Transfer to the Title

Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:27 pm

Transfer to the Title DDSCB 2022

4/25/2022: Mack Lowe here. I've just been named head coach of the Vermont Catamounts, generally called the Cats here in Burlington. Their TP is 49, Facilities C, Academics B.

High expectations here- win the America East tourney, get to the NIT, win 15 games. We'll see.

I'm only 28 but I have been the #1 assistant at UMass ever since I graduated from that school, and I'm ready!

I got the job because I told the A. D., Ali Veer, and her committee that i intended to build a program here more with transfers than with recruits, and she thought that was a good idea. I also got the job because I'm guessing that not a lot of people want to live up here in the cold, cold North.

I don't start getting paid, $250,000 a year for 3 years, until May 1, but I'm working hard.

Who am I? I'm a hoops junkie. I played Power Forward at UMass at 6'7", 245 lbs. I made all conference my senior year. I LIVE college hoops. Started following the sport at about age 8 and got to know all the stats really well, got a book out of the UMass library (Mom's a professor there) at maybe age 9, on how to coach college hoops. That was 2003. I took notes on my computer writing practically the whole book in there. I studied and studied. When I watched games on TV as a kid I noted the offenses and defenses, as well as what plays were being run, noted how coaches adjusted. Hell, I could have coached a high school team by age 10. Both my high school and college coaches called me their coach on the floor and my UMass coach hired me immediately upon my graduation.

What else am I interested in? Not much. I like a beer, but not more than two. I like music. I play a couple of video games, but text based games not quick fingers games. Women? I'm straight, but I just have no idea how to talk to women and I've never had a girl friend. Maybe never will. I'm so hoops obsessed that I don't know if I could devote enough time to a relationship.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby PointGuard » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:45 pm

Wayne23 wrote:...and I'm ready!

So am I...bring on the Catamounts and let's see how they do.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:17 pm

5/1: First day officially on the job.

I buy the Atlantic East Basic report. It's really all we can afford.

My predecessor wasn't much of a recruiter, #198 recruiting class. But then that's why I want to go with transfers. They're experienced and i can offer them playing time.

I moved into an apartment just off campus. I was told it was mostly faculty and doc students here but it looks like there are lots of undergrads. Hope it's not party central. Exams end in a couple of days so i'll probably find out soon. It's a two bedroom place. Small, but it has a garage, which is a HUGE factor up here in snow country.

Early indications are that I have a few guys who can play a little. We're thin at guard, and we're YOUNG- no seniors. I'll probably cut a couple of guys but not yet.

We'll play Princeton and Triangle on O, a little more Princeton. On D, 50% man, 25% 2-3, 25% 3-2. We'll press at times.

My assistant coaches are all young and not very experienced, but they'll do. I don't have the budget for top flight assistants. I'll teach these guys what they don't know and make use of what they do know.

Patrick Gym sits only 3,228 so it's a glorified high school gym. Oh well; it is what it is. To be competitive we're going to need a bigger budget and better facilities but that will take time. If I can develop a winning team and fill the seats I'll have a strong argument for upgrades and increases. Patience, Mack, patience.

I had Ali work a deal with Boston University. They're going to be our non-conference rival, at least for awhile.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:18 pm

6/25: I decide that we'll go to the Big Apple Showcase. I think it will help with recruiting. It's worth the money. At the last minute I decide to go to the East Coast Jam.

I've been busy! I'm settled into the apartment. Yes, there were definitely parties after final exams here in my apartment complex, but then the students all went home, or most of them anyway, so things have been quiet. I'm on the top floor and noise tends to travel down, and it's not that big a deal. I'm not ready to buy but I am looking at condos. If I stay here, which I hope to do, a condo is a good move.

I am getting to know my players, all but one of whom are from Vermont That will change!). They're all on campus for summer school. I want to host camps for high school and middle school kids but that didn't happen this year. Ali is all in favor of it and we're already planning for next summer.

I can't legally coach at this time of year but i watch my guys as they play pick up ball against each other and I'm seeing some things and taking notes. I'm also watching video of last year's games, over and over and over again, sometimes with my bench assistant, Matt DeWitt, and sometimes on my own.

I meet daily with my coaches. My recruiter, Sha Meesh, and my Scout, Kal Hamm, know what I expect from them. Recruiting starts tomorrow so Sha is about to get busy. Kal already is, looking at video of our conference opponents and taking lots of notes; often we watch together, discussing what we see.

I share an administrative assistant with the softball coach. Her name is Jess (Jessinta) Moza, and she's on the ball. The Athletic Offices are filled with great people. Everyone has been friendly, welcoming, helpful... The women's hoop coach, Dee Lasco, is great. We share practice facilities, and we're already talking about coordinating schedules. This is her fourth season here an she had her first winning record, 20-12, this past season.

The men were 18-17 last year, 10-8 in conf., made it to the title game. Went to the WOL but lost in the 1st round. Ali says they had the talent to do better, which is why they fired the head coach. They had 3 senior starters.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:07 pm

6/26: First day of recruiting. Life is about to get busier!

I looked over the roster, the video from last year, and based on that and what I've seen here on campus, after long discussions with my assistants, we decide to cut an 2 SFs who are never going to help us, and one guard. I'd cut a 2nd guard but I DO need to keep some players!

That opens up 3 scholarships. We want 2 guards and a big or vice versa. I'm thinking 2 guards, but then next year's transfer season will change everything anyway so who knows how much recruiting will matter!

Sha is casting a very wide net.

I'm a runner and a hiker. This is the boonies so lots of opportunities for both. Dee says it's tough in the winter because there's ice everywhere most of the time. I'll probably be using my treadmill a lot, which is nowhere near as much fun. Maybe I can hike if I have the proper footwear and dress warm.

"Real warm, Mack. It gets unbelievably cold around here."

7/2: Dee and I are doing some hikes together. She likes really challenging hikes and even likes to "bushwhack"- hike off the trail. I have my work cut out to keep up with her!

7/5: At the East Coast Jam. 5 guys we're looking at seriously are here. We're talking with them and watching them play.

7/17: We're making some progress with recruiting, trying to narrow the field down to a few prospects to focus on. It's really tedious, but necessary.

My neighbor knocked on my door this evening. I'm not home very often but she caught me in.

"Hi. I'm Gwen. I just thought I'd introduce myself since we're neighbors, and here's a little something to welcome you. I know you've been here for awhile but you're neve home!"

I invited her in for coffee and we chatted. She's a social worker here at U.V. She knew I was the new basketball coach but she's never been to a game. I told her if she ever wanted to go i'd hook her up with a couple of tickets.

7/30: At the Big Apple Showcase. 8 of our top prospects are here and we're working them.

Summer is nice up here. We're a stone's throw from the Canadian border. It can get hot but not often given the high elevation as well as how far north we are. Still hiking often with Dee. She says we can't run together because she's too fast for me. She's right. She does 7 minute miles. I do about 8 1/2. But the hiking is great, and I've really built up my strength and pretty much can keep up with her now.

8/14: We plan to make our 3 scholarship offers next week. The entire staff is getting together to discuss this in depth and we're really burning the midnight oil looking at video, talking over what we observed in meeting with these guys, all of whom we've scouted and hosted, and all but one of whom we've seen at at least one camp. So we have lots of info.

Gwen drops in often on the rare occasions when I'm home after she gets out of work. She's nice but I don't know what she wants. Probably just lonely. She says she's only been here about a year and with the continuing pandemic she's not comfortable going out in public much. No one with any brains is!
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:32 pm

8/21: We offer to a PG, an SG, and a PF. We think we're in the running with all of them.

"So, we should have dinner sometime."

"... Sure, Dee. Great idea. You've been here longer than I have. What's good- and do they wear masks in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, that's a factor, for sure. Let me check around a little. Hike tomorrow same time?"

"I can't tomorrow but i can the day after."


8/25: Dee decided to cook for me. Since I don't cook at all and rarely get home to my folks' house, a home cooked meal is a real treat. Usually it's cereal for breakfast, the school caf for lunch when I'm home, and something frozen and quick and easy to heat up for dinner. I don't snack. When I'm on the road I try to avoid fast food but I can't always. I like to be able to see the kitchen when i eat out. If I walk into a place and the person who greets me isn't wearing a mask,
I turn around and leave. The latest variant has hit HARD, and people aren't taking it seriously enough- well, lots of people are, but some aren't.

Anyway, we had a nice dinner at her place. I eat most anything. She made a pasta and chicken dish that was great!

9/4: It's a fine balance between really working a recruit to convince him to come here and annoying the hell out of him. Sha and I carefully coordinate that to make sure we stay on the right side of the line!

9/11: Sha and I visit the three we offered to and one other guy. Seems promising.

Dee landed her #1 recruit and feels like she's close with 2 others. She has 3 open slots, same as we do.

9/18: We get the PF, #214. Lose the SG. Offering to another SG.

Ali and I have been talking non-conference schedule for some time. I want cup cakes! Wins improve our chances with recruits and transfers. We'll toughen up the schedule in a couple of years, but not yet. Maybe one or two decent teams but that's it for now.

Having said that we're invited to the Preseason NIT and we said yes. First game is vs. West Virginia. I'd love to beat a good team to start the season but it will be a tall order.

Okay, the NIT and then Richmond at home, but the rest are all bottom feeders.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:33 pm

9/25: CRAP! We lose another guard. We may need to go with 2 bigs. There's a PF who really wants to come here. Hey, we'll trust to luck with transfers.
Dropping the SG we offered to and offering to a PG who seems very interested; he has us at #1.

10/2: We get the PF, #178, and the PG, #230.

1st day of practice; very exciting! We put together our roster, at least for now. No doubt there will be changes. How good are we? About as good as UMass was last year when I was there. We'll work them and make them better!

We're finished recruiting, which is nice. We're happy with the guys we got. We'll definitely need to pick up a guard or two with transfers.

10/9: Practices are going well. It snowed today- for the 4th or 5th time- and it's early October! Dee and I have been hiking but we're staying on the trails given the uneven footing. I gave a great pair of boots with very good traction. And yeah, I dress warm!

10/19: Gwen visited again. She told me she's interested in a relationship. Caught me off guard and I didn't know what to say. After a couple of very long minutes-

"Okay. It's obvious you're not interested. See you around."

Then she left. Why am I so bad at this stuff! I think maybe Dee might be interested, too. That would make more sense, since we have so much in common, but

I have no clue how to go about it, or even if I really want to.

Dee and I go to each other's practices when we can, and we offer each other suggestions. I'm good with the bigs, she's good with the guards so sometimes I do something with her big kids and she does some stuff with my guards. It's very cool.

She has a team that could go someplace this season. They're preseason #18.

10/30: After nearly a month of practice we're definitely better, but we're thin in the back court. An injury there would be a problem. I have an SF getting some minutes at SG. We don't have any depth, inside or outside.

11/6: A couple of exhibition games coming up.

We're actually picked to win the AEC. That would be nice. It's not a strong conference. Ali and I have discussed trying to transfer to the Big East, maybe even next season. We'll see.

Ruf Long is bitching about things. Not sure why. He's definitely a starter and is getting big minutes, and all at his natural position. I talked to him and it seemed to help.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:18 pm

11/13: The season starts tomorrow! Here's the lineup:

Junior Rob Bays is at the Point.

Junior Colt Hays is at SG.

Soph Ed Hite is our #$3 guard and frankly, he's not very good. #4 is soph Cam Grif, and #5 is soph Kej Caro.

Junior Tom Thor, a natural PF, is at SF.

Soph Ruf Long, probably our best player, is at PF.

Soph Jon Meek is in the middle.

1st big off the bench is junior Ken Simm, 2nd is frosh Cris Fier.

West Virginia is the #5 seed in the NIT. We're #12. Not much to go on but they seem to have a really good backcourt. Our guards need to both step up, and stay out of foul trouble.

11/14: Back and forth. Up 5 after 10. Up 3 at the half. Sub C/PF Ken Simm leads us with 10 and 4. Big time foul trouble, both forwards have 3, as does our SG; we don't have the bench to be in this situation. +9% shooting. -8 in the paint. Other stats are all close. WAY too many whistles, 25 fouls called in the half. Down 9 with 10 to go.

75-85. We came back top tie it but then they went on a late run.

17, 5 for SG Colt Hays, 14, 6, 3 for Simm, which was a pleasant surprise. 12 each for PG Rob Bays and #3 guard Cris Fier. 11, 7, 4 for C Jon Meek. Long is our best player but foul trouble did him in tonight, 4 and 3 in only 15 minutes. Tom Thor also played only 15 min. -12 in the paint.

We played a better team and hung in most of the way, and our bench did better than expected so not all bad.

Dee's team won their first game by 22. I looked at the video at the hotel.
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:04 pm

11/20: Incoherent Word, 1-3, is here. We think we're better.

11/21: Sellout crowd!

We score the first 14. Up 14 after 10. Up 15 at the break. 10 for Hays, 9, 4 for Thor. +8 RBs. Held them to 29% shooting. Up 23 with 10 to play.

82-59. We ran away from them late. Our guards really stepped up, 16, 5, 4 for Bays, 17, 1, 3 for Hays. 14, 7 for Thor, 12, 10 for Long.

+16 RBs, only 9 TOs. Outshot them by 10.4%. +11 on 2nd chances, +8 in the paint. The home crowd really helped!

Guard Cam Grif sprained a finger. He doesn't play much.

Dee's team won the women's preseason NIT, beating #4 South Carolina by 9 in the title game. They're the real thing!
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Re: Transfer to the Title

Postby Wayne23 » Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:20 pm

11/23: At 0-3 Florida A & M next. They're favored, probably because they're at home. They don't look very good to us. We'll see.

11/24: They take an early lead. Down 11 after 10. We're not playing. Down 15 at the half. We're getting beat inside. Up 1 with 10 left; big comeback.

78-85. We faded in the last 90 seconds. 15, 6 for Long, 17 for Bays, 14 for Hays. +12 RBs, all in the 2nd half. They won it outside, 13-28 on threes. +12 in the paint.

I need to remind myself that this could take time. Losing sucks though.

Dee keeps winning, but UConn is coming up and they're #1 in the country; The Lady Cats are #6.
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