An Orange Clockwork

Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:32 pm

5/1: #44 recruiting class. We buy the Midwest Gold scouting report.

6/5: We lost 2 players, Lee Feel, who did not figure at all in our plans, and Nate Hill, who was a starter last year and would likely have been first or second off the bench this year. No hint that either was unhappy at any time last year.

Looking at transfers.

6/18: We went after some guys but no luck.

Big ramp up in terrorist attacks in the past month or so, sadly.

Life is pretty good. It's difficult to understand why the attacks.

People are assured of food and shelter. The food allowance works in a way that people have certain choices within certain price categories, and a limited number of each so that it's virtually impossible for them to run out of food before the end of the month. Shelter is provided with adequate heating and cooling and people can only be evicted for serious destruction or damage of the property. In that case they are relocated to a very sterile, all but indestructable, but safe residence.

Entertainment choices are plentiful, from video to on line gaming of every conceivable variety, to places where people can go to exercise, compete... Everyone is connected to an all inclusive, worldwide library of books, games, videos...

Anyone can educate themselves, with free, competent tutoring, in any subject imaginable.

Travel is limited, but liberally so. For example, a person in the U. S. can travel outside the country for up to three weeks per year, and within the country for up to nine weeks.

What have I left out? Not sure, but it's probably available.

And yet there are revolutionaries, there are terrorists and terrorist attacks. There is unrest and unhappiness. It doesn;t seem to be widespread but it is serious for those who are unhappy. And it is a challenge for the rest of us.

The gangs, once again, are vicious and brutal, and all but impossible to stop as their attacks are seemingly random in most cases.

6/25: We will go to the Chicago Prep Revue.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:37 am

6/26: 4 scholarships. 2 and 2 would be good.

7/22: Cities are burning- St. Louis, Minneapolis, Dallas, Miami, and several smaller cities. Why? No one knows. Clearly fires were set in several locations in each of the affected cities and the fires are huge and consuming LOTS of real estate. Many will be homeless and many businesses will be destroyed. The authorities are assuming the gangs are doing it but there has never been gang activity coordinated in multiple cities before.

7/29: The fires have burned out because they ran out of fuel. Many cities are all but destroyed. No one has taken "credit" for the blazes.

8/5: The politicians are talking about rebuilding the burned out cities. There are hundreds of thousands in temporary housing, often not much more than shelters.
That can't stay that way for long.

8/11: More fires in cities big and small, East and West, North and South. At least a couple of dozen cities burning.

8/20: Fires are out, all of them. More than a million people without their homes. Thousands and thousands of businesses burned out.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:37 am

8/21: We offer to 2 PGs, an SF, and a PF.

9/11: Massive rebuilding efforts in cities all over the country and to a lesser extent, the world.

9/18: We get the 2 bigs, lose a PG. We get an SF, #158, a PF, #392.

A few challenging teams on the schedule.

9/25: Got 2 PGs, #113 and 118.

10/2: 1st day of practice. I think we have the makings of a good team but we're picked 10th in the Mid-American. I say we'll finish 3rd, maybe even 2nd.

No more fires but many, many random home invasions and attacks on the street. These attacks are brutal, leaving people dead, or very seriously injured.

11/1: One of my walk ons was attacked and brutally beaten while walking back to his dorm after a study session with his tutor. He died from his injuries. The police have nothing to go on so this is probably going to be yet another unsolved crime. We will wear black armbands on our uniforms all season to honor the player.

11/6: Here's my lineu, and we're not that strong up front:

Juco junior Clay Ball is at Pg. He may be our best player.

Frosh Ly Stok is at SG. Junior El Maxx and soph Jon Herr, both of whom started last season are backing up at PG, SG, and SF.

Senior Jam Wats is at SF.

Senior Clif Chap, who was our 6th man last season, starts at PF.

Junior Jay Saul is back at C. Junior Jay Latt is 1st off the bench at PF and C.

Sadly, the police have come up with absolutely nothing in the murder of our walk on.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:00 pm

11/14: The season starts tomorrow.

11/15: 118-84 at Longwood. Wow! Clay Ball scored an amazing 63 points in his debut game. We had only 6 TOs.

Wondering if Ball is that good or if this was a fluke.

We're located in Mount Pleasant, which is really just a small college town. Before the world went crazy it was a peaceful little neighborly town. Not much happened here.

Unfortunately we have our gangs now, the "Clockwork Orange" Alex DeLarge type of gangs that strike seemingly at random, and with what they call "ultra violence."

The police, as is true in most places, simply don't have any success in predicting where and when they will strike, and almost never manage to bring them to justice when they do strike.

Everyone lives, if not in fear, then at least with great caution.

11/18: 74-60 at VMI. We led all the way. 19, 6 for Saul, 16, 2, 8 for Ball, 12, 7 for Chap. 8 TOs. We're not rebounding all that well but we're handling the ball really well, and the bench is doing a decent job.

11/20: All 4 recruits sign.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:04 pm

11/22: 76-62 over Dayton here. Best team we've played so far. We led all the way. 29, 9 for SG Ly Stok, 14, 2, 5 for Ball. 38 RBs, our best so far, and 11 TOs.

I'm told by a friend in law enforcement (he supervises the robotic force) that some of the attacks being blamed on the gangs may actually be the work of the fascist underground. Evidently there has been a little success infiltrating the underground and it has been learned that they have been planning and executing attacks. The purpose is to make people as insecure as possible with the hope that they will turn to the fascists in the believe that only they can control the gangs.

By making the attacks appear to be gang led they are trying to set this up with themselves as the potential saviors.

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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:27 pm

11/25: 82-61 at Perverterian. Easy win to bring us to 4-0. 31, 1, 6 for Ball, 12, 8, 3 for Wats, 12, 1, 9 for Stok.

The 24th was Thanksgiving. Someone, whether a gang or the fascist underground, attack a dinner at a convalescent home. They got into the building, went to the dining hall when it was full, and opened fire with assault weapons. 73 dead.

11/29: 72-84 to Green Bay at home. I HATE home losses! It's true that we're playing much tougher teams at home than on the road, but still. Tied at the half and we just sort of faded away in the 2nd. Fouls in the back court hurt a lot, Ball fouled out and Stok had 4. We have experienced guards on the bench but they didn't step up. -11 RBs didn't help.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:04 am

(Author's Note: I'm ending this Association. The back story just didn't work out. Can't win 'em all. I'll start a new Association soon.)
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby PointGuard » Sun Nov 22, 2020 12:22 pm

Wayne23 wrote:(Author's Note: I'm ending this Association. The back story just didn't work out. Can't win 'em all. I'll start a new Association soon.)

Sometimes my back story doesn't work out times Advil helps though. Other times I just whine a lot. :p

But, sorry this dynasty didn't work definitely had possibilities. Glad you're continuing your walks on the wild side.
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Re: An Orange Clockwork

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:43 pm

That's the only place to walk!
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