The Phenom

Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:31 am

5/1: #56 recruiting class. Considering it's only two guys, that's pretty good.

My goal this year is to win the A10 and to finish in the Top 25.

We buy the National and International Basic, which means there will be no money for camps. I'm still pissed at Rick Hope(less) for not giving me a budget increase.

5/3: New women's hoops coach, Midge Blake. She dropped in- no, actually, she made an appointment and stopped in. She wanted to make sure her team was treated well, and that they got reasonable gym time at reasonable hours.

I asked her if she'd discussed all of this with Rick Hope and evidently he told her to work it out with me.

I began by telling her that I didn't see the Mullins Center as the men's basketball facility and that I thought her team and mine should have equal access.

She essentially told me to put my money where my mouth is. She's pretty feisty, which I like.

I told her that we should both come up with times when we'd like the gym for practice, and times when it would be open for players from both teams to shoot around, have pick up games...

She said she'd be in touch in a couple of days.

5/6: Midge, we're on a first name basis, called and asked if she could come in. I told her 1:00 was good.

She arrived with an elaborate schedule of times she wanted the gym, starting tomorrow, and going through the end of the school year. It was a hell of a lot more detailed than what I had put together, which was a pretty simple thing- Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays, 7-10, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 4-7, alternate Sundays.

"But that doesn't take into account games, road trips, and things like that."

"I didn't realize you were going to be this thorough. Look, suppose I look this over and we meet again on Monday?"

"What about until then?"

"Let's go with what you have until then. We can post it with both of our names on the bottom, and I'll also tell my guys."

"Sounds good. I have to say that I didn't expect you to be this reasonable."

"We've both got programs to run; we both need the gym. You're an experienced coach with a great reputation for bringing a team along quickly. We have similar goals. It's easier to work together than it is to fight about little things. Let's make it work."

"I like that attitude."

"Hey, I'm a PHEEE-NOM!!! Actually, I want to ask if, once practices start, I can visit and watch what you do and how you do it. I'm still learning and I think a smart coach always wants to learn more."

"And you think you can learn from a women's basketball coach?"

"I know I can learn from a good one and I hear you're a really good one."

"Thanks, and yes. Am I invited? to your practices?"

"Absolutely. I'd be happy to have your input."

"I think we should have lunch sometime and you can tell me about basketball at UMass and about Rick Hope and the office staff."

"Sounds great!"

We set up a lunch meeting for Monday, in the campus cafeteria.

5/9: Midge and I spent almost three hours in the cafeteria. When we were finished we had a schedule for use of the gym and the auxiliary gym, which is a truly crappy facility, that went right through the end of the school year. I felt like we were also well on the way toward a real friendship.

She is a tough woman, but fair minded, very bright, and she knows her hoops! I actually think we'll work together and advise each other, maybe even watch some game videos together.

"Phee, I tape my practices, and try to watch them before i go to bed the same day. I also tape open gym times that my players are at and watch those on the same day. I feel like they teach me a lot. Players and their work habits in practice, and all of their habits when they're just playing around in free time, show me so much about their attitudes, work habits, and lots of other things."

"What a great idea. I'd never thought of that."

I'll be doing it from now on.

6/5: Jay Jolk, a red shirt frosh who was never going to play for us, transferred out.

Room for a transfer.

6/8: I hadn't seen Midge for a couple of days.

"I know why you call him Rick Hopeless. Jesus!"

"What happened?"

"Our practice uniforms are really crappy. I sent in a special request for new ones so I wouldn't need to pay for it out of my pathetic budget."

"He shot it down."

"He shot it down. Less than $500. I couldn't believe it."

"He's a big time football guy. That's where the money goes."

"He's also an asshole."

"Yes, Midge. Yes he is."

We talked for a while longer, then I got a call I had to take. She waved goodbye and left.

I'm really starting to like this woman.

6/12: We get a C from Akron who I think will help us.

My bench/practice coach, Luke Jora stopped in as I was getting ready to pack up and head for home. We had already met that day so I was surprised.

"Hey, Phee, how are you?"

"Great, Luke. What's up."

"Just wanted to tell you about a rumor."

"A rumor?"

"Some of the guys were talking after study hall. It seems they're pretty sure you and the new women's coach are dating."

"Really? ... Yeah, I guess i can see that. We're not, but she's bright as hell and she knows her basketball so we talk a lot."

"And have lunch together in the caf just about every day."

"Not THAT often, but yeah. So, what's the reaction from the players?"

"They think it's cool, but they might start teasing you about it."

"That's probably not a problem but we're not dating."

"Not to step out of line but... why not? Did she shoot you down, because it doesn't look like she'd shoot you down?"

"What the hell!"

"Give it a shot, Phee. I know you like her and it sure looks like she likes you."

"I don't date."

"Think about it, Phee. She's as big a hoops fanatic as you are. It could work."

"I don't... date..."

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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:32 pm

(Author's note: Did I actually get censored for saying "****!" in my last post? I guess I'm about to find out. If so, how silly.)

6/26: 5 scholarships. Ideally we'd get 3 guards and 2 bigs.

6/28: "So Phee... maybe we could have dinner in Northampton sometime."

"... We could do that..."

"Hey, what's the deal?"


"Come on, you're too bright to be so dense."

"... I..."

"Phee, we like each other, we have things in common- the most important things for both of us, hoops and coaching. We fit well together. There's never a gap in the conversation. I'm no great beauty but I'm fit and I brush my teeth regularly. So..."

"First, I think you're very attractive. I really do. I just... I don't date."

"Are you gay?"

"NO! I mean there's nothing wrong with that, and I have gay friends, but no, I'm not gay."

"Then what?"

"I... I never figured I could be fair to a woman in a relationship. Basketball takes up about every waking hour during the season, and most of my hours off season."

"Never figured on a relationship with another coach, though right?"

"Yeah... that does change things a little, I guess. But still, how can I be fair about giving my time. A relationship takes time."

"Yes it does. I get that. I've kind of thought the same way. But two coaches. We live the same way, can work with each other, understand the time commitment. It could work."

"I don't know."

"Look Phee, I'm not talking about getting married. Let's take this to the next step and see what happens."

"Phee, are you interested in me romantically?"

"... Yes."

"Then what the hell!"

"... You're right... Let's give it a shot."

7/15: One recruit is very interested, 2 others are quite interested, and 4 others are a bit interested. 5 scholarships is a lot. We'll see how it goes.

So... I'm in a romantic relationship. Midge is being incredibly patient and understanding about how tense I am about it.

There's a lot, and I mean a LOT to like about this. I've learned that I can take the time to go out to dinner or go to a movie or a play, and I can still get everything done. Who knew!

Midge is like having an extra coach and she's tremendously analytical and sees things the rest of us don't see, at times.

I'm enjoying being an unofficial coach of the women's team. They play a slightly different game than the men play but it's a really interesting game and there's a lot of skill involved.

In short... life is pretty damned good right now!

8/7: Sam Toma is #50 on the Norton list.

8/21: We offer to 2 PGs, an SG, a PF, and a C.

I have to say the relationship with Midge is the best thing that ever happened to me. I've never been happier.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 4:05 pm

10/24: Can't believe how much I'm enjoying working with Midge's team. It's secondary, of course, and I really only get to a couple of practices a week, but it's fun. Of course the fact that I am under zero pressure probably helps. I don't really feel the pressure with my guys but it's there.

Midge spends a lot of time at my place watching video with me. I have a better video set up so we watch both of our teams on my system most of the time. And yes, she stays over now and then.

11/13: My season starts tomorrow, on the road. We're already in the hotel.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:58 pm

11/17: 78-58 over Missouri ST here. Close for most of the 1st half. Up by 8 at the end. We were firmly in control through the 2nd half.

16, 7 for Toma, 15, 6 for Bree, 11, 7, 4 for Hobs. +7 RBs and only 10 TOs, which was the improvement I was looking for.

Midge's team won again, on the road. Normally when we're at home they're on the road, whether we actually play on the same day or not, so I see their games when the video gets to me. Again, their inside game is their strength.

It's too early to talk much about what our strengths and weaknesses are but so far we're looking good.

11/20: All 5 recruits signed so we're finished with recruiting. My recruiting assistant, Tony Berg, will look at high school juniors and jucos from here on. He never really stops recruiting but he makes less contact from now until next June.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:29 pm

11/21: 102-75 at Yale. We jumped out to an early lead. Up 15 at the half. We didn't expect much of a challenge from a winless Yale, and we didn't get one.

27, 11, 2 with 5 steals for Toma. 28, 4, 5 for Risi. Good guard play, and the bench did their job. +8 RBs, 10 TOs.

Toma stepped right in to the Center position. It's early but he's averaging 20.0 and 9.3, and he's playing good D.

11/22: Midge's team lost by 7 at BU.

"Our weak guard play finally did us in. We'll do well to finish above .500. Good recruits coming in though."
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:41 am

11/24: 77-61 Georgia here. Good team, 4-1 coming in, against good competition. We opened up a double digit lead early. Up 18 at the half. We're playing great ball, 4-0, and this was the closest so far, 16 points.

21, 14 for Toma. All the other starters had 10 or 11; 10, 7, 9 for Herd. +10 RBs.

Our 5 starters are all playing well and the bench is doing its job, but there are some real challenges ahead.

"So what happens if you get an offer from another school that's too good to pass up?"

"What happens if you do?"

"Ha! There are about 6 of those jobs in women's basketball. After those 6 UMass is as good a place as any. I could wind up coaching here for the rest of my career unless lightning strikes."

"Look, it's too soon to be having this discussion, really. I plan to be here through next season at least and being at a mid-major I'd only go to an elite program next probably. So in a year and a half we may have some decisions to make, but it could be longer. If we're still doing as great as we are now we'll figure it out, and if we're not, it's not a problem."

"Is it cold in here or is it just you."

"No, really. I think this is going to stay this good and maybe get better, and I really hope it does, but we don't need to think long term just yet. Let's just enjoy this."

"I guess you're right."
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:50 am

11/28: 75-53 Akron here. A real battle until we went on a run with about 6 minutes left. Up 17 at the half. Again tonight, all 5 starters in double figures. 16, 10, 4 for Risi, 16, 8 for Bree, 14, 9 for Toma. 8 TOs.

Some real challenges coming up. We're on the road until 12/26. Among the challenges are #3 ranked Kansas ST, and Arizona in the first round of the JAG. They're undefeated right now. If we get by them everyone else in the JAG is good.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:59 am

12/1: 78-53 at Drake. Slow start for both teams. We scored the first 8. Up 9 at the half. Another blowout vs. A pretty decent team.

23, 3 for Risi, 15, 3, 3 for Hobs, 14, 10 for Bree, 10, 8, 3 for Toma, 8, 2, 10 for Herd.

+8 RBs, 9 TOs, 14-30 on threes.

We're playing well but the toughest game of the regular season is next, #3 ranked Kansas ST, 7-0, there.
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:19 am

12/4: We feel like we are at least as good, maybe better inside, but we've got to control their outside game. They're now 8-0.

12/5: 67-65!!! We took a 10 point lead with 10 to play, then they came back. Down 3 at the half. 14 lead changes, 10 ties. We traded basket over the last two minutes. With 7.7 to play Risi hit a huge three to give us a two point lead. They brought it down, got it inside, and Bree blocked a last second 5 footer for the win.

16, 6 for Toma, 18, 3 for Risi, 14, 4 for Hobs, 9, 9 for Bree. 12 TOs (They had 21).

As we needed to do we won the inside game. We were about even outside. What kept them in it was bench play, 27, 17, 6 to 4, 6, 2.

This win just might get us ranked, but more importantly, we beat the #3 team in the country on the road. That means we can play with anybody.

Now a week off, and two away games in our general area.

"You must feel like Jack the giant killer."

"Best win in my coaching career."

"I watched it. You guys were just so determined all the way through. When you went down by 8 in the 2nd I thought it was slipping away, but then you went on that 14-1 run. I was actually jumping up and down and yelling!"

"Wish I had seen that! Yeah, we stayed positive. I called that TO when they got up by 8 because it had to turn around right then. Fortunately Hobs hit back to back threes. That was huge at that point and it lit us up. You could see the expressions on my guys' faces. They were ready for anything when that second three dropped."

12/8: I finally got to watch Midge's team in person. They're 3-4 after winning at home tonight, but they've got some holes, that's for sure. The inside game is excellent. They'll give most teams fits there, but they really only have one guard, a soph SG who's forced to play at the Point. It's not working but there just aren't any other options.

"I've got a freshman PG and a transfer PG coming in next season. I think that will help, and there's an SG coming in, too, but I think she'll need some time before she helps us. Still, we should be a lot better outside next year and all of my bigs are back. This year we just need to be patient."
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Re: The Phenom

Postby Wayne23 » Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:49 am

12/13: 90-77 at Harvard. They took an early lead and got it to double figures. We came back and went in down 3. This one was tougher than the score indicates. We didn't take ur final lead until there were less than 7 minutes to play.

17, 6, 4 for Hobs, 17, 4, 3 for Risi, 14, 7 for Toma, 12, 6, 6 for Herd, and 12, 6 for sub Gary Demo.

+6 RBs, 8 TOs.

Mom and dad were at the game. Got to talk with them a bit afterward. They'll be at our next game, too. I plan to invite them to join the team for our early pre-game meal.

Len Barn hurt his arm. Out for about a week. He doesn't play a lot but it's nice to have him in the rotation. He should only miss one game, if that.
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