he said to him but Jamal has agreed to go to school.

“What exorbitant promises did you make?”

(Laughs) “Who, me?”

(Laughs) “Come on, out with it.”

“He’s going to be the only 9 year old at NJIT’s kid hoop camp this summer, and he gets to go both weeks.”

“That’s wonderful!”

“He’s pretty good with the ball. He’ll be younger than anyone else by at least two, maybe three years, but I don’t think he’ll care. He wanted to go this year but it was too soon. Oh, there’s one more thing…”

“Oh boy!”

“He mentioned his sister-”

“Jamia? That’s no surprise. He’s always looking after her. What does he want us to do for her?”

“Not Jamia. His OTHER sister.”

“Oh my!”

“He’s amazing. ‘I know I don’t really know her, dad, but she’s my sister. She should be with us.’”

“Oh my!”

“The kid’s got a point.”

“I don’t even know her name.”


“That woman was certainly consistent!”

“She’s 7 months old. Are you ready for a little one? We’ve never changed a diaper.”

“We need to do this, Zak. I’ll call the agency in the morning.”
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:37 pm

August 22 Dawn:

“Hello, it’s Dawn Zachery-”

“Now Mrs. Zachery, I TOLD you-”

“No. It’s not about that.”

“What then? I can’t imagine-”

“Are you aware that Jamal and Jamia have a half sister, 7 months old?”

“I’m certain that the agency is aware of that, if it is the case but I, personally, have no knowledge-”

“My husband and I want this family together. We’d like her placed here.”

“Mrs. Zachery, it is far too late in the process to add another name to the adoption-”

“I’m not asking for that. I understand that it would be impossible.”

“Then what-”

“We want her placed here as a foster child, so that she will be with her siblings. We’ll go through the adoption proceedings after we have legal custody of Jamal and Jamia.”

“I’ll speak with Jamilia’s social worker right now, Mrs. Zachery.”

“Thank you. I’ll call about the adoption on the 24th.”

“We’re coming along quite well with that, Mrs. Zachery. It may take an extra day or two, this is all very, very complex. But I give you my personal guarantee that we will have a court date very, very soon. Hopefully by the 24th, but perhaps not. And please understand, I am doing everything I can.”

“Thank you for that.”

August 26 Dawn:

I called on the 24th. I was told I would have a court date by Friday the 26th.

Amazingly enough I do! We go to court on September 14!

September 14 Dawn:

Jamal Zachery… Jamia Zachery… Those are their legal names now. They are officially our children. It is the most wonderful day of our lives.

September 15 Dawn:

“Hello, it’s Dawn Zachery.”

“Congratulations, Mrs. Zachery, I am so happy for all of you.”

“Thank you, about Jamilia-”

“Actually, I was just about to call. We will be placing her with you within the week. I just received formal approval.”

September 18 Wes Chino, A. D., NJIT:

We put together a schedule. There are a few challenges but good teams don’t want to play us here, which makes it difficult.

September 19 Dawn:

We’ve been in a frenzy getting Jamilia’s room ready. She’s 9 ½ months old and sleeps in a bed, not a crib. We got that, a bureau, and the rest of the things we’ll need. She arrives tomorrow.

I have no idea where I am at with career plans. I want to do my year of full time work so that my options are open, but will I ever open the kind of place I’ve wanted? With three children, I don’t know if that makes any sense. Zak has been great. He will support whatever I decide to do.

We begin adoption proceedings for Jamilia tomorrow.

Oh, we’ve engaged a nanny. Monday-Friday only, not a live in. We may go to that, but not yet. I think I can manage on the weekends and in the evenings. Zak is terrific when he’s here but he isn’t here all that much.

September 22 Dawn:

Jamilia is a HANDFUL! Jamal and Jamia are both laid back kids. Jamal loves to read and to play by himself. He will interact with the rest of us gladly, but he likes to be by himself. He is never too busy for Jamia though.

Jamia loves to play with her dolls and stuffed animals, and to listen to music. She doesn’t like to be too far from Jamal.

Jamilia is a terror. She’s crawling, will be walking any day now, and she is into everything. Jamal and Jamia laugh at her antics, which doesn’t help, but I’m not about to stop it. They both spoil their little sister and she just loves them to pieces. She’s not a difficult child, but she can be willful, and she wants what she wants, NOW!

This is going to be a challenge- a fatiguing challenge.

October 2 Zak:

First day of practice. We look good! Maybe a little deeper than last year.

We’re picked to win the conference.

That new little girl of ours is running us ragged. She is perpetual motion. She’s a happy kid, laughs and smiles all the time.

October 9 John Bonn:

We got a recruit. Jam Itome, PF, #206. He looks like the real thing.

Dawn: Jamilia is walking- and falling. When she doesn’t land on her bum she wails as though she was killed. The other kids run to her and she plays it for all it’s worth.

November 6 Zak:

Here’s the lineup: Junior Curt Tann and Senior Jude Idit are back at guard, and junior transfer from Cal ST Bakersfield, Coli Bark backs them up. Junior Ed Huey starts at SF, sophs Mai Bro and Les Cool start inside. Backing the bigs are junior Ted Lane and soph Don Summ. I’m sure some things will change as we move along.
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:13 am

November 15 Art Wall:

65-57 at George Mason. It’s great to start with a win, especially on the road. 21, 3, 2 for Idit, 13, 4, 5 for Tann. +9 TOs, +5 RBs.

November 18 Jude Will:

80-70 in OT at Rhode Island. This was a war. They got up by 9. We came back and got up by 12. They came back and tied it with a three at the end of regulation. Then we owned the OT. 20, 6, 2 for Jude Idit, 17, 10 for Mai Bro, 11, 8 for Ed Huey, 12, 6, 2, 3 for Les Cool. 39 RBs (+17).

November 19 Dawn:

Jamilia is walking- running more than walking. We have barriers everywhere and nothing breakable within reach. She is a completely social kid, needs to be with someone at all times. Fortunately her siblings are patient with her. There are times when it’s obvious they would rather be doing something on their own, but they never lose patience.

Jamia loves her Montessori school. I thought she would thrive there and she is definitely thriving. She went from not knowing the alphabet to being able to read words within the first month of school, and is doing addition and subtraction in math. Whatever they do certainly works!

Jamal seems to be okay with school. I think the fears and insecurities have diminished a great deal.

I love my work. Still no idea where I’m going with it though.

November 22 Zak:

Home opener. 77-58 over Davidson. 32, 5, 4, 3 for Jude Idit. He is one terrific player. 13, 8, 2, 2 for Bro, 11, 3, 4, 3 for Huey. We had 6 TOs all night!

November 25 Jude Idit, player text to father:

Hi Dad, I had another real good night, 28, 6, 3, 2. We won 81-70 at Central Michigan. I’m wondering what would have happened if I had stayed at Kansas. Would I have got my chance? Sure didn’t seem that way. But if I did maybe I could have gone pro. Probably not much chance of that from here at NJIT. Oh well, you always say to enjoy what I’m doing. I am, actually. I’ll worry about the NBA after this year, and it’s fun here, a good group of guys and Coach is cool.


A good night except for 22 TOs. I wasn’t happy with that.

November 29 John Bonn:

78-60 over Akron here. Mai Bro was dominant tonight, 24, 11, 2. 21, 3, 6 for Tann, 12, 6 for Huey. Jude Idit had a rare off night. He couldn’t hit a shot, 1-9, 4 points. It didn’t matter.

December 2 Art Wall:

63-71 at Utah. This is the strongest team on our schedule. 20 TOs did us in more than anything else. Our starting guards had 12 between them. That gave Utah 12 extra shots and they made them count. 25, 7, 2 for Idit. We’ll work on ball handling and smart passing during practice.

December 4 Dawn:

Daddy flew home in time for Jamilia’s first birthday party. Her birthday was yesterday but we celebrated today. It was fun, and Jamilia made a complete mess of her birthday cake, got it everywhere. But she certainly enjoyed being the center of attention, which she pretty much always is!

December 6 Jude Will:

49-39 at Valparaiso. Weird, weird game. We knew what we needed to do to stop them, and we did that! I mean 39 points! But we couldn’t generate any offense. We got enough, but 49 is ridiculous. It’s like they shrank the baskets. Ed Huey had 14 and 8, Jude had 9 and 5, but man! We shot 38.6%, they shot 29.5%.

We’re home for the next three weeks.

December 13 Zak:

74-73 over LIU here. Their PG, 26 points, and their bench, 27, 9, 2, almost did us in. Jude Idit hit a 23 foot three at the buzzer for the win, and we escaped, but it was a near thing! This is the most points we’ve given up this season. We seemed a step slow. They set good picks all night and we ran right into them. We didn’t switch up when we were in man, and we didn’t react properly when they overloaded the zone. This is all stuff we know, we just didn’t do it. Believe me. Art and I will be emphasizing it at practice.

On the positive side Bro had 22, 5, 2, 5, and Idit had 16, 3, 3. Les Cool had 9, 5, 2, 2, but he tweaked his back late, and had to leave the game. He’s day to day.

One more to go before we begin conf. play.

December 20 Art Wall:

72-34 over Georgia ST. We held them to 9 in the entire 2nd half! We worked on D after that mess in the last game and man did our guys respond tonight! On O, Ed Huey had 20 and 4, Idit had 16, 6, 2, and everybody had fun.


We end pre-conf. play at 8-1, RPI #21. +11.9 PPG, +3.6 RBPG, +2.2 TOPG, +3.1 assists PG, +2.3 steals PG. Jude Idit is easily our leading scorer at 19.0, and Mai Bro our leading rebounder at 6.8.

December 22 Letter to dawn from LaMina Madre:

“Dear Mrs. Zachery,

I am hoping you will read this, not just tear it up. I am writing from a prison cell, where I will spend the next 50 years, because I took my own children. But no, this letter isn’t about that. I understand you and your husband have little Jamilia now too. I am glad that my three are together, and are with good people which I know you and your husband are.

I want to tell you my story because I know what you must think of me. Jamal will be nine years old in April. Let me tell you where we were nine years ago, when I was pregnant for Jamal. I was 17, but I was married to my wonderful husband, Ray Madre. He was a good man and I will love him until I die.

He was the produce manager at the grocery in Passaic, where we lived at the time. We didn’t have much but we had enough to get by. Ray went to work every day. He walked, to save money.

We went on like that for quite a while. Jamal was born, and then Jamia. When Jamia was just three months old, on June 7, 2018, my Ray was walking home from work. He didn’t know it but a drug deal was going bad just up the street. It went real bad. Shots were fired. One hit Ray right between the eyes and killed him instantly.

I wish it was me because my life went right to hell on that day, and has stayed there ever since. We got by, like I said, but there wasn’t any extra money. I don’t think I had $50 to my name the day Ray died.

What was I going to do? Two little children, no job, and now no husband. Well, things got real bad for us. They got so bad I hit the street. I had no choice.

I had always been a good mother, proud to be a good mother. But now, the pimp who ran me got me hooked on crack, and I wasn’t good for anything anymore. All I lived for was that next hit on the crack pipe.

I finally met a man. He didn’t know I was turning tricks. He was no good, but what else was I going to meet? He got me away from that life and brought me to Newark. It was a hard life with that man, and yes, he beat poor little Jamal. He didn’t do anything to Jamia, just Jamal, for who knows what reason.

The state found out and they took my kids, as you know, and I guess you know most of the rest of it, except that Jamilia’s father, the man who took the kids that day, was a much better man. Finding him, I thought maybe things would get better. But I missed my kids so bad I just had to see them. I know now how stupid what we did was, but that don’t matter does it.

I just wanted you to know that once, before it all went to hell, I was a decent person. I know you love my kids, like I said, and I am glad they are in a good home.

LaMina Madre”

I have to admit that I cried when I read this. When I showed it to Zak he had tears in his eyes, too. I guess life can turn on a dime, and we should be very grateful for all that we have. I am thinking of visiting LaMina. Zak says he is not sure it’s a good idea. I’m not either, but still…
DDS:CB Support Squad
Posts: 14336
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:23 pm

Re: Point Guard

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:01 pm

December 27 Zak:

73-69 over UMBC here. There was never more than 6 points between the two teams. 28, 5 for Idit, 20, 5 for Huey, 12, 7 for Bro. We held their starters pretty well but their bench nearly did us in, 32, 15, 8. This was a tough game.

Mai Bro stretched a calf muscle. Day to day.

December 30 Art Wall:

68-73 at Albany. It looks like it may be a challenging year. We’re not following the game plan on D right now. We knew they liked to bomb away from long range and we didn’t stop it. They were 12-29 on threes and that’s what won it for them. 24, 4, 3 for Idit but no one else had more than 8. Bro played hurt, and it showed.

January 1, 2024


It was a wonderful holiday season for our family.

January 3 Art Wall:

77-59 over Vermont here. MUCH better! We had a season high 43 RBs, and only 8 TOs. We knew they were weak inside and that we needed to exploit that and we did. 22-6 in the paint, and 20-5 in second chance points. 18, 7, 2 for Bro, 11, 5 for Cool, 13 each for Huey and Idit.

January 6 Jude Will:

71-70 at UMass Lowell. We’ve dominated the conference the last couple of years. Maybe not this year. 16 lead changes, 10 ties. Once again, Jude Idt did it. He hit a 20 foot three with less than a second to play for the win. He had 14, 4, 3. 16, 5 for Bro, and 14 for Huey. -9 RBs hurt us.

The staff got together after the game. We’re putting Don Summ in Les Cool’s spot. Let’s see if that helps.

January 9 Dawn:

I visited LaMina yesterday. I had called ahead to see if she’d see me and she agreed.

I let her know this was a onetime thing, and I asked her not to write again, but I felt she had a right to see who I was, and to know that Zak and I loved her children- our children, and that they would be well cared for. We had taken a group photo of the three kids for Christmas. I left one with her.

“You have no idea how much this means to me. It will be my greatest treasure. I… I don’t even have a picture of Ray.”

Maybe I’m too soft but my heart just goes out to this woman. If her husband hadn’t been senselessly killed… well, all of our lives would be very different.

January 10 Art Wall:

79-52 over Hartford here. That’s more like it! I’ve been bugging Zak to try Summ at PF. We weren’t getting much out of that position. Tonight we started him and he had 12, 7, 3. Admittedly this was not our toughest opponent but still. 16, 4, 3 for Idit. 7 TOs, +5 RBs.

January 13 Art Wall:

61-39 at Stony Brook. We’ve been working on D, quick shifts from one defensive set up to another to confuse the other team. It really worked tonight. 17 for Idit. 5 others had either 8 or 9. 10 TOs (+7), +8 RBs. Summ had another good game at PF.

Coli Bark, our backup guard, hurt his foot. He’s out about a week. Will Chute will get his minutes for at least one game, maybe two.

January 17 Zak:

79-61 over 3rd place New Hampshire here. Our two “go to” guys led the way. 24, 9 for Bro, 22, 3, 3 for Idit. Huey had 13. Don Summ continues to play well starting at PF. 8 TOs.

Coli Bark will be ready for our next game. Chute was ineffective in his spot.

January 20 Art Wall:

60-62 at Maine. Damn! 21 turnovers. Our starting guys both got into major foul trouble, Idit played only 26 minutes, and Tann 14. Bark reinjured his foot- no big deal, he’ll be back next game, but he couldn’t play in the 2nd half, played only 11 minutes, when we needed him for three times that. That meant Chute had to play, and he wasn’t up to it, 6 TOs, and his man owned him. The only bright spots were Bro, 21, 16, 5, and Huey, 18, 4, 2. Fouls haven’t been much of a problem this year but they killed us tonight.

The loss puts us in 2nd place, one back of Albany.
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