Newbie Questions

Newbie Questions

Postby cammyanders » Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:04 pm

Hi guys,

I’m an experienced Football Manager player from Scotland and also have a great passion for Basketball and came across this game and decided to dive right in.

I’ve simmed a few seasons but can’t really say I know what I’m doing - I just feel I’m clocking for the sake of getting through it and hoping I maybe understand (I don’t).

I’ve watched the few YouTube videos out there but still don’t really have a grasp on things - namely recruiting.

The whole recruitment process is completely alien to me as a Scotsman who is used to a football transfer system or NBA trade system rather than recruiting and I’ve several questions I can’t seem to find answers for and they are as follows.

1. How to pick who to recruit/what positions? I presume priority positions will be those with a senior in them as they’ll leave?

2. Should I be maxing out the 50 call list?

3. Should I be putting say 5-10 of each position in the watch list/call list? Is this too much?

4. Should I be using every $ of my budget?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby PointGuard » Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:44 pm

cammyanders wrote:1. How to pick who to recruit/what positions? I presume priority positions will be those with a senior in them as they’ll leave?

2. Should I be maxing out the 50 call list?

3. Should I be putting say 5-10 of each position in the watch list/call list? Is this too much?

4. Should I be using every $ of my budget?

Welcome to DDSCB, cammyanders. Recruiting is more of an "art" than a "science". Its a skill you learn over time playing the game and there is no one "right" way to do it. I think most everyone does it at least somewhat differently. But I'll give you my perspective...but please realize that I don't necessarily follow any of the following religiously each and every year...sometimes things might make me alter what I do.

My first recommendation is that you begin playing DDSCB by setting the recruiting difficulty level to "Easy". Then after you play out a few seasons you might feel ready to begin bumping up that difficulty level.

1. I take a look at my roster to determine who will be on the team NEXT year (exclude all Seniors who will be graduating). I then set my goals based on (1) trying to ensure I will have at least 2 (and preferably 3) players next season at each of the 5 positions. If less, then I want to try to land enough recruits at each position to get to that figure. I also look at the talent at each position. If a position looks like it will have a low level of talent NEXT season, then I will try to get a recruit who will build up that position. Having considered those 2 issues, I then have a pretty good idea of which positions that I want to get recruits to accept scholarship offers. That can be modified somewhat when I look at the recruits who I think I might have a chance of even if I don't need a PF (for example), that could make me go after a few PF's who look like they could really help strengthen my team.

2. I think you will find a big variance in how people approach this. I like to load my call and watch lists up (usually putting 50 on the list). But for me that can be altered if my school's recruiting budget is low and I need to conserve money. But I know that others like to focus on a more limited number on their lists. What's a big enough budget? Again, it depends. Generally I like to have at least $40,000 in the recruiting budget at the beginning of recruiting. If I only have to fill one scholarship, then I really don't need that much. If I need to fill 5 scholarships, then I would like to have more. It also depends on the prestige level of the college...a high prestige college can land recruits more easily (needing less money to do so), but they also may want to recruit more widely (including internationally) which will be more expensive. Another thing that affects your budget is how many and what level of scouting reports you want to buy and how many scouting camps you want to attend.

3. This will be based on how many positions for which you need to land recruits. If I only need a "SF", then I'll have a lot of SF's on the list and fewer of any other positions. If I need 2 PG's, a SG, and a C, I will have mostly guards on the list and some C''s (or PF's who can also play C).

4. Yes, by the end of the year (mid-April) you should have spent it all so that your request to the board for a budget increase, a facilities upgrade, or a salary increase has a better chance of getting approved. Once you are certain you have filled all your scholarships (have gotten commitments for each of your available scholarships and those recruits have achieved satisfactory SAT scores for your college), then spend the money.

Hope this helps. Others may have different viewpoints that are just as valid.

Looking forward to your participating in the forums. Certainly if you have additional questions, ask here...advice is free (but not necessarily good...LOL). If I ever buy Football Manager, I'm sure I'll be asking questions of YOU! :D
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby cammyanders » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:53 am

PointGuard wrote:
cammyanders wrote:1. How to pick who to recruit/what positions? I presume priority positions will be those with a senior in them as they’ll leave?

2. Should I be maxing out the 50 call list?

3. Should I be putting say 5-10 of each position in the watch list/call list? Is this too much?

4. Should I be using every $ of my budget?

Welcome to DDSCB, cammyanders. Recruiting is more of an "art" than a "science". Its a skill you learn over time playing the game and there is no one "right" way to do it. I think most everyone does it at least somewhat differently. But I'll give you my perspective...but please realize that I don't necessarily follow any of the following religiously each and every year...sometimes things might make me alter what I do.

My first recommendation is that you begin playing DDSCB by setting the recruiting difficulty level to "Easy". Then after you play out a few seasons you might feel ready to begin bumping up that difficulty level.

1. I take a look at my roster to determine who will be on the team NEXT year (exclude all Seniors who will be graduating). I then set my goals based on (1) trying to ensure I will have at least 2 (and preferably 3) players next season at each of the 5 positions. If less, then I want to try to land enough recruits at each position to get to that figure. I also look at the talent at each position. If a position looks like it will have a low level of talent NEXT season, then I will try to get a recruit who will build up that position. Having considered those 2 issues, I then have a pretty good idea of which positions that I want to get recruits to accept scholarship offers. That can be modified somewhat when I look at the recruits who I think I might have a chance of even if I don't need a PF (for example), that could make me go after a few PF's who look like they could really help strengthen my team.

2. I think you will find a big variance in how people approach this. I like to load my call and watch lists up (usually putting 50 on the list). But for me that can be altered if my school's recruiting budget is low and I need to conserve money. But I know that others like to focus on a more limited number on their lists. What's a big enough budget? Again, it depends. Generally I like to have at least $40,000 in the recruiting budget at the beginning of recruiting. If I only have to fill one scholarship, then I really don't need that much. If I need to fill 5 scholarships, then I would like to have more. It also depends on the prestige level of the college...a high prestige college can land recruits more easily (needing less money to do so), but they also may want to recruit more widely (including internationally) which will be more expensive. Another thing that affects your budget is how many and what level of scouting reports you want to buy and how many scouting camps you want to attend.

3. This will be based on how many positions for which you need to land recruits. If I only need a "SF", then I'll have a lot of SF's on the list and fewer of any other positions. If I need 2 PG's, a SG, and a C, I will have mostly guards on the list and some C''s (or PF's who can also play C).

4. Yes, by the end of the year (mid-April) you should have spent it all so that your request to the board for a budget increase, a facilities upgrade, or a salary increase has a better chance of getting approved. Once you are certain you have filled all your scholarships (have gotten commitments for each of your available scholarships and those recruits have achieved satisfactory SAT scores for your college), then spend the money.

Hope this helps. Others may have different viewpoints that are just as valid.

Looking forward to your participating in the forums. Certainly if you have additional questions, ask here...advice is free (but not necessarily good...LOL). If I ever buy Football Manager, I'm sure I'll be asking questions of YOU! :D

Thank you for such a detailed response and providing me with some much needed clarity.

I think I’ll probably aim a few more seasons with big schools before then attempting something long term like building a school.

I now have another Q: is there a way of knowing if a one and done player will be declaring for the draft early? I’d imagine this complicates things a little when it comes to recruiting. Also, could a Sophomore or Junior leave in the draft as well or is it unlikely?
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby PointGuard » Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:28 pm

1. You never really know for sure. But the most likely ones are those who were very highly ranked as recruits (e.g., top 10 or 15) and who come in as freshmen with great skill ratings.

2. Yes they can.
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby cammyanders » Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:57 pm

Great! Thanks again, I’ve another Q for you

Once a player has committed - in this case verbally and scholarship also accepted - can I just remove them from watch and call list? Or do I risk losing him if I don’t keep calling?

Also - once a player has verbally committed to another school should I just abandon my pursuit? I can still offer a scholarship?
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby PointGuard » Wed Feb 24, 2021 5:45 pm

Yes, you can delete the recruit who has committed to your school from the watch/call lists, if you want.

Extremely rare that a recruit will renege on a commitment. However, if your school has low SAT minimums, some recruits become available again after Jan. 28 (date SAT scores released) if they don't meet the minimums for the school they committed to. But it's best to just wait until after Jan. 28 to see who may be available then.
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby cammyanders » Wed Feb 24, 2021 7:37 pm

That makes sense so would you recommended saving a scholarship for this?

Is there a time I should have recruiting all done for? I know there’s multiple deadlines in place but am I best being sorted before the turn of the year for example?

I can only apologise for the barrage of questions but the more I play the more questions I am having as I begin to understand things a little more and just want to understand things more.
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby PointGuard » Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:20 pm

1. No, get the right guys when you can get them. You certainly can't count of guys coming available due to not getting high enough SAT scores. And I don't think I have ever had a recruit accept a scholarship and then back out of the deal. I know that Gary says it can happen in rare cases, but I've yet to see it myself.

2. Before the mid-April...LOL. ActuaIly I love it when I can get all my scholarships filled by early October, but when I don't I just keep trying to increase interest throughout the winter with the aim of filling any remaining slots in late March or early April. The 4 weeks of Home Visits in Sept and early October are primary times to offer scholarships and try to cement the deal thru home visits.
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby KingNeb » Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:23 pm

Does it make sense to offer scholarships before the home visit period?
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Re: Newbie Questions

Postby PointGuard » Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:43 pm

Each season there are a few (typically very few) recruits who commit a week or two before the home visits start. Usually they're highly ranked recruits.
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