How are pace / 3s / etc. for historical leagues this year?

How are pace / 3s / etc. for historical leagues this year?

Postby Johnny Slick » Sat May 08, 2021 5:05 pm

I noticed that there are fewer things to adjust in this year's version, particular with regards to pace and 3s being something you could make adjustments to in 2020 and not 2021. For people who've played historical leagues, do the stats still work out? I started putting together a mod for last year's version which I never finished which took a look at ratings in a historical season (you need to save the season first) and then applied the "spread" so to speak to a fictional league. The results could come out all wonky but I'd kind of like to know if I'm basing this on something that's not wonky like that before I get too deep into making SQL calls (well, really there's just the last one, but that batch update looks like it's going to be a major PITA).

Otherwise, I do have to say that for a game that sims the modern day it seems to do pretty well, is pretty fun to play, and TBH my messing around like this is because it's so, so close to being that game I'd love for it to be...
Johnny Slick
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