QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby regenerator » Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:23 am

One thing I've noticed is that I think virtually all, if not literally all, of the passes in the game consist of some QB waiting period. Specially, what I mean is the QB rarely just drops back and immediately releases the ball. Perhaps the only time I can recall, thinking about it now, where I see this is on short dump-off passes to a back in the screen game(which reminds me - the screen game kinda SUCKS, Brooks! They rarely seem to work, and don't look like screen passes at all, ie dump over on-rushing D-linemen, to the running back, with a convoy of offensive linemen in front, ready to clear a path...).

What I really have not seen is something like a timing deep pass, a classic of just about any era of football; qb drops back seven steps, when his seventh step hits the ground, the ball is out to a streaking WR running down the sidelines. I can comfortably claim to have NEVER seen this executed. Is it at all possible even within the game's engine? Is it even clear what I am hoping to see but have not?
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby brooks_piggott » Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:44 am

The display engine shows the ball animation coming out from the QB's hands a bit earlier than it actually happens in the sim engine. We did it that way to show the animation of the ball moving so that it hits the receiver at the time they catch the ball. Otherwise the pass happens so fast you wouldn't be able to see the ball.
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby regenerator » Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:41 pm

Wait, are you saying that some catch and run according to the display are actually thrown deep?
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby brooks_piggott » Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:18 pm

No, i'm just saying when you see a QB drop back 7 steps, but he throws the ball a bit before he gets all the way back that's due to the animation.
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby regenerator » Tue Feb 04, 2020 5:56 pm

No thats not what I mean at all - what I mean is I have never seen the QB drop back and let one fly - any passes that have a lot of air yards come from scramble situations. Like I have specifically never seen a play that happened like the following, which is a very common play unfolding in the real NFL or any football on any level -
"QB drops back and passes deep down the left(or right) sideline to a streaking wide receiver"

If we could get this into the game,it wouldn't be much of a stretch from here to display a hail mary occurring as it does in real life
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby brooks_piggott » Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:20 am

These are already in the game... the QB will drop back 7 and then pause or roll out a bit and throw to whichever receiver they are targeting. I'm not sure of what combination of ratings it has to be to get a 50-60 yards in the air type of pass, but it's in the game.
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby regenerator » Mon Aug 03, 2020 4:53 am

Brooks if I can revisit this a little bit - I want to reiterate I love the game I think it has everything except this one area - im concerned about not seeing quite enough scoring, and I have discovered this is bc of a slightly lower than desirable amount of long explosive passing plays. How can I get more explosive passing plays? Specifically, more air yards, passes deeper down the field? I don't want to just pump up WR Speed bc all that will do most likely is make more run after the catch.
What exactly does the Advanced "Passing Yards" do to the game? How does it increase passing yards exactly?
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby brooks_piggott » Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:17 am

It mostly affects speed. If you want more down field you'd probably have to write some custom plays where the QB does more rolling out.
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby TheRivals40 » Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:16 pm

Brooks_Piggott wrote:These are already in the game... the QB will drop back 7 and then pause or roll out a bit and throw to whichever receiver they are targeting. I'm not sure of what combination of ratings it has to be to get a 50-60 yards in the air type of pass, but it's in the game.

For one, this rarely if ever happens. Like super rarely. For two, you shouldn't need a particularly strong armed QB to throw a 40 yard pass every now and then. I just saw a video of Odell Beckham Jr., a wide receiver, throwing a 50 yard pass. I'm not sure how many games you have watched but you can go an entire game without ever seeing a pass go more than around 15 yards in the air.

Again I'm not trying to be negative, just trying to point out what I'm noticing. It's your game so if you don't care I understand
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Re: QUESTION-Are Timing Passes Possible?

Postby Cleasby » Fri Aug 14, 2020 4:10 am

Im thinking this is an interesting point and agree I have not seen many long streaking passes.

One for first access to review?
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