Initial Thoughts / Improvement Ideas on PF '23 (Not bugs)

Initial Thoughts / Improvement Ideas on PF '23 (Not bugs)

Postby zac » Fri Sep 23, 2022 4:58 pm

Not finding a lot of bugs at this point of testing. After playing PF '23 for a bit, thought I'd just throw out some initial thoughts on possible improvements I'd love to see so more just a wish list type list. So far though all looks really good with '23

1) More of a question but for the Championship game (Super Bowl), is the "home-field" only an appearance thing? Or does the "home team" have a home-field advantage like in other games? If so, any option to change this? I know it may be more work to create a neutral field from an appearance standpoint but at the very least would be nice to have the option to make home-field advantage go away in championship games.

2) In my opinion would be helpful for game planning purposes to break out the "Attitude" setting in the game planning screen to multiple settings? As my understanding, that setting sort of effects numerous things from penalty likelihood, turnovers, onside kicks, and 4th downs. To me would be a great addition to split out 4th down decisions from that screen into a separate game plan setting line item by itself. I often want to maybe play more "conservatives" in regards to penalties, turnovers, etc but maybe go for it more on 4th and short situations (past midfield) from a purely statistical basis. Maybe in minority but sometimes feels like the 4th down decisions are sort of separate in how I think about the other things that setting affects.

3) Also, for some of the game plan sliders, would be great to break them out of 5+ settings instead of 3 (Conservative, normal, aggressive). For example, the tempo has five settings (very slow, slow, normal, fast, and very fast). But others like Focus and Attitude only have 3 different settings and would be nice to have a bit more control between the extremes of only dealing with 3 settings. More of a 5-8 "slider" type setting would be wonderful.

4) Probably more of a personal request with little others thinking the same way but would be nice to have the ability to adjust the projected draft order in the game (and the magazine preview rankings). Usually, the projected top ten guys are very close to what the top ten actual players are. Not many "busts" are projected in the top ten. This is by no means an issue and I fully understand this isn't a request everyone would use but IF the league wants, would be a nice OPTION to have less detail with the projected rounds (and/or just less accuracy - maybe have projected order "accuracy" tied to scouting accuracy setting?). Instead of top ten, 1st round, 1st-2nd round, 2nd round. Maybe one option is to let the league have projections that just say 1st round, 2nd round, 3rd round, etc. Or similar to the scouting accuracy setting, have a projection accuracy setting too (Same thing with the rookie guide in magazine accuracy). Another thought that'd be awesome is a way to import projected orders when importing new draft classes. Again, just a non-issue "wish list" preference/fog of war add that sort of goes along with the low scouting accuracy setting added in '22.

5) Fog of war - Any thought to having another option for the fog of war similar to the 1-20 scale? This option would use the 1-100 scale but rounds to increments of five. So basically the same concept of a 1-20 scale but if the actual rating is 77, it rounds to 75, etc. I like the concept of a 1-20 scale but feel like mentally I'll always be multiplying by five to think of what the rating is on the 1-100 scale since that is what I'm used to.
Long term would love the fog of war to be more team-based. The game shows a 77 rating but it has a % error (based on a setting) and your "scouted error" be all based on your team's scouting department skill, coach scout ratings, and/or scouting budget. So one team could think a player is 77 in a given ability but another could rate him as 81, etc. Maybe could have set team "preferences" (vertical pass, power run, etc) that skew how your scouting department views (rates) guys in addition to their scouting ability. But that's of course not relevant to '23s discussion.

6) If using the "Play" setting for counter-strategy. Any possibility it could work by letting you pick a general play and not a specific play? Most formations share plays and teams don't usually run one specific play often. Guess what I'm getting at is game planning vs "I-Formation OffTackle Left" isn't that helpful. Even if a team runs OffTackle a lot, they probably run that 'play' out of multiple formations or just run the play in opposite directions (OffTackle Left/Right). To me would be great to have the ability to gameplan against just "OffTackle Runs" if using the play option. Or "TE Deep Outs" as a 2nd example. And then your team will fair better when the other team runs any Offtackle play (or TE Deep Outs in 2nd example) play regardless of formation/direction. Guess it's sort of a split setting between play type (outside run or deep pass, etc) and specific play and helps a defense key in on a general play instead of just one out of 400+

7) maybe changed for DDS PF '23 but think one of the tiebreakers for standings is points scored? Would be great to change to point differential to reward defense here as much as offense (assuming this is still a tiebreaker)

8) On top of now added career-ending injuries, (while optional) would be great to add career-altering injuries. Or injuries that the player has a notable decrease in physical traits because of injury but doesn’t necessarily end their career. Should be somewhat rare but you see all time in football a player has a big injury and never be the same. Also would add more risk to long-term contracts (as it should be) creating more strategy / depth to the game. Also could be good to have the option to turn on/off career-ending/altering injuries with an extra option to turn on but without affecting QBs.

Just all personal observations/thoughts and zero need to address any of this. Thanks!
Last edited by zac on Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:23 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Initial Thoughts / Improvement Ideas on PF '23 (Not bugs

Postby zac » Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:43 am

updated 1st post to add numbers 7 & 8
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Re: Initial Thoughts / Improvement Ideas on PF '23 (Not bugs

Postby Sharkn20 » Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:24 am

I think this is the right place to put an example in defensive gameplan and benefits / risks of playing different packages and plays. this is taken from one of the best engines that I ever played to date. The DDSCF / DDSPF is becoming the main event of my free time as of late, and as a former defensive player and coach, that's the part of the game I enjoy the most, and in this version it would take a massive step forwards if real football concepts were applied.

I'm trying to upload the picture, but I have this message "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." Any ideas on how can I make this available to the developers? Maybe I shall post it in Slack?
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Re: Initial Thoughts / Improvement Ideas on PF '23 (Not bugs

Postby slybelle1 » Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:25 am

Sharkn20 wrote:I think this is the right place to put an example in defensive gameplan and benefits / risks of playing different packages and plays. this is taken from one of the best engines that I ever played to date. The DDSCF / DDSPF is becoming the main event of my free time as of late, and as a former defensive player and coach, that's the part of the game I enjoy the most, and in this version it would take a massive step forwards if real football concepts were applied.

I'm trying to upload the picture, but I have this message "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." Any ideas on how can I make this available to the developers? Maybe I shall post it in Slack?

Can post images in slack or use a free image hosting site like Imgur (what I use) to link images versus uploading in the forum.
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