Call to Action

Re: Call to Action

Postby PointGuard » Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:21 am

Yeah, good idea to eliminate the conf logo on the courts...just too much swithing around.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby NCAAhoops » Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:13 am

Added to the list in my first post.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby NCAAhoops » Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:35 am

Added to the list on first post - Courts will not include corporate sponsor logos as they tend to change with time. I will add arena names, court names or any other items that do not change with time very often.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby Haiku » Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:42 pm

NCAAhoops wrote:Courts will not include corporate sponsor logos as they tend to change with time. I will add arena names, court names or any other items that do not change with time very often.

That's very good idea. May I ask if you or anyone else is working on nba courts for PB2023?
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Re: Call to Action

Postby NCAAhoops » Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:19 am

I am only working on college courts as there will over 400 that need to be made which will take all of my time to finish by February. Not even sure I can get all of them done by then as the new angle of the view of the court really increases the time to make them, especially the angle of end court text and court logos.
I'm not aware if the NBA courts are being made by anyone as I only play college ball. If they are I'm sure they are like me trying to figure out how to attack the new style. I have been spending the last two weeks just trying grasp what can be done, test ideas and make a plan before starting which I hope to do next week. I would post your question in the DDSPB forum as I assume someone would eventually make them but may be like me needing time to grasp the angle required to make added graphics look correct on the court.
While modding the courts will take more time and require more skill I love the change and once the are made will be a great addition to this upgrade in the game.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby slybelle1 » Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:26 am

NCAAhoops wrote:I am only working on college courts as there will over 400 that need to be made which will take all of my time to finish by February. Not even sure I can get all of them done by then as the new angle of the view of the court really increases the time to make them, especially the angle of end court text and court logos.
I'm not aware if the NBA courts are being made by anyone as I only play college ball. If they are I'm sure they are like me trying to figure out how to attack the new style. I have been spending the last two weeks just trying grasp what can be done, test ideas and make a plan before starting which I hope to do next week. I would post your question in the DDSPB forum as I assume someone would eventually make them but may be like me needing time to grasp the angle required to make added graphics look correct on the court.
While modding the courts will take more time and require more skill I love the change and once the are made will be a great addition to this upgrade in the game.

I have been looking at the NBA stuff so I can include in the overall NBA real world mod, but as you stated struggling with how to really tackle it in a way that makes it easy to do. If you find an easy way, let me know:)
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Re: Call to Action

Postby Haiku » Wed Nov 23, 2022 8:44 pm

Thanks to both of you!
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Re: Call to Action

Postby NCAAhoops » Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:59 pm

Sly, So far the only template available is the NBA court so I had make changes to the template to reduce the lane lines plus the 3 point line is shorter otherwise the courts should be the same. At least I hope or I'll do a lot of unusable work. But there are so many courts needed for college I need to start now. Also moved the template from Photoshop to another paint program that I am more familiar and use for all the time thinking that would give me more speed but it hasn't.
Couple of things I have worked with so far.
Paint program has to do perspective angle rotation which I don't have a lot of experience with so I have been practicing with that, a lot!. Thought I could do one and get the angle documented then just apply that angle to everything but that has not worked for me so far. It seems if the size of the graphic changes the angle changes or maybe its me, or my paint program. I start with a logo that looks like the size is good and then the perspective changes the size and once I enlarge or reduce things start going wrong.
Same with the text as those sizes change for every team. End court text has been my biggest struggle to look right. I'm spending way too much time on it.
The last few days I tried making a flat court then using perspective to drop it in place. While that has shown some promise I still struggle with it and not 100% sure its the way I'll go. Haven't found the right size flat court to start with and when I resize the court once laid out in the template the perspective goes out of wack. Maybe if I can find the perfect size that will work but not holding my breath.
I had planned to get started this weekend but it's probably going to be another week while I experiment with the above ideas. I'm going to go back to Photoshop to see if the perspective will be any easier this weekend just in case it is my program causing some of my struggles. If not I'll forge ahead but was really hoping to have these done by First Release but if the above struggles slow me down on every court I'm not sure I can do that.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby slybelle1 » Wed Nov 23, 2022 11:28 pm

I played around a bit today and think I might have a path forward. I am using photoshop and creating a template, which so far have done everything but the court portion. But I think I have a way to handle the court as well. I plan to create a smart object that basically is your typical top down view of the court. Then can paste a court graphic that exists from the web or manually create. Then will skew the smart object for the new perspective. This way just need to do normal court stuff and the perspective will be automatic.

But like you, I have limited time at the moment so not sure when will be done.
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Re: Call to Action

Postby NCAAhoops » Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:38 am

Yes that what I was doing when I mentioned flat court above and then laying out the perspective of the whole court in the template. This way the graphics and text all don't have to be done separately. But I wasn't able to do that as quick as I like due to resizing the court once angled to fit properly but may be the best way to proceed. I'll play around some more this weekend and make a decision so I can move forward.
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