help with historical league

help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:34 am

I have started and restarted a historical replay many times, and I am guessing I must be doing something wrong, because the results are the same every time. I downloaded the NBA mod and also found logos from the old teams (Nets, Jazz, Kings, Bullets, SuperSonics). I changed the team names to follow suit for those teams who were in the NBA in 1976. Everything seemed kosher, except for the fact that when starting any kind of league, you have no option to disable the D League.

And it's that D league that is the problem. Once I have things set up, the very first time I advance the season, it adds D League players, and suddenly every team's roster is empty. The next step is the D League draft and that is where things go horribly awry. Every NBA player gets drafted, like it's some kind of fantasy league, and when all is said and done, suddenly Robert Parrish is no longer with Boston, Bill Walton is not with Portland, Julius Erving is not a 76er.

What good is a historical league if players are randomly thrown all over the map? What am doing wrong? I know there MUST be a way to keep these rosters intact. Any guidance would be vastly appreciated
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Re: help with historical league

Postby Gary Gorski » Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:57 pm

I just tried to build a league from 1976 using Portland and Walton is on my team, Dr J is in Philly, Parish is with Golden State (he didn't play for Boston until 1980) so I'm going to go step by step in what I did and make sure you did the same thing.

First, I'm going to start by assuming you downloaded the file from this thread viewtopic.php?f=284&t=29262 because that is what I did.

1. Click NEW GAME from main menu and then select the mode you want (Challenge or Sandbox)

2. Enter a save file name and at the bottom of the screen check the box to the left of HISTORICAL. 1976 is the first year built into that file so you don't need to change the starting year. Click the CUSTOMIZE GAME button to advance

3. Under ADDITIONAL GAME OPTIONS I didn't change anything but DO NOT CLICK "Begin League With Fantasy Draft" - if you check that box all of the players will go into a free agent pool and you will do a fantasy draft to place them on teams - go to CUSTOMIZE LEAGUE(S) and then you can CUSTOMIZE TEAMS where you can change Brooklyn to New Jersey, OKC to Seattle etc and go to CREATE PLAYER

4. Create your player and select the team you want and ASSIGN YOUR SKILLS. Change what you want there and FINALIZE PLAYER and then finalize building the league.

When you start the league the first thing to do will be the D-LEAGUE ASSIGN stage. Click the >> icon and it will create players that can be used in the d-league. Click the >> icon again to go the d-league draft. You will see all the available players are all just scrub guys made up to fill the d-league spots. CPU FINISH the d-league draft and let it do its thing for a couple minutes and then it will be done. Next you will click the >> icon to bring in rookies. Choose default to get the right rookie class coming in next season and then you will be at the season portion ready to play. I did all that just like that and see all the right players on the right teams.

I'll do whatever I can to help you get started but as long as you have the right file and follow those steps it should work just as I outlined above
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Re: help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:58 pm

Unfortunately as soon as I hit the next button on Assign D League, it empties every single team's roster. Not one player remains. It's like it's treating that evil D league draft like a fantasy draft. Glad I didn't buy this only tried the demo. Think I will stick to the college games. At least they work.
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Re: help with historical league

Postby Gary Gorski » Mon Jan 28, 2019 2:47 pm

RedSox04071318 wrote:Unfortunately as soon as I hit the next button on Assign D League, it empties every single team's roster. Not one player remains. It's like it's treating that evil D league draft like a fantasy draft. Glad I didn't buy this only tried the demo. Think I will stick to the college games. At least they work.

I don't think that's a fair comment. It does work - I laid out exactly how it works and I can send you the league to prove that it works.

There are other people who can't seem to get the historical process down correctly so I'm going to work on making a step by step video to show you exactly how to do it.
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Re: help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:56 am

A guide would be most appreciated. I followed what you did step by step, and every time I advanced to adding D League players, it emptied EVERY team's roster. Any idea where the problem lies? Could the historical database be corrupt?
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Re: help with historical league

Postby Gary Gorski » Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:01 am

Did you see the thread at the top of this forum now?


It contains a link to a video we have on YouTube to go step by step showing what to do and showing that the league creates just fine with historical rosters. As long as you downloaded the same mod that I did for that video and followed the steps the same there is no way it should work out any differently
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Re: help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:28 pm

I finally figured out the problem. For some reason every player's salary was set at $0, but after uninstalling the game and mod and only using the historical DB I redid things and this time I saw contracts. So the D League draft was finally legit. Not sure what happened but it seems to have ironed itself out.
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Re: help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:57 am

Gary, a question on historical leagues. I saw the list of next year's rookies coming into the league, and of course, we are assigning scouts and all of that. But because it's a historical league, will it automatically assign those rookies to their correct teams, like Out of the Park Baseball can do? Or will this be more like Football Mogul, where I play out this season and start a new historical season for 1977-78?
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Re: help with historical league

Postby Gary Gorski » Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:31 pm

It works as a career game so you start at a realistic point in time and then everything changes from there. The new rookies come in but are drafted by whomever as well as players changing teams via trade and free agency. Its rewriting history instead of replaying it
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Re: help with historical league

Postby RedSox04071318 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:53 pm

Thanks for that input. Good to know. My key reason for the historical league is to create a back history for MY pro basketball play, which is less than any other sport. I have college basketball rankings and tourney results going back to 2001. Same with pro hockey but am using Franchise Hockey Manager to create a back history starting way back in the 1917-18 season. My college football rankings go back to 1996. Thanks to Football Mogul, my NFL history now dates back to 1970. That is what I am doing with DDS, so doing a series of one-year seasons might be the way to go.

But I might just do it the other way as well, the what-if of a career league. I am doing the same in OOTP Baseball where upcoming rookies are in the amateur draft, so where they go is rarely to the team for which they are known. Could be interesting.
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