Few questions

Few questions

Postby mattieyo » Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:12 am

G'Day folks loving the game, a stat-heads dream.
I just have a few questions regarding the game, and if I'm doing/not doing something that could be creating a few inconsistencies.
I started a historical SP league beginning 1992-93 for background, and noticed.
Key rookies such as Shaq, have already maxed out potential, is this to illustrate his dominance from the start of his career (an outlier)?
Should rookie scale contracts be in use? Noticed he's on $25m plus from the start?
I downloaded the 93-94 draft class and while most names are there, Penny, Baker, Cassell etc I can't seem to find Chris Webber?
How many expansions are allowed and how long beforehand do they need to be approved? I'm looking at following the NBAs history accurately and bringing in Toronto and Vancouver in two years.
Can divisions/conferences be realigned?
Thanks in advance for anyone who is able to help me out with these queries.
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Re: Few questions

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:07 pm

When you create a league it's going to take a snapshot of the player in that time frame - Shaq was a monster from the start so there really wasn't much in the way for growth on him. There is no historical contract database in that historical mod so there is no way for the game to know old contracts and it just assigns a contract based on player value to start.

I don't know what draft class file you downloaded but anything like that would be done by the community in a mod so maybe someone just forgot to put Webber in? If you use the historical database mod though it should automatically add Webber in the 93 draft

You can expand the league up to 32 teams and only on June 1 in the game. If you are doing a historical replay the game will give you a prompt to say this season the league expanded and ask you if you want to expand. When you do the teams will automatically realign to match how they were then.
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Re: Few questions

Postby mattieyo » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:51 am

Thanks for the prompt response Gary, most appreciated. So rookie scale contract should come into effect from the next rookie signing period then, that's good.
Should let you know it was the historical DB mod I used which omitted Webber from the '93 draft class.
Great to know about the expansion and realignment, can keep playing with confidence now.
Loving the game, though would it possible in a future update to give an All-Star (DNP) selection to players who happen to be out a few games during the All star game, and then have All-Star (replacement) selections, or would this break the system?
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Re: Few questions

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:27 am

I will consider the All Star suggestion for the future
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