Recruiting Bug?

Recruiting Bug?

Postby darthfoley » Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:08 pm

Hi. New to the game in my second season as Dartmouth (Hanover, apparently). Last year I definitely had annoying recruits who would just hang up on me, but I at least got them to answer questions occasionally, and got two decent recruits for a bad prestige school. I decided to upgrade my #1 assistant to someone who had a much better recruiting rating for the second season, in hopes of landing some bigger fish. I don't think I've changed any other settings. The problem is, for this season, literally 99% of my interactions with players who are cool AND warm interest are them telling me to call back, lost connnection, they have to eat dinner, WolverineStudio, etc. I've checked a couple of recruits bio pages afterwards, and seemingly randomly "Conference Prestige" or something will be filled in, as if I had asked them and gotten a real response. Is this some sort of bug? If so, is there a workaround? Am I just doing it wrong? I'm only in July so it's pretty early in the recruiting process, but I don't want to get massively behind the 8 Ball because I can't collect any information on anyone... Thanks for any help in advance.
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby Wayne23 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:44 pm

1. Recruiting is tough with low Team Prestige schools. 2. Persistence can pay. At Dartmouth you can recruit locally and recruit players with very high GPA. That's about it. 3. The head coach's recruit rating is more important than the recruiting assistant's rating.
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby PointGuard » Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:48 am

Wayne23 wrote:1. Recruiting is tough with low Team Prestige schools. 2. Persistence can pay. At Dartmouth you can recruit locally and recruit players with very high GPA. That's about it. 3. The head coach's recruit rating is more important than the recruiting assistant's rating.

Agree with Wayne.

There is no "recruiting bug" that has been reported or of which I'm aware.

Your assistant is also checking on recruits, so that may be why you get some updates you didn't inquire about yourself.

What recruiting difficulty level have you set for yourself?

Be patient and persistent and some of the recruits will eventually begin talking to you and providing info. If you're going after highly ranked players for Dartmouth, you are likely to have many of them be totally uninterested and not agreeing to talk with you.
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby PointGuard » Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:09 am

BTW... for your FUTURE associations, I'd suggest you download and install the Real College mod (http://www.wolverinestudios.cpm/board/v ... 19&t=31339). That way you will have real college and conference names, correct team logos, real courts, etc. It really improves the experience, in my opinion. It also has several different options, so if you want real coaches and real team historical records, you can have that.
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby darthfoley » Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:47 am

Thanks for the quick reply. I wouldn’t have thought it weird, except that these are one and two star players telling me to call back literally every single time I call them about anything (pitches, parents, interest in school). I may just start a new association with the downloaded mod. Didn’t realize it existed. Appreciate it
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby PointGuard » Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:15 pm

You're welcome! Enjoy.

I think recruiting in DDSCB is designed to be difficult (and at times a bit frustrating) as I'm sure it is in real life...and require persistence and patience. I'm sure it's not always a joy calling and trying to talk to high school kids, some of whom probably think they're God's gift to round ball ("Hey, You're from What State University? I never knew there was a state in the U.S. of A. by that name. I'm the freakin' star of my high school team. My parents, my coach, my girl friend idolize me. Why should I talk to anyone but Coach K?")
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby prorta » Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:54 pm

PointGuard wrote:BTW... for your FUTURE associations, I'd suggest you download and install the Real College mod (http://www.wolverinestudios.cpm/board/v ... 19&t=31339). That way you will have real college and conference names, correct team logos, real courts, etc. It really improves the experience, in my opinion. It also has several different options, so if you want real coaches and real team historical records, you can have that.

I just recently purchased the game. Went to your link for the MODS and received an error message when attempting to open the link. I also changed if from HTTP to HTTPS but still no luck. Can you please paste the entire link?
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Re: Recruiting Bug?

Postby PointGuard » Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:52 pm

It's not my mod, the creator is NCAAhoops. You can either get it by clicking on this link: viewtopic.php?f=319&t=31339
or you can go to Board Index<Wolverine Studios<WS Mods<DDS: College Basketball 2020 Mods ... and get it toward the bottom of the first post in "College Mod Version 1.11 updated". I just tried the download link for the mod and it worked for me.
After you download and install the mod, follow the instructions (provided in the PDF file that comes with the mod) to help you load it when you create a new association. It will not update previously created associations.
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